What does safn in Icelandic mean?

What is the meaning of the word safn in Icelandic? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use safn in Icelandic.

The word safn in Icelandic means museum, collection, library, museum. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word safn


noun (building or institution)

Það er mjög áhugavert að fara á safn.
It is very interesting to go to a museum.


noun (An object that contains a set of related objects. An object's position in the collection can change whenever a change occurs in the collection; therefore, the position of any specific object in a collection may vary.)

Chiffre vill afla peninga međ ūví ađ selja einstakt safn listmuna sinna.
Le Chiffre is trying to raise money by selling his unique art collection.


noun (A location on a SharePoint site where a collection of files and their associated metadata are stored.)

Aðal ættfræðisafn kirkjunnar er stærsta safn sinnar tegundar og það stendur almenningi til boða endurgjaldslaust.
The Church’s main Family History Library is the largest library of its kind, and it is open to the general public at no charge.


noun (institution that holds artifacts and other objects of scientific, artistic, cultural, historical, or other importance)

Það er mjög áhugavert að fara á safn.
It is very interesting to go to a museum.

See more examples

Hringabrynjuna festi hann á stand í forstofunni (þar til hann léði hana á safn).
His coat of mail was arranged on a stand in the hall (until he lent it to a Museum).
Feneyjar eru allar eitt safn.
All of Venice is a museum.
Biblían er safn 66 bóka. Þessi helga bók var rituð á um það bil 1.600 árum.
The Bible is made up of 66 books; this sacred volume was completed over a period of approximately 1,600 years.
Loksins höfđum viđ sameiginlegt safn.
Finally, we had a centralized system.
Við vitum hvar stærsta safn sovéskra vopna utan Sovétríkjanna er niðurkomið
And you and I know where the largest stockpile of Soviet weapons outside the Soviet Union is
Það er mjög verðmætt fyrir okkur að eiga safn fallegra söngva sem við getum sungið til að lofa Jehóva.
How happy we are to have a modern-day collection of heartwarming songs of praise to Jehovah!
Var henni þá breytt í safn.
Then we turned into a band.
Í raun réttri er Biblían safn 66 lítilla bóka.
Actually, the Bible is made up of 66 little books.
En Biblían er miklu meira en safn gagnlegra upplýsinga.
However, the Bible is far more than an anthology of helpful information.
Steinasafn Sigurborgar og Sörens er safn á Eskifirði.
It is a harder match and scores will be saved in the high scores section.
Sálmaritarinn var undir lagasáttmála Móse sem innihélt „Tóra,“ safn laga Guðs sem í voru mörg hundruð einstök ákvæði.
The psalmist was under the Mosaic Law covenant that contained the “Torah,” the body of divine law that embodied many hundreds of distinct laws.
Þjöppunaraðferð fyrir safn
Compression method for archive
Fyrst f örum viđ yfir umferđina í gegnum safn.
First we go over the traffic, through the museums.
Shosanna á safn međ yfir 350 nítratfilmum.
Shosanna has a collection of over 350 nitrate film prints.
Húsið minnir á safn.
The place is like a museum.
Tímaritið New Scientist segir frá því að vísindamaður hafi verið að skoða safn og rekið augun í myndir af útdauðri flugu í rafklumpi.
While visiting a museum, a scientist saw pictures of an extinct fly preserved in amber, says a report in New Scientist magazine.
Biblían er safn 66 smærri bóka sem skrifaðar voru af um það bil 40 mönnum á um 1.600 árum.
The Bible is a collection of 66 smaller books written over some 1,600 years by about 40 men.
Árið 1957 samþykktu bæjaryfirvöld að Árbæ skyldi enduruppbyggja og nýta sem safn og að þangað skyldu gömul merk hús vera færð.
In 1957, the city council agreed that a public park and open-air museum with old houses of historical value should be created there.
Í dag er Auschwitz safn til minningar um þá hræðilegu atburði sem hafa gerst þar.
The nearer conical memorial indicates where the events took place.
Þið eigið mikið safn þegar þú kemur... heim, herra.
Your folks'll have quite a collection when you get... ... home, sir.
Forritari (inn/út safn, Auðkenningarstuðningur
Developer (I/O library, Authentication support
Ráðhúsið er nokkurs konar safn í tengslum við sögu hússins og borgarinnar.
The library houses a special collection of printed materials relating to state and regional history.
Jafnvel fyrir andlát sitt var heimili hans þekkt safn og það varð að fyrsta opinbera safni Hollands eftir andlát hans.
His success in business was matched by his generosity to the community, and the arena has borne his name since it first opened.
Þar lét hann byggja mikið hús, sem enn stendur og er í dag fjölsótt safn til minningar um hann.
He made a lot of money with this, I`m sure there are still many Officers who remember him.
Bókin, sem við köllum „Biblíuna,“ er í raun safn af 66 minni bókum og spannar niðurritun þeirra meira en 1500 ár.
The book we refer to as “The Bible” is actually a collection of 66 smaller books written over a span of more than 1,500 years.

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Do you know about Icelandic

Icelandic is a Germanic language and the official language of Iceland. It is an Indo-European language, belonging to the North Germanic branch of the Germanic language group. The majority of Icelandic speakers live in Iceland, about 320,000. More than 8,000 native Icelandic speakers live in Denmark. The language is also spoken by about 5,000 people in the United States and by more than 1,400 people in Canada. Although 97% of Iceland's population considers Icelandic as their mother tongue, the number of speakers is declining in communities outside Iceland, especially Canada.