What does uppsögn in Icelandic mean?

What is the meaning of the word uppsögn in Icelandic? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use uppsögn in Icelandic.

The word uppsögn in Icelandic means resignation, dismissal, denunciation. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word uppsögn


noun (act of resigning)

Ef Ūér líst ekki á Ūađ, geturđu afhent stjķrninni uppsögn mína.
If you don't like it, you can hand my resignation in to the board.



Umsjónarmönnum húsnæðis, sem vottarnir leigðu til samkomuhalds, var hótað uppsögn ef þeir héldu áfram að leigja þeim.
Managers of meeting places in Moscow were threatened with dismissal if they continued to rent their halls to the Witnesses.



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Umsjónarmönnum húsnæðis, sem vottarnir leigðu til samkomuhalds, var hótað uppsögn ef þeir héldu áfram að leigja þeim.
Managers of meeting places in Moscow were threatened with dismissal if they continued to rent their halls to the Witnesses.
Ég kom til ađ tilkynna ūér uppsögn mína.
'm actually here to give you my two weeks notice.
Ef Ūér líst ekki á Ūađ, geturđu afhent stjķrninni uppsögn mína.
If you don't like it, you can hand my resignation in to the board.
Uppsögn mín.
My resignation.
Þessi rannsókn stuðlaði stórlega að uppsögn Richards Nixon.
A positive comment about Richard Nixon.
Uppsögn samūykkt.
Resignation accepted.
Hún þorði ekki að biðja föður hennar til að hjálpa, og þerna myndu örugglega ekki hafa aðstoðað hana, því að þótt þessi stúlka, um sextán ára gamall, hafði courageously verið frá uppsögn á fyrri elda, hafði hún bað fyrir þau forréttindi að vera leyft að vera varanlega bundin við eldhúsið og að þurfa að opna dyr aðeins svar við sérstaka stefnu.
She did not dare to ask her father to help, and the servant girl would certainly not have assisted her, for although this girl, about sixteen years old, had courageously remained since the dismissal of the previous cook, she had begged for the privilege of being allowed to stay permanently confined to the kitchen and of having to open the door only in answer to a special summons.
Colubmus útskýrði að þrautseyja hans í að vilja fá Radcliffe í hlutverkið hengi á uppsögn Figgis.
Columbus explained that his persistence in giving Radcliffe the role was responsible for Figgis' resignation.
Ūeir samūykktu uppsögn mína međ semingi.
They've accepted my resignation... with regrets.
Hver uppsögn er nagli í kistuna hans.
Each person he fires is a nail in his coffin.
13 Traust okkar á Jehóva, samfara guðsótta, gerir okkur einbeitt í því sem rétt er ef vinnuveitandi hótar okkur uppsögn ef við neitum að taka þátt í óheiðarlegum viðskiptaaðferðum.
13 Our trusting in Jehovah, coupled with godly fear, will make us firm for what is right if an employer threatens us with the loss of our job for refusal to participate in dishonest business practices.
Besta uppsögn sem ég hef fengiđ.
Best break up ever.
Uppsögn hans kom algerlega á ķvart í Hvíta húsinu.
His resignation came as a complete surprise to the White House.
Þar að auki á fyrsta degi, þjónn girl - það var ekki alveg ljóst hvað og hversu mikið hún vissi hvað hafði gerst - á kné hennar hafði bað hann móður til að láta hana fara strax, og þegar sagði hún gott bless um fimmtán mínútum síðar, þakkaði hún þeim fyrir uppsögn með tár í augunum, eins og hún var að fá mest greiða sem fólk hafði sýnt henni þar, og án þess að nokkur krefjandi það frá henni, sór hún óttast eið að svíkja neinn, ekki einu sinni hirða hluti.
In addition, on the very first day the servant girl -- it was not completely clear what and how much she knew about what had happened -- on her knees had begged his mother to let her go immediately, and when she said good bye about fifteen minutes later, she thanked them for the dismissal with tears in her eyes, as if she was receiving the greatest favour which people had shown her there, and, without anyone demanding it from her, she swore a fearful oath not to betray anyone, not even the slightest bit.
n. gildistíma samningsins, eftir því sem við á, eða, ef samningurinn er ótímabundinn eða endurnýjast sjálfkrafa, skilyrði fyrir uppsögn hans,
o) the duration of the contract, as the case may be, or, if the contract is concluded for an indefinite period or is to be automatically extended, the conditions for the termination of the contract, including the applicable penalties, if any;
Vernd gegn síðustu mínútu strætó uppsögn - TYSURE
Protection against last minute bus cancellation - TYSURE
Þú getir forðast tímabundna afturköllun eða varanlega uppsögn með því að greiða umbeðna upphæð innan þess tíma sem tiltekinn er í áminningunni.
You can avoid suspension or cancellation if you make the required payment within the appropriate time set forth in the reminder.
Það eru engar viðurlög við uppsögn og þú getur sagt upp hvenær sem er, þó endurgreiðslur verði ekki gefnar.
There are no penalties for cancellation and you may cancel at any time, though refunds will not be given.
Slíka uppsögn skal senda skriflega á heimilisfang Google sem tilgreint er í upphafi þessara Skilmála.
Your notice should be sent, in writing, to Google’s address which is set out at the beginning of these Terms.
Við mælum þó stundum fá uppsögn, þannig að ef þú vilt dagsetningu sem er þegar bókuð, getur þú látið okkur vita og við munum láta þig vita af afpöntun.
We do, however, occasionally get a cancellation, so if you want a date that's already booked, you can let us know and we will notify you of a cancellation.
(Eftir 34,99 € / mánuði, mánaðarlega uppsögn).
(After 34,99 € / month, monthly termination).
Uppsögn áskriftar er í boði á síðunni um Google Play Store eða Google Wallet.
Subscription cancellation is available within the Google Play Store app details page or Google Wallet.
Uppsögn núverandi áskrift er því miður ekki möguleg.
A termination of a current subscription is unfortunately not possible.
Uppsögn fjármagns: 1 CCU = 0,95 EUR
Withdrawal of funds: 1 CCU = 0.95 EUR
Starfsmenn sem taka þátt í misferli eða hvers árangurs er ófullnægjandi getur verið háð úrbætur, til og með uppsögn.
Employees who engage in misconduct or whose performance is unsatisfactory may be subject to corrective action, up to and including termination.

Let's learn Icelandic

So now that you know more about the meaning of uppsögn in Icelandic, you can learn how to use them through selected examples and how to read them. And remember to learn the related words that we suggest. Our website is constantly updating with new words and new examples so you can look up the meanings of other words you don't know in Icelandic.

Do you know about Icelandic

Icelandic is a Germanic language and the official language of Iceland. It is an Indo-European language, belonging to the North Germanic branch of the Germanic language group. The majority of Icelandic speakers live in Iceland, about 320,000. More than 8,000 native Icelandic speakers live in Denmark. The language is also spoken by about 5,000 people in the United States and by more than 1,400 people in Canada. Although 97% of Iceland's population considers Icelandic as their mother tongue, the number of speakers is declining in communities outside Iceland, especially Canada.