英语 中的 bit 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 bit 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 bit 的说明。

英语 中的bit 表示一点儿,少许 yì diǎn er ,shǎo xǔ, 小块 xiǎo kuài, 一小段,一部分,一小节 yí bù fèn, (马)嚼子 mǎ jiáo zi, 钻头,镗刀 zuàn tóu ,táng dāo, 比特 bǐ tè, 咬住 yǎo zhù, 咬 yǎo, 一口食物 yì kǒu shí wù, 咬伤 yǎo shāng, 咬 yǎo, 叮咬 dīng yǎo, 咬饵,上钩 yǎo ěr,shàng gōu, 辛辣味 xīn là wèi, 刺痛的感觉 cì tòng de gǎn jué, 从总数中扣除的一部分钱 cóng zǒng shù zhōng kòu chú de yí bù fèn qián, 吃零食, 产生刺痛感 chǎn shēng cì tòng gǎn, 产生不良影响,不好,很糟糕 chǎn shēng bù liáng yǐng xiǎng,bù hǎo ,hěn zāo gāo, 腐蚀 fǔ shí, 一点儿 yì diǎn er, 有点儿 yǒu diǎn er, 有些太过分了, 有点混乱, 有点糟糕,有点艰难, 有点杂乱,不整洁, 有点厚 yǒu diǎn hòu, 有点笨 yǒu diǎn bèn, 有点胖, 有点薄 yǒu diǎn báo, (资源)有点缺乏 zī yuán yǒu diǎn quē fá, 有点太过… yǒu diǎn tài guò, 少量,一点 shǎo liàng ,yì diǎn, 有些 yǒu xiē, 一点一点地 yì diǎn yì diǎn de, 小角色 xiǎo jué sè, 小配角,小演员,跑龙套者 xiǎo pèi jiǎo,xiǎo yǎn yuán,pǎo lóng tào zhě, 不起眼的角色,无关紧要者 bù qǐ yǎn de jué sè,wú guān jǐn yào zhě, 位图 wèi tú, 不安地咬嚼子 bù ān de yǎo jiáo zi, 迫不及待要做某事,急于去做 pò bù jí dài yào zuò mǒu shì, 迫不及待地要做..., 急不可耐地要做..., 干好分内的事 gàn hǎo fèn nèi de shì, 工兵铲 gōng bīng chǎn, 与…完全一样的, 一会儿 yí huì er, 过一小会儿 guò yì xiǎo huì er, 很快 hěn kuài, 只是有一点点 zhǐ shì yǒu yì diǎn diǎn, 就一点点, 额外的努力, 一点也不 yì diǎn yě bù, 量子比特, 量子位, 相当多 xiāng dāng duō, 相当长 xiāng dāng cháng, 荒唐的 huāng táng de, 夸张 kuā zhāng, 微量 wēi liàng, 一点儿 yì diǎn er, 蹩脚的,不重要的 bié jiǎo de,bú zhòng yào de, 一点点 yì diǎn dian, 一点儿 yì diǎn er, 有点, 略微。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 bit 的含义

一点儿,少许 yì diǎn er ,shǎo xǔ

noun (small amount)

I added a bit of cinnamon to the recipe.

小块 xiǎo kuài

noun (piece)

There are bits of crackers at the bottom of the bag.

一小段,一部分,一小节 yí bù fèn

noun (part, section: of text, show, etc.) (文本、节目等)

The comedy bit about the elevator was really funny.

(马)嚼子 mǎ jiáo zi

noun (horse: bridle mouthpiece)

The rider saddled up the horse and put the bit in its mouth.

钻头,镗刀 zuàn tóu ,táng dāo

noun (machinery: drilling tool) (机械)

You need to use a five-millimetre bit to drill this hole.

比特 bǐ tè

noun (computing: binary digit) (电脑的基本数据单位)

There are eight bits in a byte.

咬住 yǎo zhù

transitive verb (clamp teeth onto)

The snapping turtle bit the dog's tail and wouldn't let go.

咬 yǎo

transitive verb (cut with teeth)

You have to bite the apple hard to get through the peel.

一口食物 yì kǒu shí wù

noun (mouthful)

Take a bite. You might like the taste of it.

咬伤 yǎo shāng

noun (wound made by biting)

You could see the mark the dog's bite made on his leg.

咬 yǎo

noun (act of biting)

Watch the TV! The shark's bite breaks the surfboard.

叮咬 dīng yǎo

noun (sting) (蚊子等)

The mosquito bite really stung.

咬饵,上钩 yǎo ěr,shàng gōu

noun (angling: fish on the hook) (钓鱼)

I was out there all day and didn't get a bite from a single fish.

辛辣味 xīn là wèi

noun (informal, figurative (spicy taste)

Are there peppers in this stew? It really has a strong bite.

刺痛的感觉 cì tòng de gǎn jué

noun (figurative (stinging effect) (寒风)

You can really feel the bite of the wind in winter.

从总数中扣除的一部分钱 cóng zǒng shù zhōng kòu chú de yí bù fèn qián

noun (slang, figurative ([sth] taken)

Taxes took a big bite out of his salary.


noun (informal (snack) (非正式用语)

I was too busy to take a proper lunch break, so I only had time for a bite.

产生刺痛感 chǎn shēng cì tòng gǎn

intransitive verb (informal (sting) (非正式用语)

Antiseptic on an open cut really bites.

产生不良影响,不好,很糟糕 chǎn shēng bù liáng yǐng xiǎng,bù hǎo ,hěn zāo gāo

intransitive verb (mainly US, slang (be really bad)

You have to repeat a grade? That bites!

