What does spenntur in Icelandic mean?

What is the meaning of the word spenntur in Icelandic? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use spenntur in Icelandic.

The word spenntur in Icelandic means excited. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word spenntur



Má segja ađ Mark hafi veriđ spenntur fyrir ūeim fundi?
Would you say that Mark was excited about this meeting?

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Ég er spenntur ađ sjá hvort ég man stærđina ūína rétt.
I'm dying to see if I remembered your size.
Ég bíð spenntur skýringa
I can' t wait to hear the explanation
Ég var orđinn spenntur.
You had me all excited.
Ég var svo spenntur að ég gat ekki lagt blaðið frá mér!
I was so excited I could not put it down!
Ungur kristinn maður beið spenntur eftir slíku starfi.
One of these was eagerly awaiting such a job.
Ég er líka spenntur.
I'm psyched about it too
16:3) Við getum rétt ímyndað okkur hve undrandi en jafnframt spenntur hann hlýtur að hafa verið.
(Acts 16:3) Imagine how surprised and excited Timothy must have been!
Vá, það er að minnsta kosti einhver spenntur yfir áætlun minni
Wow, at least someone' s excited about my plan
Addi var bara spenntur.
I'm sure Andy was just a little excited, that's all.
Ég er svo spenntur!
I'm so excited! Yeah!
Spenntur fyrir stefnumķtiđ?
Excited about your date tonight?
Ég trúi ekki ađ ūú sért svona spenntur fyrir kökum.
I can't believe you're getting so excited about cake.
Hann hefur verið mjög spenntur eða hræddur eða eitthvað
He must have been really keyed up or scared or whatever
Ég var spenntur ađ komast aftur til borgarinnar og til frú Oalderon
I was excited to be back in the city, around Mrs CaIderon, too.
Þannig að ég er mjög spenntur fyrir því að geta fært fjöldanum þessa tækni í stað þess að halda þessari tækni innan einhverra stofnanna eða rannsóknarstofna.
So I'm excited about how I can bring the technology to the masses rather than just keeping that technology in the lab environment.
6 Í byrjun var hinn fyrsti maður Adam kannski of hrifinn og spenntur yfir því að vera til og búa í fullkominni paradís, til að leiða hugann að því hvernig hann hefði orðið til og hvers vegna.
6 The first man, Adam, may at the beginning have been too excited over this original experience of joyously being alive in a perfect earthly home to think about where he came from and why.
Ég verđ ūví virkilega spenntur.
So I really get excited.
Adilson Parella sagði: „Til að byrja með var faðir okkar mjög spenntur yfir því að ganga í kirkjuna.
Adilson Parrella said, “At first, Father seemed very excited about joining the Church.
Ég er bara svo spenntur að hitta þig
I' m just so excited to meet you and stuff
Sjá hvađ hann er spenntur.
Look how excited he is.
Kannski er hann ennūá spenntur fyrir henni,
Maybe he still has something for her!
Ég gat ekki sofnađ í gær af ūví ég var svo spenntur.
I couldn't get to sleep last night, because I was still wired from it all.
“ spurði hobbitinn og var strax orðinn spenntur.
asked the hobbit full of excitement.
Hún horfði á gamla rúm landamæri og meðal grasið, og eftir að hún hafði farið umferð, að reyna að missa ekkert, hafði hún fundið alltaf svo margir fleiri skarpur, föl græn stig, og Hún var orðin nokkuð spenntur aftur.
She looked in the old border beds and among the grass, and after she had gone round, trying to miss nothing, she had found ever so many more sharp, pale green points, and she had become quite excited again.
Og fleiri sem afleiðing af spenntur ríki þar sem þessi hugmynd sett Gregor en eins Vegna raunveruleg ákvörðun reiddi hann sjálfur með öllum mætti sínum út úr rúminu.
And more as a consequence of the excited state in which this idea put Gregor than as a result of an actual decision, he swung himself with all his might out of the bed.

Let's learn Icelandic

So now that you know more about the meaning of spenntur in Icelandic, you can learn how to use them through selected examples and how to read them. And remember to learn the related words that we suggest. Our website is constantly updating with new words and new examples so you can look up the meanings of other words you don't know in Icelandic.

Do you know about Icelandic

Icelandic is a Germanic language and the official language of Iceland. It is an Indo-European language, belonging to the North Germanic branch of the Germanic language group. The majority of Icelandic speakers live in Iceland, about 320,000. More than 8,000 native Icelandic speakers live in Denmark. The language is also spoken by about 5,000 people in the United States and by more than 1,400 people in Canada. Although 97% of Iceland's population considers Icelandic as their mother tongue, the number of speakers is declining in communities outside Iceland, especially Canada.