What does skemma in Icelandic mean?
What is the meaning of the word skemma in Icelandic? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use skemma in Icelandic.
The word skemma in Icelandic means destroy, break, warehouse. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word skemma
destroyverb (to damage beyond use or repair) Fķlk er ađ reyna ađ skemma ūađ sem viđ byggđum. People are trying to destroy what we built. |
breakverb (transitive: to cause to stop functioning) Hann bjķ hana til handa ūér til ađ biđjast afsökunar á ūví ađ skemma tölvuleikinn ūinn. He made it for you because he wanted to say he was sorry for breaking your video game. |
warehousenoun (A place for storing large amounts of products) |
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Og ég skal hundur heita ef ég læt helvítin skemma ūađ. And I'll be damned if I'm gonna see it destroyed by those bastards. |
Til að hindra að hún geri það hafa þeir sett hana til að gæta víngarðanna fyrir „yrðlingunum, sem skemma víngarðana“. Her brothers are angry with her because the shepherd boy whom she loves has invited her to go for a walk with him on a lovely spring day. |
32:24-26) Það er deginum ljósara að Hiskía lét ekki fortíðina skemma fyrir sér nútíðina eða spilla fyrir sér framtíðinni. 32:24-26) Clearly, Hezekiah did not let his past ruin his present or deprive him of a future. |
Ég fram, þó að eitt þeirra hélt nokkuð fálátur, og þótt hann virtist fýsti ekki að skemma hilarity of skipverjar hans með eigin edrú andlit hans, en við allt sem hann sleppa því að gera eins mikið hávaði eins og the hvíla. I observed, however, that one of them held somewhat aloof, and though he seemed desirous not to spoil the hilarity of his shipmates by his own sober face, yet upon the whole he refrained from making as much noise as the rest. |
Stundum tekst eldi að þrengja sér gegnum börkinn og skemma bol risafuru. Sometimes fire penetrates the bark and scars the trunk of a redwood. |
Ekki skemma ūetta fyrir mér. Mama, don't ruin this for me. |
Af hverju að skemma það sem nýtist? And why mess up a good thing? |
Ekki skemma ūađ. Don't ruin that. |
Ég læt ūig ekki skemma ūađ fyrir mér. And I'm not gonna let you fuck that up for me. |
18 Satan og erindrekar hans gera allt sem þeir geta til að skemma fyrir að við endurspeglum dýrð Guðs. 18 Satan and his agents are doing everything they can to tarnish our reflection of the glory of God. |
Má ekki skemma fyrir núna. Mustn't ruin it now. |
Menn ímynda sér að þannig mætti sprengja klórflúrkolefnissameindirnar áður en þær stíga upp í heiðhvolfið og skemma ósonlagið. Hopefully this energy will blast apart the CFC molecules before they rise to the stratosphere and attack the ozone layer. |
Ekki skemma það fyrir mér. Don't blow this for me. |
Vi?? urftum ekki einu sinni a? skemma flaugina We didn' t even have to damage the thopter |
(Opinberunarbókin 21: 3, 4) Stjórnir, sem valda sundurlyndi, munu ekki framar skemma jörðina með styrjöldum. (Revelation 21:3, 4) No more will divisive human governments ravage the earth with wars. |
Gættu þess að brjóta ekki tæki eða skemma innréttingar. Be careful to avoid breaking equipment or damaging the furnishings. |
Ūví ég geri ekki annađ en ađ taka frá honum og skemma fyrir honum. 'Cause all I ever do is take things from him and ruin things and... |
Milljónir manna skemma huga sinn og líkama með því að neyta fíkniefna, ofnota áfengi og reykja, þó að öllum sé fullkunnugt um áhættuna. Knowing full well the risks involved, millions of people harm their minds and bodies by using recreational drugs, abusing alcohol, and smoking tobacco. |
Keppandinn hefur ákveðið mikinn tíma til að klára keppnina en meiri tími fæst með því að skemma bíla keppenda, keyra á bónusa eða keyra yfir uppvakninga. The player has a certain amount of time to complete each race, but more time may be gained by collecting bonuses, damaging the competitors' cars, or by running over pedestrians. |
Og augngoturnar frá dömunum skemma ekki. And I love the looks my ladies give me, you know? |
Ég ætlađi ekki ađ skemma kvöldiđ. I didn't mean to ruin your evening. |
Ég virđi hjķnabandiđ of mikiđ til ađ skemma ūađ. And I respect the institution of marriage way too much to violate it. |
Allt sem pílagrímarnir gerđu var ađ skemma frelsisorgíu indíánanna. All the Pilgrims did was ruin the American Indian orgy of freedom. |
Auk þess yrðu þeir rógberar því að þeir myndu bera út ósannindi um aðra til að skemma mannorð þeirra. And there would be slanderers, people who voice damaging reports meant to destroy the good reputation of others. |
Þetta fernt virkar hvert um sig eins og höggdeyfir þannig að spætan getur höggvið nefinu í trjábörkinn allt að 22 sinnum á sekúndu án þess skemma í sér heilann. Each of these elements absorbs mechanical shock, allowing the woodpecker to strike a tree at a rate of up to 22 times per second with no injury to the brain. |
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Do you know about Icelandic
Icelandic is a Germanic language and the official language of Iceland. It is an Indo-European language, belonging to the North Germanic branch of the Germanic language group. The majority of Icelandic speakers live in Iceland, about 320,000. More than 8,000 native Icelandic speakers live in Denmark. The language is also spoken by about 5,000 people in the United States and by more than 1,400 people in Canada. Although 97% of Iceland's population considers Icelandic as their mother tongue, the number of speakers is declining in communities outside Iceland, especially Canada.