What does þvottavél in Icelandic mean?

What is the meaning of the word þvottavél in Icelandic? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use þvottavél in Icelandic.

The word þvottavél in Icelandic means washing machine, washer, clothes washer, washing machine. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word þvottavél

washing machine

noun (machine that washes clothes)

Rafmagn var af skornum skammti svo að við gátum hvorki þvegið í þvottavél né straujað.
The supply of electricity was so limited that we could not use a washing machine or an iron.


noun (laundry machine)

clothes washer

noun (laundry machine)

washing machine

noun (appliance used to clean laundry automatically)

Rafmagn var af skornum skammti svo að við gátum hvorki þvegið í þvottavél né straujað.
The supply of electricity was so limited that we could not use a washing machine or an iron.

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Þannig að þegar veikindin hömluðu henni verulega varð ég að læra að vaska upp, setja í þvottavél og elda einfaldan mat.
So when she became seriously limited, I had to learn how to do the dishes and the laundry as well as how to prepare simple meals.
Það var því hvorki sturta né salerni innandyra og engin þvottavél, ekki einu sinni ísskápur.
So there was no indoor shower or toilet, no washing machine, not even a refrigerator.
Hvers konar heimskingi lagar þvottavél með hníf?
What kind of dummy fixes a washing machine using a knife?
Rafmagn var af skornum skammti svo að við gátum hvorki þvegið í þvottavél né straujað.
The supply of electricity was so limited that we could not use a washing machine or an iron.
Hann kom að máli við fyrrverandi vinnuveitanda sinn og viðurkenndi að hafa stolið nýrri þvottavél frá honum.
He approached his former employer and confessed to having stolen a new washing machine from him.
Einnig er þar sér baðherbergi og eldhúskrókur með ísskáp og þvottavél.
There is a private bathroom and a kitchenette with a fridge and washing machine.
Free WIFI, þvottavél osfrv ..
Free WIFI, washing machine etc..
Útbúin: þvottavél, ísskápur, frystir, örbylgjuofn, Vítamerkur ..
Equipped: washing machine, refrigerators, freezer, microwave, Vitro-ceramic ..
Öll herbergin eru með háa glugga, stofu með flatskjásjónvarp með gervihnattarásum, skrifborð og fullbúinn eldhúskrók/eldhús með þvottavél og uppþvottavél.
All accommodations come with large floor-to-ceiling windows, a living area with a satellite flat-screen TV, a work desk and a fully equipped kitchenette/ kitchen with a washing machine and a dishwasher.
Tæknilegar upplýsingar um þvottavél úr glerkrukkum: Fyrirmynd NPACK-BW12
Technical data of glass jars bottles washing machine: Model NPACK-BW12
Innifalið í verðinu er: Afnot af salerni, sturtu og þvottavél.
Included in the rates: Toilets, showers and washing machine.
Lágt verð Vindrúðu Þvottavél Pump Framleiðendur og Birgjar - Sérsniðin EGR Valve Heildverslun - YAOPEI Siglingar
Low Price Windshield Washer Pump Manufacturers and Suppliers - Customized EGR Valve Wholesale - YAOPEI Navigation Home
Það er nálægt miðju Georges Pompidou og í sögulegu hverfi Marais, er með svefnherbergi, eldhús með örbylgjuofni og brauðrist, þvottavél og herbergi Baðherbergi með snyrtivörum og hárþurrku.
It is close to the center Georges Pompidou and in the historic district of Marais, has a bedroom, a kitchen with a microwave and a toaster, a washing machine and a room Bathroom with toiletries and a hairdryer.
Þá vil ég ítreka að allan fatnað sem notaður hefur verið í umhverfi hesta erlendis þarf að þvo í þvottavél eða þurrhreinsa og skófatnað þarf að þvo og sótthreinsa.
I also want to reiterate that all clothes that have been used around horses abroad need to be washed in a washing machine or sent for dry-cleaning, while shoes and boots must be washed and disinfected.
Það eru þvottavél og þurrkara í þvottahúsi fyrir frjálsa notkun.
There are Washing machine and drier in the laundry room for free use.
Þvottavél og þurrkari: 800 kr
Washing machine and tumble dryer: 800 kr
Innan stofu með sjónvarpi um gervihnött, eldhús með öllum tækjum, þvottahús með þvottavél, 3 svefnherbergi, 1 svefnherbergi með baðherbergi, 1 baðherbergi.
Within living room with satellite television, kitchen with all appliances, laundry with washing machine, 3 bedrooms, 1 bedroom with bathroom, 1 bathroom.
High Tensile Polishing DIN 444 krókar í augnboltum með hnetu og þvottavél
Item High Tensile Polishing DIN 444 Hook Eye Bolts with Nut and Washer
Þvottavél, þurrkari og uppþvottavél er staðsett í aðalbaðherberginu fyrir þig.
A washing machine, dryer and dishwasher is located in the main bathroom for your convenience.
Það hefur svefnherbergi, setustofa með svefnsófa, baðherbergi og eldhús með áhöld, þvottavél, ísskápur, uppþvottavél, örbylgjuofn.
It has a double bedroom, lounge with sofa bed, bathroom and kitchen with utensils, washing machine, refrigerator, dishwasher, microwave.
(Sjá myndir) Það er líka þvottavél-þurrkara og eldhús er fullkomlega búin.
(See photos) There is also a washer-dryer and the kitchen is fully equipped.
Hvert herbergi er með lítill þvottavél fyrir þægindi nemenda.
Each room features a mini washing machine for guests’ convenience.
Hvernig á að hreinsa þvottavél
How to clean a washing machine
Hún er einnig með eldhús, borðstofuborð, setusvæði með sófa og flatskjásjónvarpi og þvottavél.
It also features a kitchen, a dining table, a seating area with a sofa and flat-screen TV, and a washing machine.
Fullbúið eldhús með uppþvottavél, þvottavél-þurrkara, ísskáp,.... glæný tæki og búnaður.
Fully equipped kitchen with dishwasher, washer-dryer, fridge,.... Equipment and appliances completely new.

Let's learn Icelandic

So now that you know more about the meaning of þvottavél in Icelandic, you can learn how to use them through selected examples and how to read them. And remember to learn the related words that we suggest. Our website is constantly updating with new words and new examples so you can look up the meanings of other words you don't know in Icelandic.

Do you know about Icelandic

Icelandic is a Germanic language and the official language of Iceland. It is an Indo-European language, belonging to the North Germanic branch of the Germanic language group. The majority of Icelandic speakers live in Iceland, about 320,000. More than 8,000 native Icelandic speakers live in Denmark. The language is also spoken by about 5,000 people in the United States and by more than 1,400 people in Canada. Although 97% of Iceland's population considers Icelandic as their mother tongue, the number of speakers is declining in communities outside Iceland, especially Canada.