What does sýning in Icelandic mean?
What is the meaning of the word sýning in Icelandic? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use sýning in Icelandic.
The word sýning in Icelandic means exhibition, display, exposition. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word sýning
exhibitionnoun |
displaynoun Eingöngu óhófleg sýning til þess eins að laða að maka. Just an extravagant display intended to attract a mate. |
expositionnoun |
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Myndi dálítil sýning sefa þig? Would a demonstration put your mind at ease? |
Undir lok ársins1914 höfðu meira en 9.000.000 manna í þrem heimsálfum séð „Sköpunarsöguna í myndum“. Þetta var sýning með kvikmyndum og litskyggnum sem útskýrði þúsund ára stjórn Krists. By the end of 1914, over 9,000,000 people on three continents had seen the “Photo-Drama of Creation” —a program including motion pictures and slides that explained Christ’s Millennial Reign. |
Stórbrotin sýning fyrir 100 árum A 100-Year-Old Epic of Faith |
Hagnýt þjálfun [sýning] Practical training [demonstration] |
„Margbrotnasta sýning í dýraríkinu.“ “The most elaborate display in the animal kingdom.” |
Það sem við sáum var aftur á móti dásamlega fögur sýning ‒ ein sú besta sem ég hef séð. What we witnessed, however, was a beautiful, polished performance—one of the best I have seen. |
Og þessi trúfasta ‚sýning,‘ þessi ákafa ‚kennsla‘ hins kristna sannleika hafði verið háttur hans, ekki aðeins í skóla Týrannusar og annars staðar þar sem lærisveinarnir komu saman, heldur á öllum heimilum sem hann hafði aðgang að. And this faithful ‘showing,’ this fervid ‘teaching’ of the Christian truth had been his practice, not only in the school of Tyrannus and in other gathering places of disciples, but in every accessible household. |
SÝNING SEM VAKTI MIKLA ATHYGLI Exhibition Gives a Good Witness |
HINN 22. maí 2007 var opnuð sýning á merku handriti í Ísraelska safninu í Jerúsalem. Um er að ræða hebreskt handritabrot frá sjöundu eða áttundu öld okkar tímatals og hefur það að geyma 2. ON May 22, 2007, a Hebrew scroll fragment dating from the seventh or eighth century C.E. went on display at the Israel Museum in Jerusalem. |
Sýning myndarinnar hafði svo slæm áhrif að öldungarnir ákváðu að heimsækja tvær sjónvarpsstöðvar og bjóða þeim greiðslu fyrir að sýna almenningi myndböndin Jehovah’s Witnesses — The Organization Behind the Name (Vottar Jehóva — skipulagið að baki nafninu) og The Bible — A Book of Fact and Prophecy (Biblían — bók staðreynda og spádóma). In view of the bad effects of that program, the elders decided to visit two TV stations and offer to pay to have them show the public the videos Jehovah’s Witnesses—The Organization Behind the Name and The Bible—A Book of Fact and Prophecy. |
Þvílík sýning í gær Quite a show yesterday |
Hvílík sýning á mætti Guðs yfir einskis verðum guðum og hernaðarmætti manna! What a display of divine power over worthless gods and human military strength! |
Hún var í fjórum hlutum og sýning tók alls 8 stundir, og um 8 milljónir manna sáu hana.“ It was in four parts, running a total of eight hours, and was viewed by some 8,000,000 people.” |
Svipuð sýning var opnuð hinn 18. apríl 1998 við hinar illræmdu Bergen-Belsen-fangabúðir. Dr. At the opening of a similar presentation at the notorious concentration camp in Bergen-Belsen on April 18, 1998, the director of the Center for Political Education in Lower Saxony, Dr. |
" Þeir vilja vera sýning. " They want to be shown. |
Þessi sýning, sem lauk með lýsingu á þúsund ára friðarstjórn Jesú Krists, hughreysti milljónir manna víða um heim áður en fyrri heimsstyrjöldin brast á og meðan á henni stóð. Before and during World War I, millions throughout the world received comfort from this presentation, which concluded by describing the coming, peaceful Thousand Year Reign of Jesus Christ. |
Þessi sannfærandi sýning á guðdómi Jehóva örvaði fólkið til að hlýða Elía og lífláta alla hina 450 spámenn Baals. (1. Stirred by the convincing demonstration of Jehovah’s godship, the people obeyed Elijah and put all 450 prophets of Baal to death. |
Það væri sama og villidýrin sýning eins og við heyrðum þeir höfðu í York einu sinni. " It would be same as a wild beast show like we heard they had in York once. " |
Fúsleiki hans til að fórna Ísak var miklu meira en sýning á tilhlýðilegri virðingu. His willingness to sacrifice Isaac was far more than a show of respectful obedience. |
Sýning á vörum Demonstration of goods |
Áður en sýning hófst áttu allir að standa á fætur og syngja þjóðsönginn. Before the movie began, everyone was supposed to stand up and sing the country’s national anthem. |
Hann fékk nóg til að byggja upp sýning reactor sem átti að vera minna en 10 megavött. He got enough to build a demonstration reactor that was supposed to be less than 10 megawatts. |
Önnur sýning, 360 degrees Room for all colours (2002), sýndi hringlaga ljós-skúlptúr þar sem þátttakendur misstu rýmisskynjun og áttavit, ásamt því að finnast þeir vera hluti af mjög áköfu ljósi. Another installation, 360 degrees Room For All Colours (2002), is a round light-sculpture where participants lose their sense of space and perspective, and experience being subsumed by an intense light. |
Myndbandið Staðfesta votta Jehóva í ofsóknum nasista, sem vottarnir hafa látið gera, hefur fengið mjög jákvæða dóma. Það var frumsýnt 6. nóvember 1996 þegar opnuð var sýning við fangabúðirnar í Ravensbrück. The video Jehovah’s Witnesses Stand Firm Against Nazi Assault, produced by Jehovah’s Witnesses and appropriately premiered at the Ravensbrück concentration camp in Germany on November 6, 1996, has elicited many favorable comments. |
Síðasta sýning fór fram 2007. His last appearance was in December 2007. |
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Do you know about Icelandic
Icelandic is a Germanic language and the official language of Iceland. It is an Indo-European language, belonging to the North Germanic branch of the Germanic language group. The majority of Icelandic speakers live in Iceland, about 320,000. More than 8,000 native Icelandic speakers live in Denmark. The language is also spoken by about 5,000 people in the United States and by more than 1,400 people in Canada. Although 97% of Iceland's population considers Icelandic as their mother tongue, the number of speakers is declining in communities outside Iceland, especially Canada.