What does stjórnarformaður in Icelandic mean?
What is the meaning of the word stjórnarformaður in Icelandic? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use stjórnarformaður in Icelandic.
The word stjórnarformaður in Icelandic means chairman. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word stjórnarformaður
chairmannoun Og það gildir líka um þig, Banning stjórnarformaður. And that includes you, Mr. Chairman-of-the-Board Banning. |
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Í aðdraganda kaupa ICE á NYSE Euronext árið 2013 var Marsh Carter stjórnarformaður NYSE og Duncan Niederauer var forstjóri. Prior to the acquisition of NYSE Euronext by the ICE in 2013, Marsh Carter was the Chairman of the NYSE and the CEO was Duncan Niederauer. |
Með því varð Bill Gates forstjóri og stjórnarformaður en Paul Allen varð aðstoðarforstjóri. As part of the restructuring, Bill Gates became president of the company and chairman of the board, and Paul Allen became Executive Vice President. |
Hann var um tíma stjórnarformaður Raunvísindastofnunar Háskólans. For some time, he was commandant of Police University. |
Og það gildir líka um þig, Banning stjórnarformaður. And that includes you, Mr. Chairman-of-the-Board Banning. |
Það kjörtímabil var hann stjórnarformaður Strætisvagna Reykjavíkur og stýrði þar umdeildum breytingum á rekstrarformi. He was signed by Mücke Motorsport, which was making the same transition between disciplines. |
„Allt bankakerfi heimsins er mjög samtengt,“ segir David Rockefeller, fyrrum stjórnarformaður Chase Manhattan Bank í Bandaríkjunum. “The entire world banking system is very much interrelated,” points out David Rockefeller, retired chairman of Chase Manhattan Bank. |
Stjórnarformaður er Jeffrey Bewkes. The Chief Devil is astonished. |
Hluthafar krefjast þess að þú segir af þér sem stjórnarformaður Stockholders are demanding...... you step down as chairman of the board |
Einn stofnenda AOL, Steve Case, varð stjórnarformaður hins nýja fyrirtækis. Tom Bureau, CEO of Magicalia, became the Chief Executive of the new company. |
Hann hætti sem forstjóri Baugs Group í maí 2002 og tók við sem stjórnarformaður en varð aftur forstjóri í nóvember sama ár. He retired as CEO of Baugur Group in May 2002 and became Chairman of the company, and then took back the CEO's chair in November the same year. |
Hann var um tíma stjórnarformaður Icelandair. At that time he was governor of Isfahan. |
Alice býr í London og er stjórnarformaður hjá Chisenhale-galleríinu og nútímadanshópnum Michael Clark Dance Company auk þess að sitja í stjórn Whitechapel-gallerísins. Based in London, she is chair of trustees of the Chisenhale Gallery and the contemporary dance group Michael Clark Company, and a trustee of the Whitechapel Gallery. |
Kjör varaformanns og þriggja meðstjórnenda fer fram það ár sem stjórnarformaður er ekki kjörinn. The election of the Vice-Chairman and three members takes place in the year that the Chairman is not elected. |
Kvarnström kom til álita sem stjórnarformaður eftir yfirgripsmikla leit sem alþjóðlegt fyrirtæki annaðist fyrir valnefndina sem slitastjórnin setti á laggirnar í samráði við hið óformlega kröfuhafaráð, í því skyni að velja hæfustu umsækjendurna til setu í stjórn Glitnis eftir nauðasamninga. Mr. Kvarnström was identified for the role of Chairman after a comprehensive search process conducted by an international search firm for the board selection committee established by the Winding-up Board with the agreement of the Informal Creditors Committee to select the most competent and qualified candidates for the board of directors of Glitnir post-composition (the “Board Selection Committee”). |
Stjórnarformaður skal á fyrsta fundi eftir aðalfund, ár hvert, leggja fyrir stjórn starfsáætlun komandi árs með fundardagsetningum. At the first meeting following the annual general meeting the chairman of the Board shall present to the Board the programme of activity for the coming year including set dates for the meetings. |
♦ Valið sem varaformaður meðlimur í fimmta ráði alþjóðlega verslunarráðsins og sem stjórnarformaður í Ningbo skuldabréfasvæðinu. ♦ Selected as a deputy-chairman member in fifth council of provincial international chamber of commerce and as a chairman member in Ningbo bonded area chamber of commerce. |
Ma tók við stjórn hópsins eftir að fyrrverandi stjórnarformaður hópsins, Liu Chuanzhi sagði af sér í síðasta... Ma took over the elite group’s chair after the retirement of previous chairman Liu Chu... |
Stjórn og eigendur Stjórn OPUS lögmanna er skipuð þeim Oddgeiri Einarssyni, sem er stjórnarformaður, Erlendi Þór Gunnarssyni og Flosa Hrafni Sigurðarsyni. District Court Attorneys, Davíð Guðmundsson and Flosi Hrafn Sigurðsson, and Supreme Court Attorneys Erlendur Þór Gunnarsson and Oddgeir Einarsson, are partners of OPUS Legal Services. |
Alain Belda stjórnarformaður og forstjóri Alcoa, í ræðustól á opnunarhátíð Alcoa Fjarðaáls. Alain Belda, CEO and president of Alcoa Inc., in tribune on Alcoa Fjardaal's Grand Ceremony. |
Brian Tracy er stjórnarformaður og forstjóri Brian Tracy International, fyrirtæki sem sérhæfir sig í þjálfun og þróun einstaklinga og stofnanir. Brian Tracy is Chairman and CEO of Brian Tracy International, a company specializing in the training and development of individuals and organizations. |
Hann stafaði sem stjórnarformaður eistneska ríkissjónvarpsins en hefur frá árinu 2004 einbeitt sér að kvikmyndagerð. He worked as the Chairman of the Board of the Estonian National Television Station but has focused on filmmaking since the year 2004. |
Hún hefur setið í stjórnum fjölmargra fyrirtækja m.a. sem stjórnarformaður Icelandic, varaformaður stjórnar Promens í stjórn Icelandair Group og Invent Farma . She has served on the boards of directors of numerous companies, including Icelandic, as chairman, Promens, as vice-chairman, Icelandair Group and Invent Farma. |
Dr. Dieter Zetsche, stjórnarformaður Daimler AG og stjórnandi Mercedes-Benz Cars. Dr Dieter Zetsche, CEO of Daimler AG and Head of Mercedes-Benz Cars. |
Árið 2015 tók Eldar Ástþórsson við sem stjórnarformaður, en hann hafði setið í stjórn frá árinu 2011. In 2015 Eldar Ástþórsson, a board member since 2011, took over as chair of the board. |
Samúel er stjórnarformaður SILO ehf. Samúel is chairman of the boards of SILO ehf. |
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Do you know about Icelandic
Icelandic is a Germanic language and the official language of Iceland. It is an Indo-European language, belonging to the North Germanic branch of the Germanic language group. The majority of Icelandic speakers live in Iceland, about 320,000. More than 8,000 native Icelandic speakers live in Denmark. The language is also spoken by about 5,000 people in the United States and by more than 1,400 people in Canada. Although 97% of Iceland's population considers Icelandic as their mother tongue, the number of speakers is declining in communities outside Iceland, especially Canada.