What does sérstakur in Icelandic mean?

What is the meaning of the word sérstakur in Icelandic? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use sérstakur in Icelandic.

The word sérstakur in Icelandic means special, particular, distinct. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word sérstakur



Hversu margar manneskjur láta þér þú finnast vera einstakur, tær og sérstakur?
How many people can make you feel rare and pure and special?



Ég vil segja vinum mínum frá, ef ūađ er einhver sérstakur.
I like telling my friends if there's somebody particular.



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8 Abraham verðskuldar að honum sé sérstakur gaumur gefinn.
8 The case of Abraham deserves particular attention.
8 Unga fólkið er sérstakur skotspónn Satans.
8 Young people in particular are a target of Satan.
Hvers vegna verður októbermánuður 2014 sérstakur?
Why will the month of October 2014 be special?
Sérstakur kvennalisti bauð fram og náði fulltrúa.
The inspector became suspicious and notified a colleague.
Ykkur kann að finnast hann hafa verið sérstakur maður, ólíkur mönnum þessa síðustu daga, og því hafi Drottinn veitt honum sérstakar og öðruvísi blessanir, þar eð hann var ólíkur mönnum nú til dags.
Perhaps you may say that he was a very peculiar man and different from men in these last days; consequently, the Lord favored him with blessings peculiar and different, as he was different from men in this age.
Ūetta er sérstakur dagur.
It is a special day.
Ég tel þér ekki finnast það mál því djúpt niðri veist þú að staðurinn sem við förum með þig á er sérstakur.
I think you're fine because, deep down, a part of you knows that the place we're taking you to is special.
Ūú hefur alltaf veriđ sérstakur vinur minn.
You've always been my special buddy, you know?
Allir vita ađ Hailsham er sérstakur skķli.
Everybody knows Hailsham is special.
" Enginn einn sérstakur? " Eru fleiri?
What do you mean, " No one person "?
Hann gerði sér grein fyrir að jafnvel einn dagur í forgörðum musterisins væri sérstakur heiður fyrir hann.
He realized that even a single day in the temple courtyards was a unique privilege.
Sérstakur fókus var á þýska kvikmyndagerð og komu góðir gestir af því tilefni.
The Telekom team signed all the promising cyclists that were coming from Germany at that time and who were becoming successful.
Reyndar mjög sérstakur.
In fact, he's very special.
" Sérstakur ráđgjafi, hernađarsálfræđi, Bandaríkjaher.
" Special Consultant, Psychological Warfare, U.S. Army.
Sérstakur biti. Hægt er að sjá nákvæma þýðingu bitans í dálknum hægra megin
Special flag. The exact meaning of the flag can be seen in the right hand column
Sérstakur kennari
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Mér fannst ég mjög sérstakur.“
I felt very special.”
Ég vil segja vinum mínum frá, ef ūađ er einhver sérstakur.
I like telling my friends if there's somebody particular.
Ūađ ū ũđir ađ einn sérstakur álfur gæti veriđ nálægur.
It all means that one very special fairy might be near.
Af hverju er hann svo sérstakur?
How come he's so special?
Hvernig ertu sérstakur?
How are you special?
„En þegar kennslan hófst fannst mér ég sérstakur, því ég skynjaði þá elsku sem maður finnur við ritningarnám.
“But when I entered the class, I felt special because I felt the love you feel when you study the scriptures.
(Sálmur 91:1, 2) ‚Skjól Hins hæsta‘ er táknrænn verndarstaður fyrir okkur, ekki síst fyrir þá sem eru smurðir því að þeir eru sérstakur skotspónn Satans.
(Psalm 91:1, 2) “The secret place of the Most High” is a figurative place of protection for us, and particularly for anointed ones, who are special targets of the Devil.
Hún er enginn sérstakur.
She's nobody.
Árið 1964 fékk ég það ánægjulega verkefni að heimsækja deildarskrifstofur í öðrum löndum sem sérstakur umsjónarmaður.
In 1964, I was given the privilege to visit other countries as a zone overseer.

Let's learn Icelandic

So now that you know more about the meaning of sérstakur in Icelandic, you can learn how to use them through selected examples and how to read them. And remember to learn the related words that we suggest. Our website is constantly updating with new words and new examples so you can look up the meanings of other words you don't know in Icelandic.

Do you know about Icelandic

Icelandic is a Germanic language and the official language of Iceland. It is an Indo-European language, belonging to the North Germanic branch of the Germanic language group. The majority of Icelandic speakers live in Iceland, about 320,000. More than 8,000 native Icelandic speakers live in Denmark. The language is also spoken by about 5,000 people in the United States and by more than 1,400 people in Canada. Although 97% of Iceland's population considers Icelandic as their mother tongue, the number of speakers is declining in communities outside Iceland, especially Canada.