What does rist in Icelandic mean?

What is the meaning of the word rist in Icelandic? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use rist in Icelandic.

The word rist in Icelandic means instep, grid. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word rist


noun (top of the foot between the toes and the ankle)



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Það sn e rist e itthvað um að yrkja landið, e ignast fj ö lskyldu og sjá fólk brosa þ e gar þú kæmir inn í h e rb e rgi
It had something to do with working the land...... raising a family...... having people smile at you when you walked into a room
Manneskja er rist á kvio og líkio fest upp
You gut one human, and you string the carcass up
Rist ætti ekki að þurfa að kaupa orku frá þér í sumir aukin gegnheill verð.
The grid should not have to buy energy from you at some massively increased price.
Manneskja er rist á kvio og líkio fest upp.
You gut one human, and you string the carcass up.
Í bókinni Mesopotamian Astrology kemur fram að á einum stað í Babýlon hafi fornleifafræðingar fundið 32 lifrarlíkön úr leir sem rist voru fyrirboðum.
The book Mesopotamian Astrology tells us that at just one site in ancient Babylon, archaeologists found “32 [clay] liver models, all inscribed” with omens.
Ýmiss konar merki voru brennd eða rist í hold þeirra.
Various designs were burned or inscribed into their flesh.
Árásarmennirnir hafa veist að fórnarlömbunum með járnstöngum og naglakylfum, marið þá, rifið andlit þeirra og rist höfuðleðrið.
With the blows of nail-studded clubs and iron bars, the attackers have bruised their victims’ bodies, torn their faces, and ripped their scalps.
Ūessi teikning sem er rist í gķlfiđ er grafreitur hans.
This drawing scratched into the floor is the cemetery where he's buried.
7 Fordómar geta rist djúpt á okkar dögum rétt eins og á dögum Jesú.
7 Feelings of prejudice in our time can be deeply ingrained, just as they were in Jesus’ day.
Kort hafa verið rist á stein og tré, teiknuð í sand, á pappír og bókfell, máluð á skinn og dúk og jafnvel mótuð með höndum í snjó.
Maps have been carved on stone and wood; drawn on sand, paper, and parchment; painted on skins and cloth; and even hand shaped on snow.
Það er mjög, mjög dýrt tillögur til Notkun rafhlaða varabúnaður fyrir rist.
It's a very, very expensive proposition to use battery backup for the grid.
Letur óinnsiglaða hlutans var smátt og fagurlega rist.
The characters on the unsealed part were small, and beautifully engraved.
Það hefur ekki alltaf verið fær um að vera leikinn á rist stig fyrr vegna þess hversu mikið það kostar að geyma watta klukkustund í rafhlöðu.
It has not ever been able to be accomplished on a grid level before because of how much it costs to store a watt hour in a battery.
Skortsins rún er rist á vanga ūér og ūjáning starir hungruđ úr augum ūínum.
Are you so thin and full of wretchedness, yet scared to die?
Ūar til ūetta fķlk er frjálst held ég ađ viđ munum sjá mun fleiri Z rist á veggi.
Until these people are free I think we will see many more Z's carved into walls.
Sorg eftir ástvinamissi getur rist djúpt í hjarta kristins manns og trúin á upprisu afmáir hana ekki.
Faith in the resurrection does not eliminate the deep loss a Christian may feel.
Bringspölum, rist, nefi, klofi
Solar plexus, lnstep...... Nose, Groin!
Hvers vegna á jörðinni, Ef þú ert að gera orku á heimili þínu, þú ætti að selja það aftur til rist á hvað rist er að kaupa á þeim tíma.
Why on Earth, if you're making energy at your home, you should sell it back to the grid at whatever the grid is buying at that time.
Við komumst inn gegnum þessa rist
We can gain access through that panel
En hvað sem því líður er ástæða til að spyrja hversu djúpt það hafi rist þegar fólk gaf sig Kristi á hönd.
Even so, just how deep the commitments were must remain an open question.
- View: Nice rist og Listayfirlit.
- View: Nice grid and list view.
A lifandi veggfóður sem birtir rist af ljósum fading inn og út.
A live wallpaper which displays a grid of lights fading in and out.
- Customizable skrifborð rist stærð
- Customizable desktop grid size
Aðeins þremur mánuðum seinna sat Lúðvík fund með Rannveigu Rist, forstjóra Alcan á Íslandi, og Michel Jacques, forstjóra Alcan Primary Metal Group, þar sem framhaldsstarfsemi fyrirtækissins hér á landi var rædd.
Only three months later, Lúdvík sat at a meeting with Rannveig Rist, director of Alcan in Iceland, and Michael Jacques, director of Alcan Primary Metal Group, where they discussed the future of Alcan in Iceland.

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Do you know about Icelandic

Icelandic is a Germanic language and the official language of Iceland. It is an Indo-European language, belonging to the North Germanic branch of the Germanic language group. The majority of Icelandic speakers live in Iceland, about 320,000. More than 8,000 native Icelandic speakers live in Denmark. The language is also spoken by about 5,000 people in the United States and by more than 1,400 people in Canada. Although 97% of Iceland's population considers Icelandic as their mother tongue, the number of speakers is declining in communities outside Iceland, especially Canada.