What does utan in Icelandic mean?
What is the meaning of the word utan in Icelandic? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use utan in Icelandic.
The word utan in Icelandic means outside, without, abroad. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word utan
outsidenoun Eru aðrir alheimar utan okkar eigin? Are there other universes outside our own? |
withoutadverb 5 Og kvöld var komið, og ég fékk þá til að fela sig utan múranna. 5 And it was by night; and I caused that they should hide themselves without the walls. |
abroadadverb Nánari upplýsingar er hægt að fá með því að snúa sér beint til faraldsfræðinga eða heilbrigðisyfirvalda í og utan ESB. Additional information is gathered through direct contact with epidemiologists and health authorities in EU and abroad. |
See more examples
(Jóhannes 8:12-59) Hann dvelst utan Jerúsalem og hefur kröftuga boðunarherferð í Júdeu. (John 8:12-59) Staying outside of Jerusalem, Jesus launches an intensive witnessing campaign in Judea. |
10 Í Kaupmannahöfn hefur lítill hópur boðbera borið vitni á götunum fyrir utan járnbrautarstöðvar. 10 In Copenhagen, Denmark, a small group of publishers have been witnessing in the streets outside railway stations. |
7 Stundaskrá er nauðsynleg: Finnst þér enn utan seilingar að geta starfað 70 klukkustundir á mánuði? 7 A Schedule Is Needed: Does 70 hours of field service a month still seem a little out of reach for you? |
Eftir að systir ein hafði hjálpað til á alþjóðlegu móti sagði hún: „Fyrir utan fjölskyldu mína og nokkra vini þekkti ég ekki marga á staðnum. After helping to assist at an international convention, one sister remarked: “Except for my family and a handful of friends, I didn’t know many there. |
Hvađ annađ fyrir utan peningana? But what else besides the money? |
Fyrir utan ađ búnađurinn sjálfur er margbrotinn. Plus the devices themselves are complicated. |
Hátterni hans ógnaði hreinleika safnaðarins og hneykslaði meira að segja fólk utan safnaðarins. His conduct threatened the purity of the congregation and was a scandal even among nonbelievers. |
Hugsanlega mætti skilja boðsmiða eftir þar sem fólk er ekki heima. Gætið þess að láta miðann í póstkassann eða lúguna svo að ekki sjáist í hann utan frá. It may be that handbills can be left at not-at-homes, provided that care is taken to put them under the door so that they are completely out of sight. |
Lycanar á vakt utan múranna? Lycans patrol outside the walls? |
* Deilið fagnaðarerindinu með fjölskyldu ykkar, ættingjum eða vinum, sem eru utan kirkjunnar eða lítt virkir. * Share the gospel with nonmember or less-active family members or friends. |
Innan tíu mínútna eiga allirmenn í #. deild aö vera utan viö klefana In ten minutes, we expect all men in shop period # to meet outside cellblock |
En þegar hún fékk að vita að Kenneth og Filomena voru fyrir utan kom hún til dyra og bauð þeim inn. However, as soon as she realized that Kenneth and Filomena were there, she came to the door and invited them in. |
Kor. 15:32) Þeir sem aðhyllast hin hefðbundnu trúarbrögð, bæði innan kristna heimsins og utan, halda sig hafa ódauðlega sál sem gerir upprisu óparfa. 15:32) Those who adhere to traditional religions, both inside Christendom and outside, think they have an immortal soul, which would make resurrection unnecessary. |
12 Það kemur kannski ekki á óvart þegar svona vandamál koma upp utan kristna safnaðarins. 12 It might not surprise us when such problems develop with someone outside the Christian congregation. |
Þá er friður okkar augljós jafnvel þeim sem fyrir utan standa. At such times our peace is evident even to outsiders. |
Þegar dóttir Daníels varð átta ára, varð honum ljóst að hún vildi deilda skírnardegi sínum með vinum sínum utan kirkjunnar. When Daniel’s daughter turned eight, he knew she would want to share her baptism day with friends who were not members of the Church. |
Mig langar alls ekkert að leita mér að manni utan skipulags Jehóva, en freistingin er fyrir hendi. I have no desire to look outside Jehovah’s organization, but the temptations are still there. |
Heilshugar þátttaka hvers og eins af þjónum Jehóva mun þar fyrir utan verða til stórkostlegs vitnisburðar um Guð kærleikans, Jehóva, og son hans, Jesú Krist. Additionally, a wholehearted effort on the part of each one of Jehovah’s servants will produce a grand witness to the God of love, Jehovah, and to his Son, Jesus Christ. |
Hvað finnst þér sjónvarpið vera að kenna með því að sýna 9000 kynlífsatriði utan hjónabands á einu ári á besta áhorfstíma? By showing over 9,000 incidents of illicit sex during prime time in one year, what would you say television is teaching? |
„Þegar karl getur konu barn utan hjónabands, ætti að leggja fulla áherslu á að þau giftist. “When a man and woman conceive a child out of wedlock, every effort should be made to encourage them to marry. |
Tímaritið Science News segir að íþróttamenn í háskólanámi hafi haft „eilítið lægri einkunnir“ en aðrir nemendur sem sinntu öðrum hugðarefnum utan námsskrár. Science News reported that college athletes tended to have “slightly lower grades” than other students that engaged in extracurricular activities. |
Krakkarnir úr hverfinu vildu alltaf vera fyrir utan. The neighborhood kids always wanted to hang at my house. |
Það merkir að eiga engin kynmök utan hjónabands og neyta ekki fíkniefna. This means no sexual relations outside of marriage and no illicit drug use. |
(Rómverjabréfið 14:4; 1. Þessaloníkubréf 4:11) Það er samt þess virði að skoða hvaða gagn fjölskyldan hefur af því ef móðirin ákveður að vinna ekki fulla vinnu utan heimilis. (Romans 14:4; 1 Thessalonians 4:11) Nevertheless, it is worth considering the many benefits the family derives when a mother does not take on full-time employment. |
Það halda margir handleggir utan um hana There are many arms about her |
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Do you know about Icelandic
Icelandic is a Germanic language and the official language of Iceland. It is an Indo-European language, belonging to the North Germanic branch of the Germanic language group. The majority of Icelandic speakers live in Iceland, about 320,000. More than 8,000 native Icelandic speakers live in Denmark. The language is also spoken by about 5,000 people in the United States and by more than 1,400 people in Canada. Although 97% of Iceland's population considers Icelandic as their mother tongue, the number of speakers is declining in communities outside Iceland, especially Canada.