What does samviska in Icelandic mean?

What is the meaning of the word samviska in Icelandic? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use samviska in Icelandic.

The word samviska in Icelandic means conscience. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word samviska


noun (moral sense)

Hroki minn, herra, nær eins langt og samviska mín krefst.
My arrogance, sir, extends just as far as my conscience demands.

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Samviska mín keimtađi ūađ.
My conscience demanded it.
Þeir sýna, að krafa lögmálsins er rituð í hjörtum þeirra, með því að samviska þeirra ber þessu vitni og hugrenningar þeirra, sem ýmist ásaka þá eða afsaka.“ — Rómverjabréfið 2:14, 15.
They are the very ones who demonstrate the matter of the law to be written in their hearts, while their conscience is bearing witness with them and, between their own thoughts, they are being accused or even excused.” —Romans 2:14, 15.
Samviska Davíðs sló hann svo að hann iðraðist.
David’s conscience moved him to repentance.
Í hvaða máli var samviska fólks í frumkristna söfnuðinum breytileg og með hverju mælti Páll?
Over what issue did the consciences of those in the first-century congregation differ, and what did Paul recommend?
11. (a) Á hvaða vegu getur samviska manns forherst?
11. (a) In what ways may a person’s conscience become hardened?
Ef við nærum hugann á slíku getur samviska okkar smám saman glatað næmleika sínum.
If we feed our mind on such, our conscience can gradually become seared.
Ert ūú samviska mín?
Are you my conscience?
Vel þjálfuð samviska er verðmæt
The Benefits of a Trained Conscience
19 Undir lok svarsins við spurningunni frá lesendum í Varðturninum 1. júlí 2000 segir: „Skiptir þetta kannski litlu máli úr því að skoðanir manna og samviska er ólík hvað þetta varðar?
19 Near its conclusion, the reprinted answer on pages 29-31 says: “Does the fact that opinions and conscientious decisions may differ mean that the issue is inconsequential?
Tím. 3:2) Guðsótti, biblíufrædd samviska og nægjusemi hjálpa okkur engu að síður að vera heiðarleg í óheiðarlegum heimi.
3:2) Nevertheless, a healthy fear of Jehovah, a Bible-trained conscience, and a sense of contentment help us to remain honest in a dishonest world.
▪ Er samviska þín traustur leiðarvísir?
▪ Is Your Conscience a Reliable Guide?
DAVÍÐ konungur í Forn-Ísrael vissi mætavel hve þungbær slæm samviska getur verið.
KING DAVID of ancient Israel knew how heavy the burden of a guilty conscience could be.
Þeir sýna, að krafa lögmálsins er rituð í hjörtum þeirra, með því að samviska þeirra ber þessu vitni og hugrenningar þeirra, sem ýmist ásaka þá eða afsaka.“
They are the very ones who demonstrate the matter of the law to be written in their hearts, while their conscience is bearing witness with them and, between their own thoughts, they are being accused or even excused.”
Ófullkomleiki og samviska
Imperfection and Conscience
Samviska hans var einfaldlega vel þjálfuð.
Put simply, it was his trained conscience.
Þegar Joseph fór til Carthage til að gefa sig fram vegna meintrar kröfu laganna, tveimur eða þremur dögum áður en hann var myrtur, sagði hann: „Ég fer líkt og lamb til slátrunar, en ég er hægur sem sumarmorgunn. Samviska mín er hrein gagnvart Guði og gagnvart öllum mönnum.
“When Joseph went to Carthage to deliver himself up to the pretended requirements of the law, two or three days previous to his assassination, he said: ‘I am going like a lamb to the slaughter; but I am calm as a summer’s morning; I have a conscience void of offense towards God, and towards all men.
Guðrækin samviska þeirra leyfði þeim að vera viðstaddir enda þótt þeir neituðu einbeittir í bragði að taka þátt í nokkurri falstrúarathöfn. — Daníel 3: 1-18.
Their godly consciences permitted them to be present while resolutely refusing to participate in, or personally engage in, any act of false religion. —Daniel 3:1-18.
Það skiptir engu máli hve snyrtilegt og indælt sumt fólk í heiminum virðist vera; samviska þess er ekki kristin, ekki þjálfuð af Biblíunni.
No matter how clean-cut some worldly people may appear to be, they do not have a Bible-trained, Christian conscience.
(Títusarbréfið 1:10-14; 1. Tímóteusarbréf 4:7) Páll sagði að hugur þeirra og samviska væri ‚flekkuð‘ og notaði þar orð sem merkir að lita efni, til dæmis vandaða flík.
(Titus 1:10-14; 1 Timothy 4:7) Paul said that their minds and consciences were “defiled,” using a word with the sense of being stained, as a fine garment might be stained with dye.
Viltu vera samviska Gosa?
Would you like to be Pinocchio's conscience?
Samviska ūín er hrein.
Your conscience is clear.
Óæskilegar afleiðingar geta meðal annars verið slæm samviska, afbrýðisemi, þungun, kynsjúkdómar og að finnast maður niðurlægður.
Among the undesired results may be a sense of degradation, a troubled conscience, jealousies, pregnancy, and sexually transmitted disease.
Orðið, sem þýtt er „samviska“, stendur hins vegar um 30 sinnum í Grísku ritningunum.
In the Christian Greek Scriptures, the Greek word rendered “conscience” occurs some 30 times.

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Do you know about Icelandic

Icelandic is a Germanic language and the official language of Iceland. It is an Indo-European language, belonging to the North Germanic branch of the Germanic language group. The majority of Icelandic speakers live in Iceland, about 320,000. More than 8,000 native Icelandic speakers live in Denmark. The language is also spoken by about 5,000 people in the United States and by more than 1,400 people in Canada. Although 97% of Iceland's population considers Icelandic as their mother tongue, the number of speakers is declining in communities outside Iceland, especially Canada.