What does samviskubit in Icelandic mean?
What is the meaning of the word samviskubit in Icelandic? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use samviskubit in Icelandic.
The word samviskubit in Icelandic means pang of conscience. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word samviskubit
pang of consciencenoun Hjónaskilnaðir, heilsuleysi og samviskubit. Þetta eru aðeins nokkur dæmi um slæmar afleiðingar þess að láta undan freistingum. Broken marriages, ill health, pangs of conscience—these are just some of the consequences of giving in to temptation. |
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Þeir höfðu ekki minnsta samviskubit út af því að bjóða Júdasi 30 silfurpeninga úr sjóði musterisins fyrir að svíkja Jesú. These corrupt men felt not a twinge of guilt when they offered Judas 30 pieces of silver from the temple treasury to betray Jesus. |
Samviskubit getur jafnvel hrint af stað þunglyndi eða sterkri mistakakennd. A stricken conscience can even trigger depression or a deep sense of failure. |
Ég hef samviskubit ađ skiIja ūig eftir eina. I feel so guilty leaving you alone after |
Davíð hafði samviskubit . . . David had pangs of conscience . . . |
Hún hafði samt ekki neitt samviskubit útaf því sem hún hafði gert. Yet she felt no prick of conscience for what she had done. |
* Refsing var ákvörðuð, sem færði mönnum samviskubit, Al 42:18. * There was a punishment affixed, which brought remorse of conscience, Alma 42:18. |
Fórnarlömb fjársvikara finna oft til mikillar smánar, hafa samviskubit og eru reiðir út í sjálfa sig. Fraud victims typically feel overwhelmed by shame, guilt, embarrassment, and self-directed anger. |
Að iðrast merkir að „skipta um skoðun varðandi liðna (eða fyrirhugaða) athöfn eða hegðun, vegna eftirsjár eða óánægju“ eða „að sjá eftir, harma eða hafa samviskubit að hafa gert eitthvað eða ekki gert.“ To repent means to “change one’s mind with regard to past (or intended) action, or conduct, on account of regret or dissatisfaction,” or to “feel regret, contrition, or compunction for what one has done or omitted to do.” |
Auk þess gætirðu enn verið að syrgja ástkæran maka eða verið með samviskubit eða fundið til reiði vegna hjónaskilnaðar. Furthermore, you may still be grieving over the death of a beloved mate, or perhaps you may be feeling guilt or anger over a marital breakup. |
Hann mun dröslast međ samviskubit í einsemd sinni, nema ūú frelsir hann. He'll just keep on feeling guilty and alone, unless you release him |
Þá er sérstaklega gott að hugsa um hvað Davíð sagði þegar hann fékk samviskubit út af því að hafa syndgað alvarlega með Batsebu: „Sundurmarið og sundurkramið hjarta munt þú, ó Guð, eigi fyrirlíta.“ It is particularly good then to reflect on what David said when he felt remorse for his serious sin with Bath-sheba: “A heart broken and crushed, O God, you will not despise.” |
Sé reynt að bæla niður nagandi samviskubit er afleiðingin oft svefnlausar nætur og þreyta. Trying to suppress the naggings of a guilty conscience can cause weariness and sleepless nights. |
Ef ūađ hefur bæđi, fær ūađ samviskubit og aflar fjár fyrir ķperuna. If they have both, they feel guilty and raise money for the opera. |
18 Sérhver kristinn maður, sem hefur verið með samviskubit, getur skilið orð Davíðs: „Lát mig heyra fögnuð og gleði, lát kætast beinin sem þú [Jehóva] hefir sundurmarið.“ 18 Any Christian who has ever suffered with a guilty conscience can understand David’s words: “May you [Jehovah] cause me to hear exultation and rejoicing, that the bones that you have crushed may be joyful.” |
Faith vill gleyma því sem gerðist og sýnir ekkert samviskubit yfir atburðinum. Kane awakens and remembers nothing of the incident. |
„Ég gæti rekið þig í gegn með byssustingnum án þess að fá nokkurt samviskubit.“ “I could run you through with the bayonet and not feel any guilt.” |
Sumir hafa svikið undan skatti en fengið svo mikið samviskubit að þeir greiddu skuldina síðar. Some people who did not pay their taxes were so tormented by their conscience that they later paid their debt. |
Dar var með samviskubit fyrstu # tíma flugsins Dar worried about lying for nine hours of the flight |
Slíkt samviskubit er eðlilegt og jafnvel gagnlegt. This feeling of remorse is normal, even healthy. |
En hvađ sem ég geri fæ ég samviskubit. But no matter what I do, I feel guilty. |
Þú h e fur samviskubit You have a conscience |
Ekki lāta mig fā samviskubit. I didn't have to tell you. |
Viđ erum međ samviskubit... We feel really bad about- |
“ (Jesaja 22: 12, 13) Jerúsalembúar hafa ekkert samviskubit þótt þeir hafi gert uppreisn gegn Jehóva. (Isaiah 22:12, 13) The inhabitants of Jerusalem show no remorse for their rebellion against Jehovah. |
Enda þótt fæstum komi nokkurn tíma í hug að fremja ofbeldisglæp hafa margir ekkert samviskubit af siðlausu kynlífi, lygum eða svikum. While most people would never think of committing a violent crime, many have no qualms about engaging in sexual immorality, lying, or cheating. |
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Do you know about Icelandic
Icelandic is a Germanic language and the official language of Iceland. It is an Indo-European language, belonging to the North Germanic branch of the Germanic language group. The majority of Icelandic speakers live in Iceland, about 320,000. More than 8,000 native Icelandic speakers live in Denmark. The language is also spoken by about 5,000 people in the United States and by more than 1,400 people in Canada. Although 97% of Iceland's population considers Icelandic as their mother tongue, the number of speakers is declining in communities outside Iceland, especially Canada.