英语 中的 second 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 second 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 second 的说明。

英语 中的second 表示秒 miǎo, 一下 yí xià, 第二个的 dì èr gè de, 排名第二的,第二名的, 第二名地, 第二 dì èr, 二世, 二号,二日, 2号,2日, 替补的 tì bǔ de, 第二声部的 dì èr shēng bù de, 另一的 lìng yī de, 第二 dì èr, 助手 zhù shǒu, 第二档 dì èr dàng, 二垒 èr lěi, 二垒位置 èr lěi wèi zhì, 二度音程 èr dù yīn chéng, 秒 miǎo, 第二交响曲, 第二份, 再一份, 残次品,尾货, 支持 zhī chí, 支持, 赞同, 附议, 调任 diào rèn, 基督降临 jī dū jiàng lín, 作为第二语言的英语, 非母语英语教学, 再次考虑 zài cì kǎo lǜ, 三思 sān sī, 一眨眼的工夫,没到一秒钟 yì zhǎ yǎn de gōng fū,méi dào yì miǎo zhōng, 再来一份 zài lái yí fèn, 再思 zài sī, 重新考虑..., 一会 yí huì, 第二 dì èr, 第二 dì èr, 当...的副手, 二垒 èr lěi, 摸到胸部, 第二好的 dì èr hǎo de, 第二好 dì èr hǎo, 第二好地 dì èr hǎo de, 下议院 xià yì yuàn, 第二次机会 dì èr cì jī huì, 老年的智力衰退时期,第二童年期 lǎo nián de zhì lì shuāi tuì shí qī,dì èr tóng nián qī, 二等的 èr děng de, 二流的 èr liú de, 第二道菜, 第二代堂兄妹, 侄子 zhí zi, 堂叔,表叔, 第二版 dì èr bǎn, 第二小提琴部 dì èr xiǎo tí qín bù, 二楼 èr lóu, 二楼的, 三楼 sān lóu, 第三层的, 12至13岁的学生, 二年级 èr nián jí, 秒针, 间接地 jiàn jiē de, 第二份,又一份 dì èr fèn, 第二居所, 副手 fù shǒu, 第二职业 dì èr zhí yè, 第二语言, 正式用语 zhèng shì yòng yǔ, 少尉 shào wèi, 再看一看 zài kàn yī kàn, 二副 èr fù, 中间名, 第二天性 dì èr tiān xìng, 再次犯罪 zài cì fàn zuì, 第二意见 dì èr yì jiàn, 第二人称, 第二人称的, 第二名 dì èr míng, 透视 tòu shì, 重新考虑 chóng xīn kǎo lǜ, 质疑,犹疑 zhì yí, 思索,考虑 sī suǒ,kǎo lǜ, 倒数第二个地, 倒数第二个的, 最好的 zuì hǎo de, 重振精神 chóng zhèn jīng shén, 第二次世界大战 dì èr cì shì jiè dà zhàn, 事后批评, 预测...的行动,推测...的意图, 怀疑自己,自我怀疑, 副指挥 fù zhǐ huī, 副主管, 二流的 èr liú de, 替补的,候补的,后备的 tì bǔ de ,hòu bǔ de ,hòu bèi de, 排名第二的, 二流的,劣等的 èr liú de,liè děng de, 旧的 jiù de, 间接的 jiàn jiē de, 二手地, 间接得来地,二手地, 二手衣服 èr shǒu yī fú, 二手服装 èr shǒu fú zhuāng, 二手烟 èr shǒu yān, 吸入二手烟的, 一瞬间 yí shùn jiān, 再看一眼 zài kàn yì yǎn, 作为第二语言的英语教学, 这一刻 zhè yī kè, 第二十二的, 第二十二, 二十二号, 二十二号, 稍等片刻 shāo děng piàn kè。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 second 的含义

秒 miǎo

noun (time: 60th of a minute) (时间单位)

A minute lasts sixty seconds.

一下 yí xià

noun (instant, brief moment)

He only looked away for a second.

第二个的 dì èr gè de

adjective (2nd in a series or list)

This is the second leg of our trip.


adjective (in race, competition: placed 2nd) (在比赛中)

My sister won the race, and I was second.


adverb (race, competition: in 2nd place)

Our team came in second. Jane was first, and Claire arrived second.

第二 dì èr

noun (in a series, list: 2nd item, person) (次序、顺序)

Your seat is the second on the left.


noun (2nd monarch with specified name) (君主)

Charles II was King of England from 1660 to 1685.


noun (second day of the month) (日期)

We will celebrate New Year's Day at home and then visit my parents on the second.


noun (UK (second day of specified month) (一个月的第二天)

My brother is getting married on the second of May.

替补的 tì bǔ de

adjective (alternate)

The blue is my second choice. Is there a second option?

第二声部的 dì èr shēng bù de

adjective (music: voice or instrument) (音乐)

The second violins played out of tune.

另一的 lìng yī de

adjective (another)

I'll have a second cup of tea, please.

第二 dì èr

adverb (secondly: introducing second point)

First, he can't afford a car. Second, he can't drive.

