What does reiprennandi in Icelandic mean?
What is the meaning of the word reiprennandi in Icelandic? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use reiprennandi in Icelandic.
The word reiprennandi in Icelandic means fluent, fluently. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word reiprennandi
fluentadjective (able to speak a language accurately and confidently) Hún talar bæði tungumálin reiprennandi og getur einnig tjáð sig nokkuð á fijimáli. She is fluent in both languages and also knows some Fijian. |
fluentlyadverb Galíleumenn töluðu reiprennandi erlend tungumál og boðskapurinn, sem þeir fluttu, hreif hugi áheyrenda. Galileans were speaking foreign languages fluently, and the message they were conveying captivated their listeners. |
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Byrjaðu á því að lesa eina efnisgrein og lestu hana síðan aftur og aftur uns þú getur lesið hana reiprennandi og villulaust. Read just one paragraph, and then do it again and again until you can read it without any mistakes. |
Sannfæring okkar kemur skýrar fram ef við flytjum efnið reiprennandi. It is easier for others to sense our conviction when our delivery is fluent. |
Talarðu hið hreina tungumál reiprennandi? Are You Speaking the “Pure Language” Fluently? |
Æfðu þig eins oft og þú þarft til að geta lesið reiprennandi. Do it again and again until your reading is fluent. |
Hún talar bæði tungumálin reiprennandi og getur einnig tjáð sig nokkuð á fijimáli. She is fluent in both languages and also knows some Fijian. |
Henni tókst að ávinna sér virðingu og stuðning þegna sinna, enda var hún fögur, metnaðarfull og stjórnhæf í besta lagi, talaði reiprennandi nokkur tungumál og var vön að berjast með manni sínum. Beautiful, ambitious, capable as an administrator, accustomed to campaigning with her husband, and fluent in several languages, she managed to command the respect and support of her subjects. |
Þegar þú þroskast ferðu þó kannski að koma auga á kosti þess að geta talað móðurmál þitt reiprennandi. As you grow a little older, though, you might start to appreciate the benefits of speaking your mother tongue well. |
• Hvernig getum við talað reiprennandi hið „hreina tungumál“ sannleikans um Guð og fyrirætlun hans? • How can we speak fluently the “pure language,” the truth about God and his purposes? |
Galíleumenn töluðu reiprennandi erlend tungumál og boðskapurinn, sem þeir fluttu, hreif hugi áheyrenda. Galileans were speaking foreign languages fluently, and the message they were conveying captivated their listeners. |
Þar sem ég talaði frönsku reiprennandi var ég notaður sem túlkur fyrir franska stríðsfanga. Since I could speak French fluently, I was used as a translator for French prisoners of war. |
Að tala hið hreina tungumál reiprennandi Speaking the Pure Language Fluently |
Bæði einstaklingar og trúboðsfélögin, sem þeir störfuðu hjá, gerðu fremur lítið til að tryggja að trúboði gæti talað reiprennandi við heimamann á hans eigin máli en það eitt getur skapað góðan skilning milli tveggja manna. Comparatively little effort was spent, either by individuals or by the societies employing them, in ensuring that a missionary could speak to a native in his own tongue with the fluency that alone can produce deep understanding between two human beings. |
• Hvað auðveldar okkur að tala hið hreina tungumál reiprennandi? • What will help us to speak the pure language fluently? |
Alice fór að sækja safnaðarsamkomur, hóf aftur biblíunám og lærði að tala og lesa punjabí reiprennandi. She began attending meetings regularly and resumed her Bible study, learning to speak and read Punjabi fluently. |
Kona lét litla dóttur sína heyra allmörg tungumál, og fimm ára gömul gat hún talað átta reiprennandi. A woman exposed her daughter to several languages, and by the time the child was five, she could speak eight languages fluently. |
Í bókinni English as a Global Language segir: „Um fjórðungur jarðarbúa hefur góð tök á ensku eða talar hana reiprennandi.“ The book English as a Global Language says: “About a quarter of the world’s population is already fluent or competent in English.” |
Auk þess að hafa bashjírsku að móðurmál talar hann reiprennandi í rússnesku og ensku. Apart from her native Romanian, she also is fluent in Russian and English. |
Fimm ára gömul talaði hún reiprennandi átta tungumál. By the time she was five she spoke eight fluently. |
Vertu hlýlegur og laus við upplestrartón: Lesturinn þarf að vera reiprennandi til þess að vera eðlilegur. Be Warm and Conversational: Naturalness comes with fluency. |
7 Hvað getur auðveldað okkur bæði að skilja hið hreina tungumál og tala það reiprennandi? 7 What will help us not only to understand the pure language but also to speak it fluently? |
Reiprennandi. Fluently. |
Þeir sem fá þetta verkefni ættu að æfa sig nokkrum sinnum með því að lesa upphátt og gefa nákvæmar gætur að framburði og leitast við að lesa reiprennandi til þess að koma merkingunni vel til skila. Those who receive a reading assignment should rehearse it several times by reading it aloud and paying close attention to proper pronunciation and fluency in order to convey thoughts with understanding. |
1:22-25) Ef við minnum okkur ekki jafnt og þétt á sannleikann mun eitthvað annað hafa áhrif á hjarta okkar og við gætum hætt að tala hið hreina tungumál reiprennandi. 1:22-25) If we do not keep reminding ourselves of the truth, other things will influence our hearts and we may no longer speak the pure language with fluency. |
3:9) Hvert er hið hreina tungumál og hvernig getum við lært að tala það reiprennandi? 3:9) What is that “pure language,” and how can we learn to speak it fluently? |
UNESCO skiptir tungumálum í fimm flokka eftir líkum á útrýmingu: „öruggt“, „viðkvæmt“ (ekki talað af börnum heima fyrir), „örugglega í útrýmingarhættu“ (ekki talað af börnum), „í verulegri útrýmingarhættu“ (aðeins talað af eldri kynslóðum) og „í mikilli útrýmingarhættu“ (talað af nokkrum úr eldri kynslóðunum, oftast ekki reiprennandi). The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) operates with five levels of language endangerment: "safe", "vulnerable" (not spoken by children outside the home), "definitely endangered" (not spoken by children), "severely endangered" (only spoken by the oldest generations), and "critically endangered" (spoken by few members of the oldest generation, often semi-speakers). |
Let's learn Icelandic
So now that you know more about the meaning of reiprennandi in Icelandic, you can learn how to use them through selected examples and how to read them. And remember to learn the related words that we suggest. Our website is constantly updating with new words and new examples so you can look up the meanings of other words you don't know in Icelandic.
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Do you know about Icelandic
Icelandic is a Germanic language and the official language of Iceland. It is an Indo-European language, belonging to the North Germanic branch of the Germanic language group. The majority of Icelandic speakers live in Iceland, about 320,000. More than 8,000 native Icelandic speakers live in Denmark. The language is also spoken by about 5,000 people in the United States and by more than 1,400 people in Canada. Although 97% of Iceland's population considers Icelandic as their mother tongue, the number of speakers is declining in communities outside Iceland, especially Canada.