What does yfirlit in Icelandic mean?

What is the meaning of the word yfirlit in Icelandic? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use yfirlit in Icelandic.

The word yfirlit in Icelandic means summary, overview, brief, Overview. To learn more, please see the details below.

Listen to pronunciation

Meaning of the word yfirlit



Ræðan á ekki aðeins að vera yfirlit yfir úthlutað efni eða samantekt á því.
Your talk is not meant to be simply a summary of assigned material.



Notið ritið til að veita honum yfirlit yfir prestdæmisskyldur hans.
Use the book to give him an overview of his priesthood duties.



Hér á eftir er stutt yfirlit yfir núverandi innihald bókarinnar:
Following is a brief introduction to the present contents:


(The main pages in Microsoft Office Live where subscribers can view and access their services as well as statistics regarding their accounts.)

Fjárlög ECDC 2009 - Yfirlit yfir breytingar ( 71 kB )
ECDC Annual Budget 2009 - Overview of ammendments ( 71 kB )

See more examples

10 Stutt yfirlit okkar yfir tjáskipti Guðs við mennina sýnir fram á að Jehóva tekur mið af þörfum og aðstæðum fólks þegar hann talar til þess.
10 Our brief review of God’s communication with humans teaches us that Jehovah communicates according to need and circumstances.
Ítarlegt yfirlit yfir spádóminn er að finna í Varðturninum 1. júlí 1994, bls. 14 og 15.
For a detailed outline of this prophecy, please see the chart on pages 14, 15 of The Watchtower of February 15, 1994.
Í Insight on the Scriptures, 1. bindi, bls. 268, 270-71, er að finna ítarlegt yfirlit yfir það hvernig eiginleikar dýra eru notaðir í táknrænni merkingu í Biblíunni. Bókin er gefin út af Vottum Jehóva.
For a more comprehensive list of the Bible’s figurative use of animal traits, see Insight on the Scriptures, Volume 1, pages 268, 270-1, published by Jehovah’s Witnesses.
- Útbúa yfirlit yfir þær ógnir sem tengjast smitsjúkdómum sem fylgst var með á árinu 2007, flokka þær og leggja áherslu á þau atriði sem mestu máli skipta
- provide a summary of the threats related to communicable diseases which were monitored in 2007, categorize them, pinpoint major issues
YFIRLIT: Notaðu breytilegan raddstyrk, tónhæð og hraða til að koma hugmyndum skýrt til skila og hreyfa við tilfinningum fólks.
SUMMARY: Convey ideas clearly and stir emotion by varying your volume, pitch, and pace.
10 mín.: Yfirlit yfir dreifingarátakið.
10 min: Report on Our Special Campaign.
Smelltu hér til að búa til yfirlit leitarinnar
Click this button to generate the index for the fulltext search
Prýðilegt yfirlit yfir heimspeki endurreisnartímans er að finna í Copenhaver (1992).
E Bonus track on the Japanese edition of Time Takes Time (1992).
Minnis upplýsingar Þessi skjár sýnir minnisnotkun kerfisins. Gildin eru uppfærð reglulega og gefa þér yfirlit yfir notkun raun-og sýndar-minnis
Memory Information This display shows you the current memory usage of your system. The values are updated on a regular basis and give you an overview of the physical and virtual used memory
Mappan `% # ' hefur breyst. Bý til nýtt yfirlit
Folder ` %# ' changed; recreating index
Og muniđ ađ drottningin kemur í yfirlit í kvöld.
And don't forget about the Queen's review tonight.
YFIRLIT: Hjálpaðu áheyrendum þínum að skilja hvernig efnið snertir líf þeirra og sýndu þeim hvernig þeir geti nýtt sér það sem þeir læra.
SUMMARY: Help your listeners to understand how your subject affects their lives, and show them what to do with what they learn.
Endurbyggja & yfirlit
Rebuild & index
Hvernig hjálpar yfirlit yfir 12. kafla Daníelsbókar okkur að bera óyggjandi kennsl á smurða þjóna Jehóva?
How does an overview of Daniel chapter 12 help us to make a conclusive identification of Jehovah’s anointed ones?
Notið ritið til að veita honum yfirlit yfir prestdæmisskyldur hans.
Use the book to give him an overview of his priesthood duties.
Yfirlit yfir Inhuman Rampage á opinberri vefsíðu DragonForce.
Inhuman Rampage on the official DragonForce website.
YFIRLIT: Talaðu á eðlilegan og einlægan hátt sem endurspeglar viðhorf þitt til umræðuefnisins og áheyrenda þinna.
SUMMARY: Speak in a natural, sincere way that conveys how you feel about the topic and your listeners.
Kennarar í Bandaríkjunum kvarta undan því að enda þótt nemendur fái góðar einkunnir í prófum geti margir ekki skrifað góða ritgerð, ráðið fram úr stærðfræðiverkefni eða tekið saman yfirlit yfir aðalatriði kennslustundar eða greinar.
In the United States, teachers complain that although pupils score well in tests, many remain unable to write a good essay, solve math problems, or prepare a summary of essential points of various lessons or documents.
Yfirlit yfir sérstaka daga
Special Dates
Yfirlit yfir væntanlegar breytingar af álfinum
Summary of changes to be made by this wizard
Tekið var saman yfirlit yfir helstu menningarheima sem voru uppi fyrir tíma iðnbyltingarinnar.
This implied an association between high culture and the upper classes whose inherited wealth provided such time for intellectual cultivation.
Yfirlit sérstakra dagaComment
Special Dates Summary
Hér er um að ræða dæmi eingöngu, ekki tæmandi yfirlit.
This list gives a sampling of events; it is not complete.
Ræðan á ekki aðeins að vera yfirlit yfir úthlutað efni eða samantekt á því.
Your talk is not meant to be simply a summary of assigned material.
Tókst ekki að hlaupa yfir NR spólu. Smíða ekki yfirlit
Failed to skip tape ID. Indexing aborted

Let's learn Icelandic

So now that you know more about the meaning of yfirlit in Icelandic, you can learn how to use them through selected examples and how to read them. And remember to learn the related words that we suggest. Our website is constantly updating with new words and new examples so you can look up the meanings of other words you don't know in Icelandic.

Do you know about Icelandic

Icelandic is a Germanic language and the official language of Iceland. It is an Indo-European language, belonging to the North Germanic branch of the Germanic language group. The majority of Icelandic speakers live in Iceland, about 320,000. More than 8,000 native Icelandic speakers live in Denmark. The language is also spoken by about 5,000 people in the United States and by more than 1,400 people in Canada. Although 97% of Iceland's population considers Icelandic as their mother tongue, the number of speakers is declining in communities outside Iceland, especially Canada.