What does orlof in Icelandic mean?
What is the meaning of the word orlof in Icelandic? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use orlof in Icelandic.
The word orlof in Icelandic means holiday, vacation, leave, vacation. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word orlof
holidaynoun |
vacationnoun |
leavenoun |
vacationverb noun (holiday, usually involving travel) |
See more examples
A prioja degi, eftir ao vio hofoum drukkio (af sjalfu leioir), gaf Editus okkur orlof. The third day (after we had drank, as you must understand) Aedituus dismissed us. |
(Lúkas 9:23) Þar sem við höfum afneitað sjálfum okkur biðjum við Jehóva ekki um orlof eða leyfi frá störfum. (Luke 9:23) Having disowned ourselves, we do not ask Jehovah for a leave of absence, a furlough. |
Áunnið orlof er greitt er að launagreiðanda skal umreikna í dagvinnustundir og þegar það kemur til greiðslu, greiðist það með þeim dagvinnulaunum sem þá gilda. The injunction is as follows: If the debtor is in difficulty, grant him time till it is easy for him to repay. |
Desemberuppbót er föst fjárhæð og orlof reiknast ekki ofan á desemberuppbótina. The December bonus is a fixed sum and vacation pay is not calculated as an addition to the December bonus. |
Að lokinni könnun á vilja starfsmannsins skal hann tilkynna eins fljótt og hægt er og í síðasta lagi mánuði fyrir byrjun orlofs hvenær orlof skuli hefjast, nema sérstakar ástæður hamli því. When the employer has completed checking the wishes of the employees, he/she shall announce, as soon as possible and at the latest one month before the beginning of vacation, when the vacation shall begin unless special circumstances prevent this. |
Vel hefir þú með oss verið, segir hún, og gott orlof skaltu af oss hafa. It has been good to have you here, she says, and you will go with my blessing. |
Atvinnurekanda ber að greiða áunnið ógreitt orlof og er það oftast gert í lok uppsagnarfrests. The employer is under obligation to pay accrued holiday entitlements. Such payments are usually paid at the end of the termination notice period. |
21 En er Hadad frétti til Egyptalands, að Davíð væri lagstur til hvíldar hjá feðrum sínum og að Jóab hershöfðingi væri dáinn, þá sagði Hadad við Faraó: "Veit mér orlof, að ég megi fara til ættlands míns." 21 And when Hadad heard in Egypt that David slept with his fathers, and that Joab the captain of the host was dead, Hadad said to Pharaoh, Let me depart, that I may go to my own country. |
Vinnuveitandi ákveður í samráði við starfsmenn hvenær orlof er veitt. The employer decides, in consultation with the employees, when vacation is to be taken. |
Nú leið það sumar og veturinn eftir og komu Danir eigi. Og eftir mitt sumar fékk Gunnlaugur orlof til brottferðar af konungi og fór Gunnlaugur þaðan austur til Noregs og fann Eirík jarl í Þrándheimi á Hlöðum og tók jarl honum þá vel og bauð honum þá með sér að vera. Now this summer went by, and the next winter, but no Danes came; and after midsummer Gunnlaug got his leave to depart from the king, and went thence east to Norway, and found Earl Eric in Thrandheim, at Hladir, and the earl greeted him well, and bade him abide with him. |
Hann sagði mér að hann sé nú á orlof, ferðast um heiminn og hugsa um hvað hann gæti gert næst í lífinu. He told me he’s currently on a sabbatical, traveling the world and thinking about what he could do next in life. |
Í öðru lagi eru íslenskar reglur um vinnutíma ekki í fullu samræmi við vinnutímatilskipunina sem kveður á um árlegt fjögurra vikna orlof. Secondly, the Norwegian Annual Holidays Act does not fully ensure the four weeks annual leave provided for by the Working Time Directive. |
YSV The app veitir upplýsingar um orlof, hátíðir og aðra viðburði! YSV The app provides information on holidays, observances and other events! |
Og er Bolli hafði fengið orlof af konungi þá býst hann til ferðar og gekk á kugg einn er ætlaði suður til Danmerkur. And when Bolli had got the king's leave he made ready for his journey, and went on board a round ship that was bound south for Denmark. |
Orlof skal tekið í samráði við atvinnurekanda og tekið á tímabilinu 2. maí til 15. september ár hvert. Holiday must be taken in liaison with the employer and taken during the time period of May 2nd to September 15th each year. |
Allir hafa rétt til hvíldar og tómstunda, og telst ţar til hćfileg takmörkun vinnutíma og reglubundiđ orlof á launum. Everyone has the right to rest and leisure, including reasonable limitation of working hours and periodic holidays with pay. |
Sveigjanlegar vinnunstundir og orlof í boði. Flexible working hours and paid leave. |
Eftir 5 ár í sömu starfsgrein skal starfsmaður hafa 25 daga orlof og skulu orlofslaun vera 10,64%. Following 5 years’ employment in the same occupation, employees shall have 25 days’ annual holiday, and holiday pay shall be 10.64%. |
Dæmi tilbúið til notkunar vegna beiðni um orlof án launa. Example ready to use for a request for leave without pay. |
Þegar við tölum um orlof án launa vísum við til þess sem ekki er stjórnað af vinnulöggjöfinni. When we talk about leave without pay, we are referring to that which is not regulated by the Labor Code. |
Tilgreina skal önnur starfskjör í ráðningarsamningnum, svo sem greiðslur í lífeyrissjóð, orlof, hlunnindi og uppsagnarfrest. Other details of his remuneration, such as contribution to pension funds, holiday allowance and other benefits, as well as terms of notice, shall be mentioned in the employment contract. |
Leyfi til að stofna fyrirtæki er sú tegund orlofs sem gefur hverjum starfsmanni möguleika á að taka sér orlof eða eyða hlutastarfi til að fjárfesta betur í frumkvöðlaverkefni sínu. Leave for setting up a business is the type of leave that gives any employee the possibility of taking a leave or spending part-time in order to better invest in his entrepreneurial project. |
Þórður varð fár við orð konungs og svaraði engu og tók síðan orlof af konunginum og fór heim til búa sinna og urðu frændur hans honum fegnir. Thórðr became silent at the King's words, and answered nought; then he took leave of the King, went home to his possessions, and his relatives were glad to see him. |
Frí (greitt orlof (fullt starf, hálf frí) og sérstakt, svo sem frí) þú getur sótt um. Vacation (paid leave (full-time, half holiday) and special, such as vacation) you can apply for. |
Ákvörðun um orlof skal þó ætíð tekin í samráði við atvinnurekanda og með tilliti til starfseminnar. Decisions concerning holidays, however, must always be made in consultation with the employer and take the nature of the operation into account |
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Do you know about Icelandic
Icelandic is a Germanic language and the official language of Iceland. It is an Indo-European language, belonging to the North Germanic branch of the Germanic language group. The majority of Icelandic speakers live in Iceland, about 320,000. More than 8,000 native Icelandic speakers live in Denmark. The language is also spoken by about 5,000 people in the United States and by more than 1,400 people in Canada. Although 97% of Iceland's population considers Icelandic as their mother tongue, the number of speakers is declining in communities outside Iceland, especially Canada.