What does sími in Icelandic mean?

What is the meaning of the word sími in Icelandic? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use sími in Icelandic.

The word sími in Icelandic means telephone, phone, cable, telephone, axon. To learn more, please see the details below.

Listen to pronunciation

Meaning of the word sími


noun (a device used for two-way talking with other people)

Er nokkur sími hér nálægt?
Can one find a telephone near by?


noun (A device for transmitting sound (telephone)

Viđ höldum ađ sími hafi veriđ tekinn af glæpsstađ.
Listen. There's a phone we believe may have been taken from the scene of a crime.




verb noun (telecommunications device)

Er nokkur sími hér nálægt?
Can one find a telephone near by?


noun (The long process of a neuron that conducts nerve impulses, usually away from the cell body to the terminals and varicosities, which are sites of storage and release of neurotransmitter.)

See more examples

Eins og bíll, sími og ritsími gáfu nokkrir einstaklingar hugmyndir og innsýnir sem leiddu til framleiðslu af farsælu tæki.
As with the automobile, telephone, and telegraph, a number of people contributed insights and inventions that eventually resulted in ever more commercially successful instruments.
Bara lítill sími
Just a little phone
Ekkert veski, sími eða skilríki.
No wallet, no phone, no ID.
Í sumum bílum er geislaspilari, sjónvarp, sími og sérstillingar fyrir hljóðstyrk og hitastig í fram- og aftursætum.
A number are equipped with a compact disc player, television, telephone, and separate sound and temperature controls in the front and back.
Borga og innheimta, sími.
Pay and collects, some phone, I like it.
Ūađ er ekki sími ūar.
It doesn't have a phone.
Ég verð ekki við þar til % #. Vinsamlegast hafið samband við Frk. netfang: sími: +# # fax.: +# # Bestu kveðjur
I am out of office till %#. In urgent cases, please contact Mrs. email: phone: +# # fax.: +# # Yours sincerely
Hann staðfesti að sími hans sýndi ekki að hann hefði hringt í mitt númer, jafnvel ekki af slysni.
He verified that his telephone showed he had not dialed my number, even by accident.
Ūetta var nũr sími.
Okay, that was a new phone.
Sími, tölva, fax, árslaun og 48 flugmiđar.
Telephone, computer, fax machine, 52 weekly paychecks and 48 airline flight coupons.
Já, ūetta er sími vonda karlsins.
Yeah, that's the bad guy's phone.
Ūetta er ūinn sími.
It's your line.
Sími stjörnunnar hringir stöđugt og...
All-State's phone is ringing off the hook and...
Og ūađ var sími.
And there was a phone.
Viđ höldum ađ sími hafi veriđ tekinn af glæpsstađ.
Listen. There's a phone we believe may have been taken from the scene of a crime.
Þarna er sími.
There's one.
Ūađ er sími í lyfjabúđinni í götunni.
There's a telephone in the drugstore down the block.
Er sími hérna?
Is there a phone in here?
Mér fannst ūessi sími vera gamalt drasl en nú er hann orđinn verđmætasta eign mín.
I thought this phone was old and shit, but suddenly it's my most valuable possession.
Er nokkur sími hér nálægt?
Can one find a telephone near by?
Og enginn sími.
And no phone.
Ūarna er sími.
Here's the phone.
Er sími og skeyti hættu og útvarpskerfi báru ein byrđina, urđu ūau fyrir truflunum sem stöfuđu af auknum truflunum frá sķlinni.
When the telephone and telegraph systems failed and the radio networks had to bear the burden alone, they succumbed to interference originating from an increasing disturbance in the sun.
Heyrđu, hver sem ūú ert, ūá er ūetta ekki sími Jack lengur.
Look, whoever you are, this isn't Jack's phone anymore.
Enginn sími, enginn bíII.
No phone, no car.

Let's learn Icelandic

So now that you know more about the meaning of sími in Icelandic, you can learn how to use them through selected examples and how to read them. And remember to learn the related words that we suggest. Our website is constantly updating with new words and new examples so you can look up the meanings of other words you don't know in Icelandic.

Do you know about Icelandic

Icelandic is a Germanic language and the official language of Iceland. It is an Indo-European language, belonging to the North Germanic branch of the Germanic language group. The majority of Icelandic speakers live in Iceland, about 320,000. More than 8,000 native Icelandic speakers live in Denmark. The language is also spoken by about 5,000 people in the United States and by more than 1,400 people in Canada. Although 97% of Iceland's population considers Icelandic as their mother tongue, the number of speakers is declining in communities outside Iceland, especially Canada.