What does þing in Icelandic mean?

What is the meaning of the word þing in Icelandic? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use þing in Icelandic.

The word þing in Icelandic means parliament, thing, Thing, parliament. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word þing


noun (an elected or appointed political institution)




noun (public assembly)


noun (legislature whose power and function are similar to those dictated by the Westminster system of the United Kingdom)

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* Sjá einnig Maður, menn; Ráð eða þing á himnum; Stríð á himni; Upphaf
* See also Beginning; Council in Heaven; Man, Men; War in Heaven
Í kjölfarið var þing rofið og kosið á ný í október 2017.
Ali is divorced and got married again in 2017.
Drottningin tekur á móti gestum annan hvern mánudag og mætir á þing stjórnvalda eins og kröfur gera ráð fyrir, yfirleitt á miðvikudögum.
The Queen holds an audience every other Monday and attends Council with the government as required – usually on Wednesdays.
Canberra var stofnuð sérstaklega sem höfuðborg fyrir hið nýja samveldi í kjölfar deilna milli tveggja stærstu borganna, Melbourne og Sydney um hvar hið nýja þing skyldi vera staðsett.
Eventually, a compromise was reached: Melbourne would be the capital on a temporary basis while a new capital was built somewhere between Sydney and Melbourne.
John Stuart gekk á þing þegar hann var 24 ára.
Tom Knight arrived at MIT when he was fourteen.
Fyrstu kosningarnar fóru fram ári síðar og þing kom í fyrsta skipti saman á endurreistu Alþingi þann 1. júlí 1845.
Elections were held the following year and the assembly finally met on 1 July 1845 in Reykjavík.
Sama dag og Japanir — sem voru stríðsbandamenn Þjóðverja á þeim tíma — gerðu skyndiárásina á Pearl Harbor birtist þessi frétt í The New York Times: „Þing kaþólskra biskupa í Þýskalandi, haldið í Fulda, hefur mælt með að tekin verði upp sérstök ‚stríðsbæn‘ er lesin skuli við upphaf og endi allra guðsþjónusta.
On the same day that Japan, Germany’s wartime partner at the time, made the sneak attack on Pearl Harbor, The New York Times carried this report: “The Conference of German Catholic Bishops assembled in Fulda has recommended the introduction of a special ‘war prayer’ which is to be read at the beginning and end of all divine services.
Næsta ár gekk hann aftur á þing fyrir Sussex.
He made a further appearance that season against Sussex.
Ráð eða þing á himnum
Council in Heaven
Listinn tapaði einu sæti árið 1991, og náði aðeins þrem konum á þing árið 1995.
As recently as 1991, one station lost 3000 sheep in a year.
Hann var alfarið virtur fyrir heiðarleika sinn og neitaði launahækkuninni eftir að þing samþykkti 1873 greiðslugreiðslu sem hann átti á móti.
He was widely respected for his integrity, and refused his salary increase after Congress passed an 1873 pay raise that he opposed.
Alþjóðaknattspyrnusambandið, FIFA, hélt þing sitt í Amsterdam samhliða Ólympíuleikunum.
Its main office is in Amsterdam, overlooking the Olympic Stadium.
Þing Tyrkjaveldis var sett í fyrsta sinn í þrjá áratugi þann 17. desember 1908 með eftirlifandi þingmönnum fyrra stjórnarskrártímabilsins.
The Senate of the Ottoman Empire reconvened for the first time in over 30 years on 17 December 1908 with the living members from the First Constitutional Era.
Þing Wales fékk þar með heimild til að fara með fjárveitingarvald í þeim málum sem það fær til umfjöllunar í samræmi við fjárlög breska ríkisins.
This enabled them to profit from the opportunity of financing Wellington's armies in Portugal, requiring the sourcing of large quantities of gold on behalf of the British government.
Á árunum sem fygldu ríkisstjórn Íhaldsflokksins eftir 1979 var Herferð um skoskt þing (e. Campaign for a Scottish Assembly) stofnuð, sem gaf út skjal sem hét Réttindakrafa 1989 (e. Claim of Right 1989).
In the years of the Conservative government after 1979, the Campaign for a Scottish Assembly was established, eventually publishing the Claim of Right 1989.
Þing Perú gerði hann að einræðisherra Perú 10. febrúar 1824, en það gerði honum kleift að endurskipuleggja Perú alfarið, bæði stjórnmálalega og hernaðarlega.
The Peruvian congress named him dictator of Peru on 10 February 1824, which allowed Bolívar to reorganize completely the political and military administration.
Kaþólskum biskupum var fullkunnugt að umbóta væri þörf innan kirkjunnar og héldu þing í desember árið 1545 í Trento á Ítalíu.
Aware of the need for reform within the church, a council of Catholic bishops met in December 1545, in Trent, Italy.
17 „Mikið þing“ var kallað saman og Nehemía sýndi hinum efnameiri Gyðingum greinilega fram á hvernig þeir hefðu bakað sér vanþóknun Jehóva.
17 “A great assembly” was arranged, and Nehemiah clearly showed the wealthier Israelites that what they had done displeased Jehovah.
Hin fyrri sex þing Alkirkjuráðsins höfðu verið haldin í ýmsum löndum á hér um bil 35 árum, hið fyrsta árið 1948 í Amsterdam.
The previous six assemblies of the WCC (World Council of Churches) had been held in various countries over a period of some 35 years, beginning in 1948 in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
Í yfirlýsingum, sem gefnar voru út eftir þessi þing, var varla nokkurn tíma vísað í Biblíuna.
The canons and declarations that resulted from these meetings hardly even referred to the Scriptures.
Náði hann aftur inn á þing, þó hann félli niður sæti á framboðslistanum vegna fjölda útstrikana.
He was moved to the back of the pack during the pace lap for missing the drivers' meeting.
Hann var fyrst kjörinn á þing i kosningunum 2003.
He was first elected in the 2004 election.
Tveimur dögum síðar tilkynnti amtmaður að konungur hefði ákveðið að rjúfa þing og halda kosningar.
Unfortunately, over the next two days, the Administration announced that it was reneging on the deal.
12 Jehóva kallaði fljótlega saman annað þing á himnum.
12 Jehovah soon called another assembly in the heavenly courts.
Þann vetur settist hann í fyrsta sinn á þing, í hálfan mánuð.
He ran four months after we put a saddle on him for the first time.

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Do you know about Icelandic

Icelandic is a Germanic language and the official language of Iceland. It is an Indo-European language, belonging to the North Germanic branch of the Germanic language group. The majority of Icelandic speakers live in Iceland, about 320,000. More than 8,000 native Icelandic speakers live in Denmark. The language is also spoken by about 5,000 people in the United States and by more than 1,400 people in Canada. Although 97% of Iceland's population considers Icelandic as their mother tongue, the number of speakers is declining in communities outside Iceland, especially Canada.