What does passa in Icelandic mean?

What is the meaning of the word passa in Icelandic? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use passa in Icelandic.

The word passa in Icelandic means fit. To learn more, please see the details below.

Listen to pronunciation

Meaning of the word passa



Hvernig geta buxur sem passa ä Sofiu passað ä mig?
How can a pair of pants that fits Sofia fit me?

See more examples

passa við a a a kassi passa við
This will match a single character from a predefined range. When you insert this widget a dialog box will appear, which lets you specify which characters this regexp item will match
Ég skal passa þig.“
I’ll go with you.”
Ég les fyrir hann og laga koddana hans og hita upp inniskķna hans og passa ađ hann sé alltaf međ skķhlífar ūegar hann fer út.
I'm going to read aloud to him and plump his pillows... and warm up his slippers... and always make sure he wears his galoshes when he goes out.
Skotin sem viđ tķkum úr vestinu mínu passa viđ ūau sem urđu Newman ađ bana.
I bet the bullets we pulled from my vest match those that killed Newman.
Þú skalt passa forstjórann þinn betur, drullusokkur.
You ought to keep a better eye on your boss, you bastard.
Listi af MIME-tögum, aðskilin með semikommum. Þetta má nota til að takmarka notkun af þessari eind við skrár sem passa við MIME-tögin. Þú getur notað álfshnappinn til hægri til að fá lista af þegar skilgreindum skráartegundum sem þú getur valið úr og notað til að fylla upp í skráarmaskana
A list of mime types, separated by semicolon. This can be used to limit the usage of this entity to files with matching mime types. Use the wizard button on the right to get a list of existing file types to choose from, using it will fill in the file masks as well
Ūú passar mig međan ég passa geiturnar.
You minding me while I mind the goats.
Passa einnig við gluggatitil
Match also window & title
Þetta er ekki eins og að vera með trúsystkinum þar sem manni finnst maður stundum þurfa að passa hvernig maður hegðar sér.
It’s not like being around your spiritual brothers and sisters, where at times you feel you need to be more careful how you act.
Passa á síðubreidd
Fit to Page & Width
Hjķlförin passa viđ lũsinguna á bílum.
Tire marks are consistent with a 1987 navy-blue Acura Legend.
Ég kenni honum ađ passa sjálfan sig.
I'll help him look after himself.
Einhver varđ ađ passa upp á hann.
Someone had to look out for him.
Vitinn, kletturinn og veitingastaðurinn passa öll.
The lighthouse, the rock and the restaurant all fit the doubloon.
Viltu passa börnin?
Please pay attention to my children.
Finnst ūér viđ passa viđ ūađ?
You think we fit this description?
Fķlk eins og mamma, sem passa börn eins og mig.
You know, people like my mom, who look after kids like me?
Ég var vanur ađ vaka alla nķttina til ađ passa ūig frá skrímslunum og ūessum hættulega heimi fyrir utan.
I used to sit up all night to keep you safe from those monsters and that scary world outside.
Þú verður að passa að gera hann ekki reiðan.
You must be careful not to make him angry.
Í Suđurríkjunum verđur mađur ađ passa vel tíma og stađsetningu.
In the South, you've gotta figure what time it is and where you're at.
Ég passa hann ūví hann ūekkir ekki muninn á rassinum á sér og steini.
And I look after him because this boy don't know his ass from a hot rock.
Maður lærir líka mikið af því að taka þátt í byggingarstarfsemi safnaðarins, eins og að passa upp á öryggi, vera vinnusamur og vera samstarfsfús við þá sem hafa umsjón með verkinu.
Theocratic construction work is also educational, as it teaches you to be safety conscious, to be a diligent worker, and to cooperate with those in oversight.
Sláðu inn lykilorðið sem þarf við ræsingu (ef þess þarf) hérna. Ef takmarkað að ofan er valið þá þarf lykilorðið einungis fyrir auka viðföng. VIÐVÖRUN: Lykilorðið er geymt óbrenglað í/etc/lilo. conf. Þú verður að passa að einungis þeim sem treyst er geti lesið skrána. Þú vilt eflaust ekki nota venjulega rótarlykilorðið hérna. Þetta ákveður sjálfgefin gildi fyrir alla Linux kjarna sem þú vilt ræsa. Ef þig vantar stillingar fyrir hvern kjarna fyrir sig farðu þá í Stýrikerfis-flipann og veldu Smáatriði
Enter the password required for bootup (if any) here. If restricted above is checked, the password is required for additional parameters only. WARNING: The password is stored in clear text in/etc/lilo. conf. You 'll want to make sure nobody untrusted can read this file. Also, you probably do n't want to use your normal/root password here. This sets a default for all Linux kernels you want to boot. If you need a per-kernel setting, go to the Operating systems tab and select Details
En ég er búin ađ fá mömmu til ađ passa annađ kvöld.
But I got Mom to watch the babies tomorrow night.
Ūú ūarft ađ passa Sam.
You are on Sam duty,

Let's learn Icelandic

So now that you know more about the meaning of passa in Icelandic, you can learn how to use them through selected examples and how to read them. And remember to learn the related words that we suggest. Our website is constantly updating with new words and new examples so you can look up the meanings of other words you don't know in Icelandic.

Do you know about Icelandic

Icelandic is a Germanic language and the official language of Iceland. It is an Indo-European language, belonging to the North Germanic branch of the Germanic language group. The majority of Icelandic speakers live in Iceland, about 320,000. More than 8,000 native Icelandic speakers live in Denmark. The language is also spoken by about 5,000 people in the United States and by more than 1,400 people in Canada. Although 97% of Iceland's population considers Icelandic as their mother tongue, the number of speakers is declining in communities outside Iceland, especially Canada.