英语 中的 two 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 two 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 two 的说明。

英语 中的two 表示二 èr, 二,2 èr, 两个一组 liǎng gè yì zǔ, 两点,两点钟 liǎng diǎn, 两个,两根 liǎng gè, 两岁, 两个 liǎng gè, 二号,二日, 2号,2日, 两点 liǎng diǎn, 2点, 一鸟在手胜于二鸟在林 yì niǎo zài shǒu shèng yú èr niǎo zài lín, 犹豫不决 yóu yù bù jué, 感到矛盾, 感到伤心欲绝, 受到两种文化的冲击, 分成两半 fēn chéng liǎng bàn, 切成两半 qiē chéng liǎng bàn, 排便 pái biàn, 二垒安打, 双刃的, 有利有弊的,有双重效果的, 给两个(人)的 gěi liǎng gè ( rén ) de, 给…提供自己的看法, 自命清高的人, 一分为二 yì fēn wéi èr, 一个巴掌拍不响。, 一石二鸟 yì shí èr niǎo, 有所了解 yǒu suǒ liǎo jiě, 学到一点 xué dào yì diǎn, 长得一模一样, 第二号, 拉臭臭,拉粑粑, 连击两次, 双重影响, 连环出击 lián huán chū jī, 连续出击的组合拳 lián xù chū jī de zǔ hé quán, (依据事实)推理、推断 yī jù shì shí tuī lǐ tuī duàn, 二件套 èr jiàn tào, 一分两半 yì fēn liǎng bàn, 独立 dú lì, 笨得像榆木疙瘩, 笨得像木头, 二十二 èr shí èr, 二十二(个)的 èr shí èr gè de, 二十二岁的 èr shí èr suì de, 二十二人, 22号, 22号, 一报还一报 yí bào huán yí bào, 浅见, 不值一提 bù zhí yī tí, 在…前两天 zài qián liǎng tiān, 两天前 liǎng tiān qián, 两天的宽限期 liǎng tiān de kuān xiàn qī, 两打 liǎng dá, 两打的 liǎng dá de, 五分之二 wǔ fēn zhī èr, 二百的 èr bǎi de, 二百 èr bǎi, 下午两点 xià wǔ liǎng diǎn, 凌晨两点 líng chén liǎng diǎn, 同一类,同类 tóng lèi, 两张同花色, 看待事物的两种角度, 三分之二 sān fēn zhī èr, 两千的 liǎng qiān de, 两次 liǎng cì, 乘以二 chéng yǐ èr, 两周 liǎng zhōu, 蹩脚的,不重要的 bié jiǎo de,bú zhòng yào de, 宽四英寸厚二英寸的木材, 两院的,两院制的, 使用两幅牌的, 双层的, 二维的, 两面派的 liǎng miàn pài de, 彪悍的 biāo hàn de, 双手握拍的, 四分之二拍,二四拍 sì fēn zhī èr pāi,èr sì pāi, 用双手的, 双人的 shuāng rén de, 双手的, 双车道的,双线的, 两条腿的, 双桅船, 两党的 liǎng dǎng de, 两相的,双相的,二相的, 两件式的,两件套的, 两件式套装, 比基尼 bǐ jī ní, 双层的, 双管齐下的, 双座,两座, 两面的, 两星的, 两星级的, 低档含铅汽油, 两步舞, 两步舞曲, 跳两步舞, 两层的, 二冲程的,两冲程的, 二冲程发动机, 两层的, 对…不忠, 有过两次的, 怀有二心, 脚踩两只船的人, 不忠,脚踏两条船 bù zhōng, 不忠的,脚踏两条船的 bù zhōng de。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 two 的含义

二 èr

noun (cardinal number: 2) (基数词)

Multiply each number by two.

二,2 èr

noun (symbol for number 2) (表示二的符号)

He wrote a two in the box.

两个一组 liǎng gè yì zǔ

noun (people, things: set, group of 2)

These packs of shirts come in twos.

两点,两点钟 liǎng diǎn

noun (time: 2 o'clock)

Come back at 2 when I've finished my lunch.

两个,两根 liǎng gè

adjective (2 in number)

The doctor held up two fingers.


adjective (2 years of age)

Denise toilet-trained her son when he was two.

