What does rafvirki in Icelandic mean?
What is the meaning of the word rafvirki in Icelandic? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use rafvirki in Icelandic.
The word rafvirki in Icelandic means electrician, electrical engineer. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word rafvirki
electriciannoun Ég lauk svo sveinsprófi og fékk hlutastarf sem rafvirki.“ Later, I passed my exam and found a part-time job as an electrician.” |
electrical engineernoun |
See more examples
Ekki heldur rafvirki. Not an electrician either. |
Lítum á dæmi. Way, sem er rafvirki, og Debra eru að nálgast sextugt. Þau seldu húsið sitt í Kansas og flestar eigur sínar og fluttu til Wallkill. Þau starfa þar sem Betelítar en búa í eigin húsnæði. For example, Way, an electrician, and Debra, both in their late 50’s, sold their home and most of their belongings in Kansas and moved to Wallkill to serve as commuter Bethelites. |
Á einum og sama degi getur foreldri verið matreiðslumaður, ræstingamaður, rafvirki, hjúkrunarfræðingur, vinur, ráðgjafi, kennari, agari og margt fleira. In the course of a single day, a parent may be a cook, a housekeeper, an electrician, a nurse, a friend, a counselor, a teacher, a disciplinarian, and much more. |
Ég held ađ hann sé rafvirki. I think he's an electrician. |
Ég lauk svo sveinsprófi og fékk hlutastarf sem rafvirki.“ Later, I passed my exam and found a part-time job as an electrician.” |
( Stebbi ) Hann hafđi code name'iđ " Soren rafvirki " His code name was " Soren the Electrician ". |
-Elektricity og DIY: grunnatriði fyrir þá sem eru í upphafi - Rafvirki -Electricity and DIY: basics for those who are at the beginning |
Eiríkur Hjartarson, rafvirki, hafði byggt sér einbýlishús í dalnum árið 1929 og nefnt það Laugardalur, sem varð síðan nafnið á dalnum. An electrician, Einar Hjartarson, had built a bungalow in the valley in 1929 and named it Laugardalur”, which was then carried over the whole area. |
Þú ert plumber, rafvirki, smiður eða handyman? You're a plumber, electrician, carpenter or handyman? |
Rafmagnsverkfæri og tilvísun er multi-hagnýtur rafmagnsforrit sem inniheldur nauðsynlegar verkfæri, reiknivélar, viðmiðunar töflur, töflur og handbækur fyrir rafvirki. Electrical Tools & Reference is a multi-functional electrical app which includes the necessary tools, calculators, reference charts, tables and guides for electricians. |
Umsókn um Rafvirki Application for Electrician |
Það er einfaldlega að skipta um ljósaperur þínar og stinga í Wi-Fi brúnum, engin raflögn, engin rafvirki, hlaða niður og setja upp forritið og þú ert góður að fara. It is simply replace your existing bulbs,and plug in the wifi bridge,no wiring,no electricians,download and install the app and you are good to go. |
Rafvirki, rafverktakar, o.fl. Electrician, Electrical contractors, etc. |
Veistu nú þegar hvaða rafvirki að velja fyrir uppsetninguna þína? Do you know already which electrician to choose for your installation? |
Bæði rafvirki og notendur geta búið til aðstæður og áætlaða aðgerðir gegnum umsókn. Both electrician and end users can create scenarios and scheduled actions via application . |
Ef þú ert rafvirki, verkfræðingur eða þarf app fyrir rafvirkja þetta getur verið rétt rafmagns útreikningar app. If you are an electrician,engineer or need app for electricians this one can be the right electrical calculations app. |
Þessi app er nauðsynleg fyrir rafvirki: This app is essential for an electrician: |
Hvort sem þú ert í Tansaníu, Gana eða Suður-Afríku, er það algengt að sjá tæknimenn auglýsa sig á götuhornum eða viðskiptavinum að leita að plumber eða rafvirki gegnum net af vinum eða fjölskyldumeðlimum. Whether you are in Tanzania, Ghana or South Africa, it is common to see technicians advertising themselves on street corners or customers looking for plumber or electrician through a network of friends or family members. |
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Do you know about Icelandic
Icelandic is a Germanic language and the official language of Iceland. It is an Indo-European language, belonging to the North Germanic branch of the Germanic language group. The majority of Icelandic speakers live in Iceland, about 320,000. More than 8,000 native Icelandic speakers live in Denmark. The language is also spoken by about 5,000 people in the United States and by more than 1,400 people in Canada. Although 97% of Iceland's population considers Icelandic as their mother tongue, the number of speakers is declining in communities outside Iceland, especially Canada.