What does sprunga in Icelandic mean?
What is the meaning of the word sprunga in Icelandic? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use sprunga in Icelandic.
The word sprunga in Icelandic means crack, crevice, fissure. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word sprunga
cracknoun (A thin and usually jagged space opened in a previously solid material.) Það er ekki eins og ég var að gera sprunga, mamma. It's not like I was doing crack, mom. |
crevicenoun (A thin and usually jagged space opened in a previously solid material.) |
fissurenoun (A thin and usually jagged space opened in a previously solid material.) |
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Concord, eins og hann væri eirðarlaus í rúminu og vildi snúa aftur, var órótt með flatulency og hafði drauma, eða ég var vakti með sprunga á jörðu með frosti, eins og ef einhver hefði ekið lið gegn hurðina mína, og á morgun myndi finna sprunga í jörðu fjórðungur af kílómetri löng og þriðja af tomma breiður. Concord, as if it were restless in its bed and would fain turn over, were troubled with flatulency and had dreams; or I was waked by the cracking of the ground by the frost, as if some one had driven a team against my door, and in the morning would find a crack in the earth a quarter of a mile long and a third of an inch wide. |
The fast eldsneyti mun byrja að bólgnað og sprunga og gasses er krypton og Xenon byrja að fylla upp, og þú byrjar að fá þetta Mið ógilt. The solid fuel will begin to swell and crack and the gasses, the krypton and the xenon begin to fill up, and you begin to get this central void. |
Þessi hátíðlega herrar - öll þrjú höfðu fullt skegg, eins og Gregor þegar fundið út í gegnum sprunga í dyrnar - voru meticulously stefnir tidiness, ekki aðeins í eigin herbergi þeirra En, þar sem þeir höfðu nú leigt herbergi hér, í öllu heimilanna, einkum í eldhúsinu. These solemn gentlemen -- all three had full beards, as Gregor once found out through a crack in the door -- were meticulously intent on tidiness, not only in their own room but, since they had now rented a room here, in the entire household, and particularly in the kitchen. |
Ég man enn eftir þeirri ógnvekjandi tilfinningu að hanga þarna án nokkurrar haldfestu – engin sprunga eða nibba, ekkert til að grípa í eða ná tökum á. I can still remember the gritty sensation of hanging there with nothing to hold on to—no lip, no ridge, nothing to grab or grasp. |
Það er ekki eins og ég var að gera sprunga, mamma. It's not like I was doing crack, mom. |
Þá, situr á furu vellinum bough, reyna þeir að gleypa í flýti sínum kjarna sem er of stórt fyrir háls og chokes þá, og eftir mikla vinnu sem þeir disgorge það, og eyða klukkutíma í leitast við að sprunga það ítrekað höggum með reikningana sína. Then, sitting on a pitch pine bough, they attempt to swallow in their haste a kernel which is too big for their throats and chokes them; and after great labor they disgorge it, and spend an hour in the endeavor to crack it by repeated blows with their bills. |
Hann mun sprunga a barnarúm í Skotlandi eina viku, og vera að hækka peninga til að byggja upp munaðarleysingjahæli í Cornwall næsta. He'll crack a crib in Scotland one week, and be raising money to build an orphanage in Cornwall the next. |
Ūađ er lítil sprunga í beininu hérna en ég held ađ beiniđ sé í lagi núna ūví rúmur mánuđur er liđinn. I have a small crack to the bone, here, but I think now the bone is okay, because it's more than one month. |
Í stofunni, eins og Gregor sá í gegnum sprunga í dyrnar, var gas kveikt, en þar sem á öðrum tækifæri á þessum tíma dags, var faðir hans vanur að lesa síðdegi dagblað í hárri röddu til hans móðir og stundum einnig til systur hans á þessari stundu ekkert hljóð var heyranlegur. In the living room, as Gregor saw through the crack in the door, the gas was lit, but where, on other occasions at this time of day, his father was accustomed to read the afternoon newspaper in a loud voice to his mother and sometimes also to his sister, at the moment no sound was audible. |
Límið gæti losnað þar sem það kom sprunga á höfuðið Head might come unglued where she got that compound fracture of the skull |
Allt í lagi, ég mun hafa geisli taka aðra líta á símann skrár og segja techs að taka aðra sprunga á Hooker síðuna. All right, I'll have ray take another look at the phone records and tell the techs to take another crack at the hooker site. |
Sprunga, sprunga, sprunga, komu þeir á eftir öðru. Crack, crack, crack, they came one after the other. |
Eitt af ūessum frávikum, sem uppgötvađist fyrr á ūessu ári, var sprunga í 4. víddinni. One of these anomalies, discovered earlier this year, was a rift in the fourth dimension. |
Einu sinni á löngu kvöldin annars vegar dyr og þá var hinn dyrnar opnaði bara pínulítill sprunga og fljótt lokað aftur. Once during the long evening one side door and then the other door was opened just a tiny crack and quickly closed again. |
Þetta var þar sem ég byrjaði að sprunga undir álagi. This was where I began to crack under the strain. |
Þetta eru litlu loft- byssur sem stuðla að gera ísinn sprunga og whoop. These are the little air- guns which contribute to make the ice crack and whoop. |
Límiđ gæti losnađ ūar sem ūađ kom sprunga á höfuđiđ. Head might come unglued where she got that compound fracture of the skull. |
Þú vilt deila með manni til sprunga hnetur, hafa engin önnur ástæða en vegna þú hefir Hazel augum, - hvað auga en slíkar auga myndi kanna slík mál? Thou wilt quarrel with a man for cracking nuts, having no other reason but because thou hast hazel eyes; -- what eye but such an eye would spy out such a quarrel? |
Grit í viðkvæmt hljóðfæri, eða sprunga í einu af eigin hár- máttur hans linsur, myndi ekki vera meira truflandi en sterkt tilfinningar í náttúrunni eins og hans. Grit in a sensitive instrument, or a crack in one of his own high- power lenses, would not be more disturbing than a strong emotion in a nature such as his. |
Ein lítil sprunga á skrokknum og blķđiđ sũđur í okkur eftir 13 sekúndur. One tiny crack in the hull and our blood boils in 13 seconds. |
Grit í viðkvæmum hljóðfæri, eða sprunga í einu af eigin hár- vald hans linsur, myndir ekki vera meira truflandi en sterk tilfinning í eðli eins og hans. Grit in a sensitive instrument, or a crack in one of his own high- power lenses, would not be more disturbing than a strong emotion in a nature such as his. |
Hvað er besta meðferð fyrir sprunga What is the best cure for rift |
Hátt viðnám gegn klóríðspennu tæringu sprunga High resistance to chloride stress corrosion cracking |
Brotna varan mun sprunga eftir beygingu og styrkur títanefnisins minnkar verulega. The folded product will crack after bending, and the strength of the titanium material will be greatly reduced. |
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Do you know about Icelandic
Icelandic is a Germanic language and the official language of Iceland. It is an Indo-European language, belonging to the North Germanic branch of the Germanic language group. The majority of Icelandic speakers live in Iceland, about 320,000. More than 8,000 native Icelandic speakers live in Denmark. The language is also spoken by about 5,000 people in the United States and by more than 1,400 people in Canada. Although 97% of Iceland's population considers Icelandic as their mother tongue, the number of speakers is declining in communities outside Iceland, especially Canada.