两个 liǎng gè

pronoun (people, things: 2 of them) (人、物)

I had a new key cut, then found the old one; now I've got two.


noun (US, written (second day of specified month) (日期)

The deadline is March 2.


noun (mainly UK, written (second day of specified month) (一个月的第二天)

We are going to a concert on 2 November.

两点 liǎng diǎn

noun (2 pips on a die) (骰子)

The backgammon player rolled a two.


noun (playing card: with 2 pips) (纸牌)

If you lay down a two, the other player misses a turn.

一鸟在手胜于二鸟在林 yì niǎo zài shǒu shèng yú èr niǎo zài lín

expression (Don't risk what you have.) (谚语)

I'm told I can do better if I keep looking for opportunities, but I'll stay at this job for now; after all, a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.

犹豫不决 yóu yù bù jué

expression (be undecided)


verbal expression (figurative (person: be conflicted) (人)

She was torn in two over having to decide which of her parents she would live with.


verbal expression (figurative (person: feel devastated) (人)

I was torn in two when she left me.


expression (pulled by two different cultures)

分成两半 fēn chéng liǎng bàn

transitive verb (slice into two parts)

The magician appeared to cut his beautiful assistant in two.

切成两半 qiē chéng liǎng bàn

verbal expression (split into halves)

I only have one but we'll divide it in two and share it.

排便 pái biàn

verbal expression (infantile (defecate)


noun (baseball) (棒球)

The batter hit a double.


adjective (with two cutting edges)


adjective (figurative (acting two ways)

给两个(人)的 gěi liǎng gè ( rén ) de

adverb (intended for two persons)

Would you like a table for two?


verbal expression (US, figurative (offer opinion)


noun (informal, pejorative (person: virtuous, well-behaved)

一分为二 yì fēn wéi èr

adverb (into halves)

He cut the orange in two and gave half to me.


expression (informal, figurative (Both people are responsible)

Sally insists that it is Joe's fault they broke up, but it takes two to tango.

一石二鸟 yì shí èr niǎo

verbal expression (informal, figurative (do 2 things at once)

I can stop by your house on the way to the grocery store, so I'll kill two birds with one stone.

有所了解 yǒu suǒ liǎo jiě

verbal expression (informal (be experienced in [sth])

After 20 years on the job, he knows a thing or two about construction.

学到一点 xué dào yì diǎn

verbal expression (informal (become knowledgeable)

Stick around and watch; you may learn a thing or two.


verbal expression (figurative (identical to one another)

The two little girls were as alike as two peas in a pod.


noun (cardinal numeral: 2)

Contestant number two, please step forward.


noun (euphemism (bowel movement, defecation) (儿语)

Good boy, Johnny! You went number two in the potty!


noun (boxing: two blows)

Joe knocked John down with a one-two punch to the head and stomach.


noun (US, figurative (double impact)

The one-two of the scandal in his private life and his failure to deliver on his main election promise ended the politician's career.

连环出击 lián huán chū jī

noun (US, figurative (double impact) (比喻)

连续出击的组合拳 lián xù chū jī de zǔ hé quán

noun (boxing: two blows) (拳击)

Joe knocked John down with a one-two punch to the head and stomach.

(依据事实)推理、推断 yī jù shì shí tuī lǐ tuī duàn

verbal expression (figurative, informal (deduce [sth]) (比喻,非正式用语)

I think you can figure out who sent you the Valentine's Day card: just put two and two together!

二件套 èr jiàn tào

noun (pair)

He bought a set of two candles in matching colors.

一分两半 yì fēn liǎng bàn

transitive verb (halve, divide in half)

If we split the cake in two, we can have half each.

独立 dú lì

verbal expression (be independent)


verbal expression (informal (lack intelligence)

The new employee is thick as a brick.


expression (UK, informal, pejorative (very stupid)

二十二 èr shí èr

noun (cardinal number: 22)

二十二(个)的 èr shí èr gè de

adjective (22 in number)

二十二岁的 èr shí èr suì de

adjective (22 years of age)


pronoun (people, things: 22 of them)


noun (US, written (twenty-second day of specified month)

I look forward to seeing you on August 22.


noun (mainly UK, written (twenty-second day of specified month)

My children's school breaks up for the summer on 22 July.

