What does skynsamur in Icelandic mean?

What is the meaning of the word skynsamur in Icelandic? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use skynsamur in Icelandic.

The word skynsamur in Icelandic means reasonable, rational, intelligent. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word skynsamur



Aldrei mátti treysta pér til ad vera skynsamur.
I never could count on you to be reasonable.



Alltaf skynsamur, alltaf međ skũringu ä öllu.
Always rational, always an explanation for everything.



Nei, þú myndir vissulega álykta að skynsamur maður hefði hannað það og smíðað af mikilli natni.
No, you would surely conclude that an intelligent person designed and made it with great care.

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3 Vertu skynsamur: Páll ráðlagði okkur að „kaupa upp hentugan tíma“ til hinna mikilvægari þátta lífsins og vera ekki „óskynsamir.“
3 Be Reasonable: Paul gave counsel on “buying out the opportune time” for the more important things of life, not becoming “unreasonable.”
5 Skynsamur maður ræðst sjaldan í verkefni sem er dauðadæmt frá upphafi.
5 A sensible person generally refrains from embarking on an endeavor that is doomed to fail.
Vertu skynsamur, bíddu eftir sjúkrabílnum.
Be reasonable, wait for the ambulance.
Orðskviðirnir 17:27 segja: „Geðrór maður er skynsamur.“
Proverbs 17:27 counsels: “A man of discernment is cool of spirit.”
Gríska orðið, sem þýtt er „hyggnar,“ getur merkt „forsjáll, skynsamur, fyrirhyggjusamur.“
The Greek word translated “discreet” can convey the sense of being “prudent, sensible, practically wise.”
Skynsamur eiginmaður tekur tillit til skoðana konu sinnar og barna.
A husband who is reasonable takes into account the opinions of his wife and children
Ýmsar útfærslur eru síðan til á svarinu við spurningunni hvers vegna skynsamur einstaklingur hefur hag af því að láta eftir hluta af frelsi sínu til þess að koma á félagslegri skipan og valdstjórn.
From this shared starting point, social contract theorists seek to demonstrate why a rational individual would voluntarily consent to give up their natural freedom to obtain the benefits of political order.
9 Skynsamur þjónn Guðs reynir ekki að þröngva skoðunum sínum upp á aðra.
9 A Christian who is reasonable does not impose his views on others.
16 Hér fylgja nokkrar ritningargreinar sem þú ættir að hugleiða þegar þér er veitt áminning: „Fámálugur maður er hygginn, og geðrór maður er skynsamur.“
16 Here are some scriptures to reflect on when you are reproved: “Anyone holding back his sayings is possessed of knowledge, and a man of discernment is cool of spirit.”
Þótt beisk afbrýði, eigingirni, stærilæti og lygar séu svo algengar í þessum heimi eiga þær ekki heima meðal okkar, því að Jakob skrifaði: „Hver er vitur og skynsamur yðar á meðal?
Whereas such traits as bitter jealousy, contentiousness, bragging and lying are so common in this world, they have no place among us, for James wrote: “Who is wise and understanding among you?
(1. Tímóteusarbréf 3:2, NW) Öldungur þarf að vera skynsamur, varfærinn og forsjáll.
(1 Timothy 3:2) An elder must be sensible, discreet, and prudent.
Barúk var auðmjúkur og skynsamur maður því að hann hlustaði á Jehóva og komst lífs af þegar Jerúsalem var eytt.
Baruch proved to be humble and wise, for he listened to Jehovah and survived the destruction of Jerusalem.
„Hver er vitur og skynsamur yðar á meðal?
“Who is wise and understanding among you?
Jack, vertu skynsamur.
Now, Jack, be reasonable.
Þýðing Byingtons segir hispurslaust: „Heimskan er sæla heilalausum manni en skynsamur maður gengur beint.“
Byington’s translation bluntly says: “Foolishness is bliss to a brainless man, but an intelligent man will go straight.”
Vertu skynsamur.
Use good sense.
Skynsamur maður“ lætur fætur sína feta beinar brautir og er fær um að greina gott frá illu vegna þess að hann fer eftir orði Guðs. — Hebreabréfið 5: 14; 12: 12, 13.
“The man of discernment” makes straight paths for his feet and is able to distinguish between right and wrong because of applying God’s Word in life.—Hebrews 5:14; 12:12, 13.
Skynsamur mađur sér ađ ūađ er alls ekkert sem rennur stođum undir ūađ sem hann segir.
Anyone reasonable would see that there is absolutely no substance to what he's saying.
Ūú ert skynsamur mađur og ráđagķđur.
You're a man of nice judgment and many resources.
Orðskviðirnir 17:27 segja: „Fámálugur maður er hygginn, og geðrór maður er skynsamur.“
Proverbs 17:27 says: “Anyone holding back his sayings is possessed of knowledge, and a man of discernment is cool of spirit.”
En ég er hræddur um ađ ūetta sé ekki skynsamur ūjķđflokkur.
I'm afraid they are not a reasonable race.
Enginn skynsamur maður hefði átt að laðast að Baal eða vilja tilbiðja hann.
In fact, no reasonable person should be attracted to or attached to Baal.
Vertu skynsamur.
Be reasonable now.
Lærisveinninn Jakob skrifaði: „Hver er vitur og skynsamur yðar á meðal?
The disciple James wrote: “Who is wise and understanding among you?
Það má ráða af Orðskviðunum 15:21 sem segja: „Óvitrum manni er fíflskan gleði, en skynsamur [eða hygginn] maður gengur beint áfram.“
This is indicated at Proverbs 15:21, which says: “Foolishness is a rejoicing to one who is in want of heart, but the man of discernment is one who goes straight ahead.”

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Do you know about Icelandic

Icelandic is a Germanic language and the official language of Iceland. It is an Indo-European language, belonging to the North Germanic branch of the Germanic language group. The majority of Icelandic speakers live in Iceland, about 320,000. More than 8,000 native Icelandic speakers live in Denmark. The language is also spoken by about 5,000 people in the United States and by more than 1,400 people in Canada. Although 97% of Iceland's population considers Icelandic as their mother tongue, the number of speakers is declining in communities outside Iceland, especially Canada.