腐蚀 fǔ shí

(acid: corrode) (酸等)

The acid bites into the metal, etching a pattern.

一点儿 yì diǎn er

adverb (UK, informal (a little)

Run around a bit and you'll soon warm up.

有点儿 yǒu diǎn er

adverb (UK, informal (slightly)

It's a bit cold in here!


expression (excessive, intolerable)


noun (UK, informal (chaotic)

His love life's a bit of a mess.


noun (informal (difficult situation)

To say that the economy is in a bit of a mess is putting it mildly.


noun (informal (place: untidy)

My house is a bit of a mess, but please come in.

有点厚 yǒu diǎn hòu

adjective (substance: not runny) (口语)

The gravy seems a bit thick; I can stand a spoon in it!

有点笨 yǒu diǎn bèn

adjective (UK, figurative, pejorative, slang (person: not intelligent)

He's a bit thick, but really nice all the same.


adjective (informal (person, physique: not thin)

He's a bit thick through the waist.

有点薄 yǒu diǎn báo

adjective (substance: too runny) (口语)

The gravy seems a bit thin, so I think I'll add some more flour to thicken it up.

(资源)有点缺乏 zī yuán yǒu diǎn quē fá

adjective (informal, figurative (resources: limited)

My budget is a bit thin, so I won't be going to Africa this year.

有点太过… yǒu diǎn tài guò

adverb (informal (overly) (口语)

His hair was a bit too long for me. // She seemed a bit too calm; something must be wrong.

少量,一点 shǎo liàng ,yì diǎn

noun (informal (small amount)

There wasn't enough salt in the soup so I added a little bit. Could I please have a little bit of cheese?

有些 yǒu xiē

adverb (informal (slightly)

I'm just a little bit dizzy. It was a little bit cheeky of me to ask … but I asked anyway.

一点一点地 yì diǎn yì diǎn de

adverb (informal (gradually)

小角色 xiǎo jué sè

noun (acting: small role) (表演)

I got a bit part in the play. I only have two lines.

小配角,小演员,跑龙套者 xiǎo pèi jiǎo,xiǎo yǎn yuán,pǎo lóng tào zhě

noun (actor: in small roles)

Early in his career, the actor was a bit player in various minor films.

不起眼的角色,无关紧要者 bù qǐ yǎn de jué sè,wú guān jǐn yào zhě

noun (figurative (person: insignificant)

Joe is merely a bit player in the organization; he doesn't really have much power.

位图 wèi tú

noun (digital image format)

不安地咬嚼子 bù ān de yǎo jiáo zi

verbal expression (horse: chew restraint) (马)

The horse was impatient for the race to start and visibly champing at the bit.

迫不及待要做某事,急于去做 pò bù jí dài yào zuò mǒu shì

verbal expression (figurative (person: be impatient)

迫不及待地要做..., 急不可耐地要做...

verbal expression (figurative (person: be impatient)

I'm champing at the bit to go on my vacation.

干好分内的事 gàn hǎo fèn nèi de shì

verbal expression (informal (contribute)

During the war, everyone felt that they had to do their bit for the country.

工兵铲 gōng bīng chǎn

noun (tool: bores holes)

If your drill bit is not sharp, it will take longer to make the hole.


adjective (informal (equally, just as)

一会儿 yí huì er

adverb (informal (for a short while)

过一小会儿 guò yì xiǎo huì er

adverb (UK, informal (a short while from now) (非正式用语)

I'm eating dinner now but I'll call you back in a bit.

很快 hěn kuài

adverb (informal (soon)

Please set the table because dinner will be ready in a little bit.

只是有一点点 zhǐ shì yǒu yì diǎn diǎn

adverb (informal (slightly)

He has seemed to move just a bit to the left.


noun (informal (a small amount)

Please, just give me a bit of sugar.


noun (informal (additional effort)

He always puts in that little extra in order to make his projects a success.

一点也不 yì diǎn yě bù

adverb (informal (not at all)

Am I bothered about missing the show? Not a bit. I'm not a bit worried about this exam because I've revised really hard for it.


noun (quantum unit)


noun (quantum bit)

相当多 xiāng dāng duō

noun (a considerable amount) (金钱等)

"How much rice do you think I should cook?" "You'll need quite a bit for six people."

相当长 xiāng dāng cháng

adverb (a considerable length of time) (指时间)

I've been jogging quite a bit recently.

荒唐的 huāng táng de

adjective (informal, figurative (ironic)

That's a bit rich, coming from you!

夸张 kuā zhāng

noun (informal, figurative (exaggeration)

It's a bit of a stretch to call her a teacher. She helps out in the classroom occasionally, that's all.

微量 wēi liàng

adverb (little, very slightly)

This version is just that tiny bit better than the first, but you still need to revise it. I was a tiny bit sad to say goodbye to my friends, but excited about the adventure I was embarking upon.

一点儿 yì diǎn er

noun (very small amount)

There's a tiny bit of milk left in the bottle. That tiny bit of cake will never satisfy Tania's appetite.

蹩脚的,不重要的 bié jiǎo de,bú zhòng yào de

adjective (bad quality, insignificant)

一点点 yì diǎn dian

noun (UK, informal (little, slight amount)

I really shouldn't have any cake, but I'll just nibble this wee bit.

一点儿 yì diǎn er

noun (UK, informal (small amount)

I'm not much of a drinker but I'll have just a wee bit of whisky.

有点, 略微

adverb (UK, informal (little, slightly)

Mexican food is a wee bit spicier than I'm used to.

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英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。