助手 zhù shǒu

noun (boxer's assistant) (拳击赛)

The boxer's second threw in the towel.

第二档 dì èr dàng

noun (2nd automobile gear) (机动车)

On a hill, shift into second.

二垒 èr lěi

noun (baseball: base) (棒球)

The runner stole second.

二垒位置 èr lěi wèi zhì

noun (baseball: position) (棒球)

二度音程 èr dù yīn chéng

noun (musical interval) (音乐)

The next chord change is a second.

秒 miǎo

noun (angle: 60th part of a minute) (角度单位)

The coordinates are thirty degrees, two minutes and ten seconds north.


noun (music: 2nd symphony, etc.)

Beethoven's Second was written in the key of D major.

第二份, 再一份

plural noun (another helping of food) (食物)

There's more lasagne. Would anyone like seconds?


plural noun (remaindered clothing) (商品)

I know a store that sells seconds for a very good price.

支持 zhī chí

transitive verb (assist, support)

Jason wants to second his friend in the match.

支持, 赞同, 附议

transitive verb (support, agree with) (议会)

One of the peers has to second the motion.

调任 diào rèn

transitive verb (UK (military: transfer) (军事)

He was seconded to Guam for four years.

基督降临 jī dū jiàng lín

noun (religion: coming of Christ) (宗教)

The idea of Advent was developed long after Jesus lived.


noun (school subject)

Louise has a diploma in teaching English as a Second Language.


noun (initialism (English as a Second Language) (缩写)

再次考虑 zài cì kǎo lǜ

verbal expression (informal (consideration)

Most people don't give a second thought to the problems of the homeless.

三思 sān sī

verbal expression (informal (rethink)

He dropped what he was doing and went to her without giving it a second thought.

一眨眼的工夫,没到一秒钟 yì zhǎ yǎn de gōng fū,méi dào yì miǎo zhōng

noun (figurative (a very brief time) (比喻)

Hold on, I'll be with you in half a second!

再来一份 zài lái yí fèn

verbal expression (receive additional serving of [sth])

That pudding was delicious. Can I have another helping, please?

再思 zài sī

verbal expression (reconsider)

Oliver was originally very keen to join the army, but now he is having second thoughts.


verbal expression (reconsider [sth])

Denise was having second thoughts about getting married to Mick.

一会 yí huì

adverb (a short while from now)

I'll get around to it in a second.

第二 dì èr

adverb (secondly)

In the first instance, the project would be expensive, and in the second instance, we do not have the equipment.

第二 dì èr

adverb (secondly)

In the first place, flying is expensive, and in the second place, the airport is a long distance away.


verbal expression (figurative (be considered less important)

She always played second fiddle to her talented older sister.

二垒 èr lěi

noun (baseball: first corner) (棒球术语)

The batter was able to reach second base safely.


noun (US, slang, euphemism (fondling [sb]'s breasts) (亲密关系进展)

How long did it take for you to reach second base with your girlfriend?

第二好的 dì èr hǎo de

adjective (next to best)

The runner recorded his second-best time this year for the marathon.

第二好 dì èr hǎo

noun (pejorative (not quite good enough) (轻蔑语)

Margot did not want to put up with second best for her wedding dress.

第二好地 dì èr hǎo de

adverb (in second position)

Alan fared second best in the tennis match.

下议院 xià yì yuàn

noun (UK (law: parliament's lower house)

The House of Lords is the second chamber of the UK Parliament.

第二次机会 dì èr cì jī huì

noun (further opportunity)

Any student who fails the test has a second chance to do it again a few weeks later.

老年的智力衰退时期,第二童年期 lǎo nián de zhì lì shuāi tuì shí qī,dì èr tóng nián qī

noun (figurative (old age, senility) (比喻)

Grandpa seems to be going through a second childhood.

二等的 èr děng de

adjective (travel: standard or economy) (交通工具的座位)

I bought a second-class ticket because it was a lot cheaper.

二流的 èr liú de

adjective (figurative (inferior, less important)

Even today women are still treated as second-class citizens in many countries.


noun (second part of meal)


noun (child of your parent's cousin) (指父母表兄妹、堂兄妹的孩子)

My second cousin is very dear to me.

侄子 zhí zi

noun (colloquial (child of your cousin) (表兄妹、堂兄妹的孩子)

My mother's second cousin has moved out of state.


noun (colloquial (your parent's cousin)

第二版 dì èr bǎn

noun (revised printing)

The author made some changes to the second edition of the book.

第二小提琴部 dì èr xiǎo tí qín bù

noun (figurative (less important status) (音乐)

The Vice President will always play second fiddle to the President.

二楼 èr lóu

noun (US (storey above ground level)

The fire was on the second floor of the building.


noun as adjective (US (at storey above ground level)

三楼 sān lóu

noun (UK (third storey of a building)

My offices are on the second floor.


noun as adjective (UK (on the third storey)


noun (UK, dated (student: 12-13)

二年级 èr nián jí

noun (US (school year: age 7-8)

In the U.S. children are typically about 7 years old when they enter second grade.


noun (clock, watch: counts seconds)

间接地 jiàn jiē de

adverb (indirectly)

She wasn't there. She heard about it at second hand.

