What does rafgeymir in Icelandic mean?

What is the meaning of the word rafgeymir in Icelandic? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use rafgeymir in Icelandic.

The word rafgeymir in Icelandic means battery, accumulator, car battery, automotive battery. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word rafgeymir


noun (device producing electricity)



car battery


automotive battery

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Hlustađu á mig, rafgeymir.
Listen, coppertop.
Sulfation á neikvæða plötunni mun beinlínis valda því að rafgeymir rafgeymisins minnkar.
Sulfation of the negative plate will directly cause the capacity of the battery to shrink.
Hituð Jacket fyrir karla: Hentar fyrir úti íþróttir (gönguferðir, skíðaferðir, klifra, osfrv) -3-svæði Upphitun: 2 í brjósti og stórt svæði í bak -LED stjórnandi með 3 hita stillingar: Low, Medium og High -Far-innrauða carbon-fiber upphitun frumefni RAFGEYMIR -3400mAh / 12 Volt Lithium-Polymer rafhlaða, hægt er að endurhlaða yfir 500cycles -Runs allt að 8 klukkustundum á einni hleðslu -Compact DC hleðslutæki innifalinn, -Power: 19W max MATERIALS -Anti-truflanir, vatnsheldur,...
Heated Jacket for Men: Suitable for outdoor Sports (Hiking, Skiing, Climbing, etc.) –3-zone heating: 2 in the chest and a large zone in the back –LED controller with 3 heat settings: Low, Medium, and High –Far-infrared Carbon-fiber heating elements BATTERY –3400mAh /12 volt Lithium-Polymer battery, rechargeable over 500cycles –Runs up to 8 hours on a single charge –Compact DC charger included, –Power: 19W max MATERIALS –Anti-static, waterproof,...
Innri rafgeymir, BF gerð
Interior Battery, BF Type
Báðar ná yfir kostnað vegna skemmda á ytra byrði bílaleigubílsins eða vélarhluta, þ.m.t. yfirbygging, þak, undirvagn, framrúða, gluggar, speglar, felgur, dekk, hjólkoppar, vél, kúpling, rafgeymir og læsingar.
All three will cover charges for damage to the rental car’s exterior or mechanical components, including bodywork, roof, undercarriage, windscreen, windows, mirrors, wheels, tyres, hubcaps, engine, clutch, battery and locks.
Í þriðja lagi hefur hreina blý rafhlaðan hröð hleðslugetu og hleðsla rafgeymisins í 3 klukkustundir er meira en 90% (venjulega tekur GEL rafgeymir rafhlöður 8-10 klukkustundir);
Third, the pure lead battery has a fast charging acceptance capability, and the battery capacity of charging for 3 hours is more than 90% (generally GEL colloidal battery takes 8-10 hours);
Sem rafgeymir er endingartíminn nátengdur heildarkostnaði við notkun.
As a power battery, the service life is closely related to the overall cost of use.
64 kW/klst rafgeymir/150 kW rafmótor: Hraðhleðsla á 30 mínútum (80% hleðsla) / hefðbundin hleðsla á 9,5 klst (100% hleðsla).
64 kWh battery/150 kW motor: fast charge in 42 minutes with a fast charger from 80 kW and above (from 20 to 80%) / normal charge in 9.5 hours (up to 100%).
Rafgeymir litíumjónar 12V T1
Start-up battery lithium ion 12V T1
(Rafhlaðan er tekin í notkun ef um er að ræða litla afkastagetu, sem veldur því að losunarvörurnar sem framleiddar voru á fyrstu stigum náðu ekki að jafna sig í tæka tíð, sem hefur í för með sér að rafgeymir minnka)
(The battery is put into use in the case of low capacity, causing the discharge products produced in the early stage to fail to recover in time, resulting in a decrease in battery capacity)
Rafgeymir upprunalegu rafhlöðupakkans er tekinn í sundur, og rafhlöðuuppbótartæknifræðingurinn er ábyrgur fyrir rafgeymsluvinnunni og viðeigandi aukatæknimenn annast meðhöndlun gömlu og nýju rafhlöðunnar.
The battery of the original battery pack is disassembled, and the battery replacement implementation engineer is responsible for the battery disassembly work, and the relevant auxiliary technicians carry out the handling of the old and new batteries.
Rafhlöður: Gakktu úr skugga um að rafhlöður í góðum gæðum séu í bílnum þínum og vertu einnig viss um að klemmurnar sem tryggja rafhlöðurnar þínar séu fastar. Rafgeymir sem ekki er laus og losnar getur valdið skemmdum undir vélarhlífinni.
Batteries: Make sure you have good quality batteries in your vehicle also make sure the clamps that secure your batteries are firm A badly fitted battery that comes loose can cause damage under the bonnet.
Rafgeymir virkjunarinnar er flytjanlegur vara sem er sérstaklega hönnuð fyrir reglubundið viðhald gamaldags rafhlöður.
The battery activator is a portable product specifically designed for routine maintenance of outdated cell batteries.
Next: Rafgeymir litíumjónar 12V T1 Rafhlaða
Next: Start-up battery lithium ion 12V T1
Hitastig rafhlöðunnar Rafgeymir blýsýru rafhlöðunnar er 25% við 30 ° F. Þegar það er fullt veldur frysting við 20 ° F skemmdir.
Battery Temperature The capacity of the lead-acid battery is 25% at 30 °F. When it is full, freezing at 20 °F causes damage.
Báðar ná yfir kostnað vegna skemmda á ytra byrði bílaleigubílsins eða vélarhluta, þ.m.t. yfirbygging, þak, undirvagn, framrúða, gluggar, speglar, felgur, dekk, hjólkoppar, vél, kúpling, rafgeymir og læsingar.
Both will cover charges for damage to the rental car’s exterior or mechanical components, including bodywork, roof, undercarriage, windscreen, windows, mirrors, wheels, tyres, hubcaps, engine, clutch, battery and locks.
Sérhver rafgeymir hefur verið prófaður 5 sinnum og við erum fullviss um að veita ársábyrgð.
Every single battery cell has been tested 5 times and we are confident enough to provide a year warranty.
Algengasta vandamálið er veikur rafgeymir.
The most common of these problems is a weak battery.
Rafgeymir fyrir bensínmæli.
Gas meter replacement battery.

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Do you know about Icelandic

Icelandic is a Germanic language and the official language of Iceland. It is an Indo-European language, belonging to the North Germanic branch of the Germanic language group. The majority of Icelandic speakers live in Iceland, about 320,000. More than 8,000 native Icelandic speakers live in Denmark. The language is also spoken by about 5,000 people in the United States and by more than 1,400 people in Canada. Although 97% of Iceland's population considers Icelandic as their mother tongue, the number of speakers is declining in communities outside Iceland, especially Canada.