What does upphaf in Icelandic mean?
What is the meaning of the word upphaf in Icelandic? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use upphaf in Icelandic.
The word upphaf in Icelandic means start, inception, beginning. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word upphaf
startnoun (beginning point of a race) Hvað getur verið gott upphaf að hamingjusömu hjónabandi? What can serve as a starting point for a happy marriage? |
inceptionnoun (the creation or beginning of something) |
beginningnoun Göbbels álítur kvikmyndirnar sem hann er ađ gera vera upphaf nũs tímabils í ūũskri kvikmyndagerđ. Goebbels considers the films he's making to be the beginning of a new era in German cinema. |
See more examples
Skírn gefur okkur nýtt upphaf Baptism Gives Us a New Beginning |
Með samanburði á genamynstri manna um víða veröld hafa þeir fundið skýrar vísbendingar þess að allir menn eigi sama forföður, þar sé upphaf DNA allra manna á öllum tímum, okkar þar með talið. By comparing human genetic patterns around the earth, they found clear evidence that all humans have a common ancestor, a source of the DNA of all people who have ever lived, including each of us. |
Fyrir kennara: Notið spurningar við upphaf kafla til að koma af stað umræðum og beinið nemendum eða fjölskyldumeðlimum að textanum til að finna meiri upplýsingar. For teachers: Use questions at the beginning of a section to start a discussion and send class members or family members to the text to find more information. |
Fæðing og upphaf þjónustu Birth and Early Ministry |
Okv 1:7 – Hvernig er það að óttast Jehóva „upphaf þekkingar“? Pr 1:7, ftn. —In what way is the fear of Jehovah “the beginning of knowledge”? |
Framfarir í tæknimálum við upphaf iðnbyltingarinnar voru hvatar að frekari framförum. Advances in communications technology at the start of the Information Age would challenge that. |
Upphaf og örlög. Origins and destiny. |
Svo sannarlega nýtt upphaf. A new beginning, indeed. |
Upphaf konungdæmis í Ísrael — Samúelsbækurnar tvær Beginnings of Royalty in Israel —The Two Books of Samuel |
Þessir atburðir upp úr 1914 voru, eins og Jesús sagði, „upphaf fæðingarhríðanna.“ Those events from 1914 onward were, as Jesus put it, “a beginning of pangs of distress.” |
* Sjá einnig Maður, menn; Ráð eða þing á himnum; Stríð á himni; Upphaf * See also Beginning; Council in Heaven; Man, Men; War in Heaven |
17 Vígsla og skírn eru upphaf lífsstefnu þar sem við tökum mið af vilja Jehóva í öllu sem við gerum. 17 Dedication and baptism mark the beginning of a life wherein we take Jehovah’s will into account in every sphere of activity. |
Hjónabandið – upphaf þess og tilgangur Marriage —Its Origin and Purpose |
Biblían segir því um upphaf þjónustu hans: „Hann kom til Nasaret, þar sem hann var alinn upp, og fór að vanda sínum á hvíldardegi í samkunduna og stóð upp til að lesa.“ Thus, when he began his ministry, the Bible reports: “He came to Nazareth, where he had been reared; and, according to his custom on the sabbath day, he entered into the synagogue, and he stood up to read.” |
3 Skírnin er þó enginn endapunktur heldur upphaf heilagrar þjónustu við Guð sem vígður þjónn hans. 3 Your baptism, though, is not the end but the beginning of a life of dedicated sacred service to God. |
(1. Tímóteusarbréf 1:17) Jesús er hins vegar „frumburður allrar sköpunar“ og „upphaf sköpunar Guðs.“ (1 Timothy 1:17) Jesus, on the other hand, is “the firstborn of all creation,” “the beginning of the creation by God.” |
... greyptir leirmunir viđ upphaf nútíma framræslu sem viđ sjáum einnig í Skara Brae í Skotlandi. Grooved Ware in the beginning of modern drainage practices, which we also see in Skara Brae on the west coast of Scotland. |
4 „Upphaf speki er ótti [Jehóva],“ skrifaði sálmaritarinn. 4 “The fear of Jehovah is the beginning of wisdom,” wrote the psalmist. |
Upphaf staðamála síðari. ProStart ProStart website. |
Ūetta er ekki frábært upphaf á tímabilinu. This is not a great way to start their season. |
(Jóhannes 1:1; Opinberunarbókin 19:13) Í Opinberunarbókinnni 3:14 talar hann um sig sem „upphaf sköpunar Guðs.“ (John 1:1; Revelation 19:13) At Revelation 3:14 he speaks of himself as “the beginning of the creation by God.” |
Vísindin reyna að veita þau, en hafa þau fundið svarið við fyrstu spurningu Peters Medawars: Hvert var upphaf alls? Do they have the key to open the door to Medawar’s first ultimate question: How did everything begin? |
Tveim vikum síðar, þegar Þjóðverjar réðust inn í Pólland sem var upphaf síðari heimsstyrjaldarinnar, var hann fluttur til Vínarborgar. One week later when Germany invaded Poland, which started World War II, he was taken to Vienna. |
Þetta var upphaf fyrstu upprisunnar. This was the beginning of the First Resurrection. |
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Do you know about Icelandic
Icelandic is a Germanic language and the official language of Iceland. It is an Indo-European language, belonging to the North Germanic branch of the Germanic language group. The majority of Icelandic speakers live in Iceland, about 320,000. More than 8,000 native Icelandic speakers live in Denmark. The language is also spoken by about 5,000 people in the United States and by more than 1,400 people in Canada. Although 97% of Iceland's population considers Icelandic as their mother tongue, the number of speakers is declining in communities outside Iceland, especially Canada.