第二份,又一份 dì èr fèn

noun (food: another serving) (食物)

I was so hungry, I had a second helping of stew.


noun (house owned as secondary residence)

The family has a second home in a small village in the countryside.

副手 fù shǒu

adjective (just below person in charge)

第二职业 dì èr zhí yè

noun (for additional income)

Evelyn took a second job as a cleaner to pay all her bills.


noun (non-native language)

正式用语 zhèng shì yòng yǔ

noun (language used in official setting)

少尉 shào wèi

noun (rank of military officer) (军官)

The second lieutenant often got the worst jobs because of his low rank.

再看一看 zài kàn yī kàn

noun (informal (further attention)

At first I thought the student's essay was hopeless, but a second look revealed some promising passages.

二副 èr fù

noun (naval deputy) (海军)

The captain relied heavily on his second mate's expertise to navigate them through the reef.


noun (middle name)

Paul's second name is Ian.

第二天性 dì èr tiān xìng

noun ([sth] instinctive)

Driving quickly becomes second nature once you've passed your test.

再次犯罪 zài cì fàn zuì

noun (further crime committed)

The punishment for a crime is harsher for a second offence.

第二意见 dì èr yì jiàn

noun (view of another expert) (由另一位专家提出的)

I'm sure you're right, doctor, but I'd still like a second opinion before undergoing surgery.


noun (grammar: you)

The ending of the verb tells you that it is in the second person.


noun as adjective (narrative: in the second person)

The author uses a second-person narrative in this story.

第二名 dì èr míng

noun (runner-up position) (指比赛)

Ruth was in second place in the competition.

透视 tòu shì


重新考虑 chóng xīn kǎo lǜ

interjection (informal (change of mind)

I need to speak to the kids about this; on second thoughts, perhaps I'll wait until my husband gets home.

质疑,犹疑 zhì yí

plural noun (regrets, doubts)

Gary is having second thoughts about joining the army.

思索,考虑 sī suǒ,kǎo lǜ

noun (hesitation, consideration)

She accepted the job without a second thought.


adverb (in penultimate position)

Steve finished second to last in the race.


adjective (penultimate)

The second-to-last item on the agenda is recycling.

最好的 zuì hǎo de

adjective (the best)

He's a brilliant footballer: his passing ability is second to none.

重振精神 chóng zhèn jīng shén

noun (informal, figurative (fresh burst of energy)

Now everyone has their second wind, let's get back to work!

第二次世界大战 dì èr cì shì jiè dà zhàn

noun (international conflict of 1939-1945)

The Second World War began on 3rd September 1939.


transitive verb (mainly US (criticize after the fact)


transitive verb (anticipate the actions or intentions of)


transitive verb and reflexive pronoun (doubt yourself)

副指挥 fù zhǐ huī

noun (military: deputy)

He was second in command after the commander in chief.


noun (responsible if boss absent)

The second-in-command was in charge while the boss was away on a business trip.

二流的 èr liú de

adjective (pejorative (not the best, inferior)

The film was second rate; the acting was poor and the special effects were not convincing.

替补的,候补的,后备的 tì bǔ de ,hòu bǔ de ,hòu bèi de

noun as adjective (figurative (sport: substitute)


noun as adjective (figurative (sport: second-ranked)

二流的,劣等的 èr liú de,liè děng de

noun as adjective (figurative (second-rate, inferior)

旧的 jiù de

adjective (previously owned, used)

Iris loves to shop at secondhand book stores.

间接的 jiàn jiē de

adjective (indirect)

I only know some secondhand gossip, but I'll give you the gist of what I've heard.


adverb (from previous owner)

Mason's suit looks new, but he bought it secondhand.


adverb (by indirect means) (消息、信息等)

I can't be sure the rumour is true, as I heard it secondhand.

二手衣服 èr shǒu yī fú

plural noun (used clothing)

I buy second-hand clothes in charity shops; you can get great bargains there.

二手服装 èr shǒu fú zhuāng

noun (previously-owned clothes)

二手烟 èr shǒu yān

noun (involuntarily inhaled smoke)

Second-hand smoke can cause respiratory problems in non-smokers.


adjective (slang (from [sb] else's drug-smoking)

The air was thick with cannabis smoke, and everyone was second-hand stoned.

一瞬间 yí shùn jiān

noun (figurative (briefest moment)

I thought you were someone else then for a split second.

再看一眼 zài kàn yì yǎn

verbal expression (informal (re-examine)

Let's take a second look: we may have missed some important clues.


noun (initialism (Teaching English as a Second Language)

这一刻 zhè yī kè

adverb (informal, figurative (immediately, now)

Put down that candy this second! I want you to come here this second.


adjective (22nd in a series or list)

Jenkins is in twenty-second place in the list of the club's most successful players.


noun (in a series, list: 22nd item, person)


noun (twenty-second day of the month)


noun (UK (twenty-second day of specified month)

The agreement was signed on the twenty-second of January 1982.

稍等片刻 shāo děng piàn kè

interjection (informal (wait for a moment)

Just wait a second; I'm almost ready now.

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你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。