What does stétt in Icelandic mean?

What is the meaning of the word stétt in Icelandic? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use stétt in Icelandic.

The word stétt in Icelandic means class, pavement, social class. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word stétt



Klæðaburður okkar getur bendlað okkur við ákveðinn hóp eða stétt manna.
The way we dress can link us with a certain group or class.



social class

noun (hierarchical social stratification)

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Annað hæfir ekki hennar stétt, sérlega eftir því sem kröfurnar gerast nú til dags.
It is the only thing fitting for a girl in her position. Consider the demands made nowadays.
Nafn, stétt, hvenær og hvernig hann dķ.
Name, rank, when did he die, how.
(Rómverjabréfið 1: 31, 32) Það kemur því ekki á óvart að Jesús skuli hafa sagt að trúarleiðtogarnir sem stétt ættu eilífa tortímingu í vændum.
(Romans 1:31, 32) Not surprisingly, therefore, Jesus said that as a class the religious leaders were destined for everlasting destruction.
Þótt ég giftist frænda yðar skipti ég ekki um stétt.
Lady Catherine, in marrying your nephew I should not consider myself as quitting that sphere.
Verslun með fíkniefni hefur myndað stétt samviskulausra fíkniefnakónga og morðingja.
The world drug trade has produced a breed of ruthless drug barons and killers.
17 Eru þá smurðir kristnir menn á jörðinni prestafélag eða -stétt?
17 Are anointed Christians on earth a priesthood?
Nei, hann notar lítið barn sem dæmi til að leiðrétta þá, en börn eru að jafnaði hæversk, laus við metnaðargirni og gera sér yfirleitt engar hugmyndir um stöðu eða stétt sín á meðal.
No, but he illustrates his corrective teaching by using the example of young children, who are characteristically modest and free from ambition and who generally have no thought of rank among themselves.
Eins og kom fram í greininni á undan var Páll að tala um stétt manna er tæki forystuna í fráhvarfi frá sannri kristni.
As the previous article explained, Paul was talking about a class of individuals who would take the lead in apostatizing from true Christianity.
Trúðu ́ að Kristur myndi verja ́ og vernda sína stétt.
They believed that Christ the Lord their guardian would be.
Í stuttu máli er hann fullkomiđ dæmi um stétt sem er ađ deyja út, ūađ er ađ segja blađamenn sem blađra bara.
In short, he's a perfect example of that dying race... the unpressed gentlemen of the press.
(Esrabók 7:6) Það var á hans dögum sem fræðimenn eða skriftlærðir menn urðu áberandi sem stétt.
(Ezra 7:6) It was in his day that scribes came into prominence as a class.
Vegna slíks ótta eru milljónir manna fjötraðar í stétt blásnauðra „stéttleysingja“ eða óhreinna manna sem njóta engra borgaralegra réttinda.
Due to such fears, millions are locked into the poverty-stricken class of “untouchables,” or outcasts, with no civil rights or privileges.
Og mađur hittir geđūekkari stétt manna.
And you do meet a nicer class of person.
Faunia Farley er ekki viđ ūitt hæfi og af annarri stétt.
Faunia Farley is not in your league and she's not from your world.
Til ađ biđla löglega til konu af hennar stétt verđa menn ađ vinna hetjudáđ og ūađ er eiginlega útilokađ fyrir alūũđumann.
To legally court a woman of her stature one must commit a valued action which is virtually impossible as a commoner.
Hvernig brugðust trúarleiðtogar Gyðinga sem stétt við hreinsuninni en hvað gerðu sumir prestar?
As a class, how did the Jewish religious leaders respond to the refining process, but what was true of some priests?
Stétt og efnahagur eru sterkustu áhrifaþættir í uppeldi barna.
Motherhood and her children have become some of the most influential factors in her work.
Sem stétt höfðu þeir neitað að viðurkenna ‚sendiboða sáttmálans‘ sem Jehóva sendi.
As a class, they refused to accept Jehovah’s “messenger of the covenant.”
Til að eftirnöfn þeirra skyldu ekki afhjúpa hvaða stétt þeir höfðu tilheyrt tóku meðlimir reglunnar sér eftirnafnið Singh sem merkir „ljón.“
In order to eliminate any caste distinctions indicated by their previous surnames, Khalsa members took the surname Singh, meaning “Lion.”
Næsta stétt fyrir neðan hafði aðeins minna og svo koll af kolli, en þeir fátækustu báru aðeins slöngur.
The smaller Ranger company to their right had fared a little better, having made the shelter of the bluffs, but were also down to half strength.
Fólk gat skipt um stétt ef það eignaðist fé.
People could change classes if they made more money.
Sá sem tilheyrir lægri stétt þorir því tæpast að rísa upp gegn reglum og síðum stéttar sinnar.
Therefore an individual belonging to a lower caste is fearful of rebelling against the rules and customs of his caste.
Þessi stétt sótti ekki fyrirmynd sína til öldunga og safnaðarþjóna fyrstu aldar heldur til trúkerfa heiðingjanna.
This class was not patterned after the first-century Christian elders and ministerial servants but was patterned after pagan religious systems.
nálgumst fólk úr hverri stétt,
One that we most gladly share,
Af biblíunámi mínu hef ég lært að Guð horfir ekki á stétt eða stöðu fólks.
But I’ve learned from the Bible that God is not interested in social status.

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Do you know about Icelandic

Icelandic is a Germanic language and the official language of Iceland. It is an Indo-European language, belonging to the North Germanic branch of the Germanic language group. The majority of Icelandic speakers live in Iceland, about 320,000. More than 8,000 native Icelandic speakers live in Denmark. The language is also spoken by about 5,000 people in the United States and by more than 1,400 people in Canada. Although 97% of Iceland's population considers Icelandic as their mother tongue, the number of speakers is declining in communities outside Iceland, especially Canada.