What does páfagaukur in Icelandic mean?
What is the meaning of the word páfagaukur in Icelandic? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use páfagaukur in Icelandic.
The word páfagaukur in Icelandic means parrot, popinjay. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word páfagaukur
parrotnoun (kind of bird) Í Kremlín er nú rússnesku - mælandi páfagaukur sem er í stöđugu talsambandi viđ varnarmálarđauneytiđ. We have in the Kremlin a Russian-speaking parrot in constant radio communication with the Pentagon. |
popinjaynoun |
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Ég páfagaukur. " I be parrot. |
Svikuli páfagaukur. Treacherous parrot. |
Í Kremlín er nú rússnesku - mælandi páfagaukur sem er í stöđugu talsambandi viđ varnarmálarđauneytiđ. We have in the Kremlin a Russian-speaking parrot in constant radio communication with the Pentagon. |
Það er páfagaukur þarna There' s a parrot in there |
Ef ūessir menn eru hinsegin, ūá er ég einfættur páfagaukur. If these gentlemen are gay, then I'm a one-legged parrot. |
Ūađ er páfagaukur ūarna. There's a parrot in there. |
Ūessi páfagaukur var ljķtur! This cockatoo was ugly! |
Hún er ekki bara að romsa upp orðum eins og páfagaukur, nokkuð sem þú kannt að hafa reynt í skóla þegar þú varst að læra utanbókar einhver nöfn, staðreyndir eða hugmyndir. This is not a mere parroting of words, which you may have tried in school while learning some name, fact, or idea by rote. |
Komdu hingađ, pínlegi páfagaukur! Come here, you pilfering parakeet! |
Hún klæddist græna Brocade dress og hélt grænt páfagaukur á fingri hennar. She wore a green brocade dress and held a green parrot on her finger. |
Hvað er lítið hreiður, lifir venjulega ekki, aðeins notað við ræktun, en þjálfað páfagaukur verður einnig notaður... What is a small nest, usually does not live, only used during breeding, but the trained parrot will also be used... |
A. Laus byggingareiningar, hrár húðir og sumir páfagaukur eins og að berjast með leikföngum. A. Available building blocks, raw hides, and some parrots like fighting with toys. |
Hvernig á að velja rétt búsvæði fyrir páfagaukur? How to keep warm for parrots in winter? |
Samþykkja marghyrninga með réttu númeri og þú munt fá snjalla fjölfox, bjarta páfagaukur eða óraunveru unicorn! Match polygons with the right number and you will get a clever poly fox, a bright parrot or an unreal unicorn! |
Leikföng (sérstaklega tré) eru eytt og eðlileg og páfagaukur sem eru skaðleg við páfagauka skipt út í tíma. Toys (especially wood) are destroyed and normal, and the parrots that are harmful to parrots are replaced in time. |
Hvernig á að halda hlýja fyrir páfagaukur í vetur? How to keep warm for parrots in winter? |
Hvernig á að velja rétt búsvæði fyrir páfagaukur? How to choose the right habitat for a parrot? |
Rautt með stórum gogg páfagaukur er einnig ekki til staðar. Red with a large beak parrot is also not a present. |
Breyttu leikföngunum þínum einu í einu (sértækir páfagaukur eins og gráir páfagaukur). Change your toys one at a time (selective parrots like gray parrots). |
Hvernig á að raða búr fyrir páfagaukur? How to arrange a cage for a parrot? |
Vöru Nafn Stórt páfagaukur leikföng með grasplötu Product name Large parrot toys with grass perch |
Tré leikföng fyrir páfagaukur í stórum stíl Wooden toys for parrot for large size |
Stórt páfagaukur leikföng með grasplötu Large parrot toys with grass perch |
Hot Tags: páfagaukur fugl búr, Kína, birgja, framleiðendur, verksmiðju, heildsölu, sérsniðin Hot Tags: parrot bird cage, China, suppliers, manufacturers, factory, wholesale, customized |
Hot Tags: páfagaukur búnaður fylgihlutir, Kína, birgja, framleiðendur, verksmiðju, heildsölu, sérsniðin Hot Tags: parrot cage accessories, China, suppliers, manufacturers, factory, wholesale, customized |
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Do you know about Icelandic
Icelandic is a Germanic language and the official language of Iceland. It is an Indo-European language, belonging to the North Germanic branch of the Germanic language group. The majority of Icelandic speakers live in Iceland, about 320,000. More than 8,000 native Icelandic speakers live in Denmark. The language is also spoken by about 5,000 people in the United States and by more than 1,400 people in Canada. Although 97% of Iceland's population considers Icelandic as their mother tongue, the number of speakers is declining in communities outside Iceland, especially Canada.