What does skógur in Icelandic mean?

What is the meaning of the word skógur in Icelandic? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use skógur in Icelandic.

The word skógur in Icelandic means forest, wood, timberland, Forest, forest. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word skógur


noun (dense collection of trees)

Stór skógur þekur fjöllin.
A vast forest covers the mountains.






verb noun

Stór skógur þekur fjöllin.
A vast forest covers the mountains.


verb noun (dense collection of trees covering a relatively large area)

Stór skógur þekur fjöllin.
A vast forest covers the mountains.

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Nokkur tré sem vaxa saman í klasa eru nefnd lundur og svæði sem vaxið er trjám er kallað skógur.
The branches removed from a graph in order to form a tree are called links, the branches remaining in the tree are called twigs.
Þá hefur stórvaxinn skógur verið á svæðinu.
In addition, there are large forest resources in the immediate area.
(Jesaja 32:15) Jehóva hefur úthellt anda sínum ríkulega yfir þjóna sína frá 1919 svo að aldingarður smurðra votta hans hefur lifnað við, og síðan hafa aðrir sauðir bæst við eins og vaxandi skógur.
(Isaiah 32:15) Happily, since 1919, Jehovah’s spirit has been poured out in abundance upon his people, restoring, as it were, a fruit-bearing orchard of anointed Witnesses, to be followed by an expanding forest of other sheep.
Og Líbanon-skógur hrekkur ekki til eldsneytis og dýrin í honum ekki til brennifórnar.
Even Lebanon is not sufficient for keeping a fire burning, and its wild animals are not sufficient for a burnt offering.
Gilpin, á reikningi hans skóginum borderers of England, segir að " encroachments of Trespassers, og hús og girðingar vakti þannig á the landamæri skógur " voru " talin mikill nuisances af gamla Forest lög, og voru alvarlega refsað undir nafni purprestures, sem annast auglýsingar terrorem ferarum - auglýsing nocumentum forestae, osfrv, " að the ógnvekjandi af leiknum og kostnað skóginum.
Gilpin, in his account of the forest borderers of England, says that " the encroachments of trespassers, and the houses and fences thus raised on the borders of the forest, " were " considered as great nuisances by the old forest law, and were severely punished under the name of purprestures, as tending ad terrorem ferarum -- ad nocumentum forestae, etc., " to the frightening of the game and the detriment of the forest.
Á suðvesturhorninu er meira að segja skógur.
To the east there were forests.
Stór skógur þekur fjöllin.
A vast forest covers the mountains.
Gömul skógur girðing sem hafði séð bestu hennar var mikill tíma fyrir mig.
An old forest fence which had seen its best days was a great haul for me.
Stálpastaðaskógur er mikill skógur við suðurhluta vatnsins.
There is a large floating bog mat in the southern part of the lake.
Antananarivo var upprunalega staðsetning bæjar sem kallaðist Analamanga sem þýðir "blár skógur" í miðhálendismállýsku malagasí tungumálsins.
Antananarivo was originally the site of a town called Analamanga, meaning "Blue Forest" in the Central Highlands dialect of the Malagasy language.
Þessi „ósýnilegi skógur“ hreinsar andrúmsloftið með því að taka til sín milljarða tonna af koldíoxíði.
This “invisible forest” cleans our air by drawing out billions of tons of carbon dioxide.
(Jesaja 32:19) Dómur Jehóva skellur á svikaborg falstrúarbragðanna eins og ofsaleg haglhríð svo að ‚skógur‘ stuðningsmannanna hrynur og rís aldrei framar.
(Isaiah 32:19) Yes, like a tempestuous hailstorm, Jehovah’s judgment is poised to strike the counterfeit city of false religion, debasing itsforest” of supporters, obliterating these for all time!
Hann vökvaði þær svo ríkulega með andlegu vatni að úr varð heill skógur réttlætistrjáa er báru góðan ávöxt. — Jesaja 27:6.
By supplying them with an abundant supply of spiritual waters, Jehovah has produced a virtual forest of righteous, fruit-bearing trees. —Isaiah 27:6.
Krafan um landrými til búsetu og ræktunar hefur haft í för með sér að skógur hefur verið ruddur og það hefur stundum gert náttúruhamfarir verri en ella, svo sem af völdum stórrigninga og flóða.
The demands for space to live and to grow food result in clearing of previously forested areas, at times even contributing to the intensity of some natural calamities from excessive rainfall and fast runoff.
Bræður, við skulum snögglega endurmeta prestdæmisskyldur okkar, sem lýst hefur verið sem „fyrstu hjálp kirkjunnar“ við einstaklinga og fjölskyldur.2 Heill skógur hefur farið í pappír til að skipuleggja og síðan endurskipuleggja þessa verkáætlun.
Brethren, may we briefly examine the priesthood duty that has been described as “the Church’s first source of help” to its individuals and families.2 Entire forests have been sacrificed providing the paper to organize it and then reorganize it.
• Thuringian-skógur (12 km frá miðbænum)
• Thuringian Forest (21.6 mi/34.7 km from the city centre)
• Quenecan-skógur (10,6 km frá miðbænum)
• Étang du Coronc (7 mi/11.3 km from the city center)
Þar á meðal eru Quenecan-skógur og L'abbaye Notre Dame de Bon Repos.
Make it a point to see sights like Forges des Salles and L'abbaye Notre Dame de Bon Repos.
40.16 Og Líbanon-skógur hrekkur ekki til eldsneytis og dýrin í honum ekki til brennifórnar.
16 And Lebanon is not sufficient to burn, nor the beasts thereof sufficient for a burnt offering.
• Thuringian-skógur (12 km frá miðbænum)
• Thuringian Forest (7.5 mi/12 km from the city center)
Með bakgrunn, þetta app hefur bakgrunn landslag um vatn, skógur og strönd, sólsetur.
With backgrounds, this app has background landscape about lake, forest, and beach, sunset.
Skógur kanína (næring - kaloría, vítamín, steinefni)
Olive oil (nutrition - calories, vitamins, minerals)
Notandi vefsíða er fyrsta og stærsti skógur og arabíska markaðurinn á Netinu sem sérhæfir sig í auglýsingum
User website is the first and largest forest and Arab market on the Internet specialized in classified ads
Á svæðinu er lítill skógur og mikið fuglalíf.
The area has a small forest and a lot of birdlife.

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Do you know about Icelandic

Icelandic is a Germanic language and the official language of Iceland. It is an Indo-European language, belonging to the North Germanic branch of the Germanic language group. The majority of Icelandic speakers live in Iceland, about 320,000. More than 8,000 native Icelandic speakers live in Denmark. The language is also spoken by about 5,000 people in the United States and by more than 1,400 people in Canada. Although 97% of Iceland's population considers Icelandic as their mother tongue, the number of speakers is declining in communities outside Iceland, especially Canada.