一报还一报 yí bào huán yí bào

expression (figurative (intention to retaliate)

Two can play that game; if John refuses to help me, then I can refuse to help him!


expression (opinion)

不值一提 bù zhí yī tí

expression (insignificant amount)

I wouldn't give two cents for their chances of success. // That guy would sell his own mother for two cents.

在…前两天 zài qián liǎng tiān

preposition (two days prior to)

Unfortunately, the hurricane struck two days before their wedding.

两天前 liǎng tiān qián

adverb (two days earlier)

I was waiting for her when she arrived, having got there two days before.

两天的宽限期 liǎng tiān de kuān xiàn qī

noun (allowance period of 2 days)

The electric company gave us two days grace to pay the bill before disconnecting our service.

两打 liǎng dá

noun (twenty-four, 24)

两打的 liǎng dá de

adjective (twenty-four, 24: of [sth])

There are two dozen hours in one day but we usually say twenty-four.

五分之二 wǔ fēn zhī èr

noun (40 per cent)

Over two fifths of the students in this school are having major difficulty in mathematics.

二百的 èr bǎi de

adjective (200 of [sth])

二百 èr bǎi

noun (group of 200)

下午两点 xià wǔ liǎng diǎn

noun (time: 2 P.M.)

Each day at about two o'clock I get sleepy.

凌晨两点 líng chén liǎng diǎn

noun (time: 2 A.M.)

同一类,同类 tóng lèi

plural noun (two similar people, things)

Anna and her sister are two of a kind.


noun (poker hand) (扑克牌)

Stan picked a card from the deck and the other players wondered if he had two of a kind.


plural noun (figurative (opposite but connected ideas)

三分之二 sān fēn zhī èr

plural noun (two parts out of three)

He ate two thirds of the pie.

两千的 liǎng qiān de

adjective (2000 of [sth])

两次 liǎng cì

adverb (twice)

We've circled the block two times now and still can't find her house.

乘以二 chéng yǐ èr

preposition (multiplied by two)

两周 liǎng zhōu

plural noun (period of 14 days, fortnight)

You should always give a notice of two weeks when you intend to leave a job.

蹩脚的,不重要的 bié jiǎo de,bú zhòng yào de

adjective (bad quality, insignificant)


noun (length of timber)


adjective (government system: two houses)


adjective (game: using two packs of cards)


noun as adjective (aircraft: two passenger decks)


adjective (having height and width only)

两面派的 liǎng miàn pài de

adjective (figurative (deceitful)

I learned the hard way how two-faced Paul is.

彪悍的 biāo hàn de

adjective (US, figurative (tough and aggressive)


adjective (racket sports: using two hands) (网球)

The player sent the ball back with a two-fisted backhand.

四分之二拍,二四拍 sì fēn zhī èr pāi,èr sì pāi

noun (music: time signature of 2/4) (音乐)


adjective (done using two hands)

双人的 shuāng rén de

adjective (involving two people)


adjective (having two hands)


adjective (road: having one lane in each direction)


adjective (having two legs)


noun (vessel with two masts)

两党的 liǎng dǎng de

adjective (political system: two main parties)


adjective (in two parts or steps)


adjective (garment: with two pieces) (服装)


noun (garment with two pieces)

比基尼 bǐ jī ní

noun (bikini, tankini)

She wore a two-piece swimsuit to the beach party.


adjective (having two layers, strands)


adjective (figurative (dual, having two parts)


noun (with two seats) (家具、车辆、飞机)


adjective (having two sides)


noun as adjective (of, being a major general) (军衔)


noun as adjective (hotel, etc.: rated two stars) (酒店等)


noun (UK, dated (low-grade leaded fuel)


noun (ballroom dance)


noun (music for two-step)


intransitive verb (dance the two-step)


noun as adjective (building: having two floors)


adjective (relating to certain engine type) (发动机类型)


noun (internal-combustion engine)


adjective (having two levels)


transitive verb (be unfaithful to [sb])


adjective (having done [sth] twice)


intransitive verb (be unfaithful)


noun (person unfaithful to partner)

不忠,脚踏两条船 bù zhōng

noun (action of being unfaithful)

不忠的,脚踏两条船的 bù zhōng de

adjective (who is unfaithful)

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英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。