What does stífla in Icelandic mean?
What is the meaning of the word stífla in Icelandic? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use stífla in Icelandic.
The word stífla in Icelandic means dam, clog, barrier, dam. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word stífla
damverbnoun (structure placed across a flowing body of water) Upphaflega var hann stífla en Hellenar breyttu henni. Originally, there was a dam, but the Hellenecs have since adapted it. |
clognounverb (to block or slow passage through) |
barriernoun Ūađ var alltaf stífla á milli okkar Kens. I always felt there was some kind of barrier between Ken and me. |
damverb noun (barrier that impounds water or underground streams) Stífla þar sem þú heldur að búðirnar verði A dam where you think your camp' s going to be |
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Í meira en helmingi allra áa í heiminum hefur verið reist að minnsta kosti ein stór stífla . . . stíflur hafa átt drjúgan þátt í því að raska vistkerfum fljóta. With more than half of the world’s rivers stopped up by at least one large dam . . . , dams have played a significant role in destabilizing riverine ecology. |
Takiđ eftir, allar stöđvar, ūađ er tímabundin stífla hjá mér sem hefur áhrif á stjķrnhylki Rauđa svæđisins. Attention all stations, I have a temporary blockage affecting a Red Section module. |
Ūađ var alltaf stífla á milli okkar Kens. I always felt there was some kind of barrier between Ken and me. |
Willet stífla er svindl. Willet dam is a fraud. |
" Hvað garðinn? " Sagði hann í álinn rödd, stífla grafa hans um stund. " What garden? " he said in a rough voice, stopping his digging for a moment. |
Her sleppa- reipi var hengdur yfir handlegg hennar þegar hún kom inn og eftir að hún hafði gengið um fyrir a á meðan hún hélt að hún myndi sleppa umferð allan garðinn, stífla þegar hún vildi að líta á hlutina. Her skipping- rope had hung over her arm when she came in and after she had walked about for a while she thought she would skip round the whole garden, stopping when she wanted to look at things. |
„Þá var sem stífla brysti og drápin hófust.“ “Then something snapped,” and “the killings began.” |
Upphaflega var hann stífla en Hellenar breyttu henni. Originally, there was a dam, but the Hellenecs have since adapted it. |
Svolítil stífla hérna á hrađrifi 95. Slight congestion here on the InterReef 95. |
„Nimrímvötn“ verða að „öræfum,“ annaðhvort táknrænt eða bókstaflega, trúlega vegna þess að óvinasveitir stífla árnar. — Jesaja 15: 6-9. The “waters of Nimrim” will become “sheer desolations,” in either a figurative sense or a literal sense —likely because enemy forces dam up their streams. —Isaiah 15:6-9. |
En þá var sem stífla brysti“ og „drápin hófust.“ Then something snapped,” and “the killings began.” |
Stífla þar sem þú heldur að búðirnar verði A dam where you think your camp' s going to be |
„Þegar deila byrjar, er sem tekin sé úr stífla, lát því af þrætunni, áður en rifrildi hefst.“ “The beginning of contention is as one letting out waters; so before the quarrel has burst forth, take your leave.” |
13 Það sem Hiskía gerði þessu næst var enn þýðingarmeira en að stífla uppspretturnar og styrkja borgarmúrana. 13 What Hezekiah did next was of even greater value than stopping up the waters or fortifying the city walls. |
Ūķr, reyndu ađ stífla gáttina. Thor, you got to try and bottleneck that portal. |
" Hver e debel þú? " - Hann loksins sagt - " þú ekki tala e -, stífla- mig, drepa e- I. " " Who- e debel you? " -- he at last said -- " you no speak- e, dam- me, I kill- e. " |
Willet stífla er svindl til að Taylor vélin græði Willet dam is a fraud to line the pockets of the Taylor machine |
Ūetta er lítil stífla međ gáttum. It's a small dam with sluices. |
Þú mátt ekki stífla æðarnar og drepast við matborðið I don' t want you to clog up your arteries and keel over at the table |
Ūađ myndi stífla vélina. It'll jam the machine. |
Við bjuggum einu sinni í blokk þar sem voru svona göt á veggnum til að henda ruslinu, vorum alltaf að stífla þetta Manstu, það átti að reka okkur útúr blokkinni? I see, we once lived in a building that had these portholes where you threw your trash we were always clogging that, they were going to evict us remember Villa? |
Stífla er ađ myndast viđ punkt B. Tveir hķpar hafa sprengt veginn. We're getting congested at point B. Two forces have mined the road. |
Hiskía „ráðgaðist því við herforingja sína og kappa“ og þeir ákváðu að „stífla ... uppspretturnar sem voru utan við borgina ... Hezekiah consulted “his princes and his mighty men,” and together they decided “to stop up the waters of the springs that were outside the city . . . |
" Rum- útlit viðskiptavina stífla á " Rum- looking customer stopping at the |
Þið getið forðað hjónabandinu frá miklum skaða ef þið hlýðið ráði Biblíunnar: „Þegar deila kviknar er sem tekin sé úr stífla, láttu hana því niður falla áður en sennan hefst.“ — Orðskviðirnir 17:14. You can save your relationship from much damage if you heed the Bible’s advice: “Starting a quarrel is like a leak in a dam, so stop it before a fight breaks out.” —Proverbs 17:14, New Century Version. |
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Do you know about Icelandic
Icelandic is a Germanic language and the official language of Iceland. It is an Indo-European language, belonging to the North Germanic branch of the Germanic language group. The majority of Icelandic speakers live in Iceland, about 320,000. More than 8,000 native Icelandic speakers live in Denmark. The language is also spoken by about 5,000 people in the United States and by more than 1,400 people in Canada. Although 97% of Iceland's population considers Icelandic as their mother tongue, the number of speakers is declining in communities outside Iceland, especially Canada.