What does o.s.frv. in Icelandic mean?

What is the meaning of the word o.s.frv. in Icelandic? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use o.s.frv. in Icelandic.

The word o.s.frv. in Icelandic means etc., and so forth, and so on, et cetera. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word o.s.frv.


adverbPhrase (abbreviation of “et cetera”; and the rest; and so forth)

and so forth


and so on


et cetera


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„Það er meiri hætta á að þær veki áhuga eldri pilta sem eru líklegir til vera byrjaðir að stunda kynlíf,“ segir í bókinni A Parent’s Guide to the Teen Years.
“They’re also at risk of attracting the attention of older boys who are more apt to be sexually experienced,” says the book A Parent’s Guide to the Teen Years.
Árið 2004 lék Duff gestahlutverk í That's So Raven sem Katina Jones.
In 2004, Duff made a guest appearance on That's So Raven as Katina Jones.
Grikkir byggðu borgina en Lýdíumenn eyddu hana um 580 f.o.t.
Greeks settled the city, but the Lydians destroyed it in about 580 B.C.E.
Sprengingar á bls. 2 og 3: U.S.
Explosions on pages 2 and 3: U.S.
* Klæði yðar séu látlaus, K&S 42:40.
* Let all thy garments be plain, D&C 42:40.
* Styðjið framgang verks míns og þér munuð blessaðir verða, K&S 6:9.
* Assist to bring forth my work, and you shall be blessed, D&C 6:9.
* Vitjið hinna fátæku og þurfandi, K&S 44:6.
* Visit the poor and needy, D&C 44:6.
HJÚKRUNARFRÆÐINGURINN Jæja, herra, húsmóður minni er sætasta konan. -- Herra, herra! þegar ́twas smá prating hlutur, - O, there'sa nobleman í bænum, einn París, sem vill leggja hníf um borð, en hún, gott sál, hafði sem sannfæringarstig sjá Karta, mjög Karta, eins og sjá hann.
NURSE Well, sir; my mistress is the sweetest lady. -- Lord, Lord! when'twas a little prating thing, -- O, there's a nobleman in town, one Paris, that would fain lay knife aboard; but she, good soul, had as lief see a toad, a very toad, as see him.
* Til þess að ná æðsta stigi himneska ríkisins verður maðurinn að gjöra hinn nýja og ævarandi hjónabandssáttmála, K&S 131:1–4.
* To obtain the highest degree of the celestial kingdom, a man must enter into the new and everlasting covenant of marriage, D&C 131:1–4.
Svo að fyrir hann gætu allir þeir frelsast, sem faðirinn hafði falið honum á vald og gjört með honum“ (K&S 76:40–42).
“That through him all might be saved whom the Father had put into his power and made by him” (D&C 76:40–42).
„Ég reyni að iðrast, að biðja og bæta mig“ (Children’s Songbook, 98).
“I’ll try to repent, to do better, to pray” (Children’s Songbook, 98).
* Hinir heilögu hljóta arf sinn og munu gerðir jafnir honum, K&S 88:107.
* The Saints shall receive their inheritance and be made equal with him, D&C 88:107.
Bæði The Encyclopedia Americana og Great Soviet Encyclopedia eru á einu máli um að stjórnartíð Artaxerxesar hafi lokið árið 424 f.o.t.
Both The Encyclopedia Americana and the Great Soviet Encyclopedia agree that Artaxerxes’ reign ended in 424 B.C.E.
Ef þú tekur 5r sinnum s+5 og þú þáttar úr s plús 5, þá er aðeins eftir 5r
If you take 5r times s plus 5, and you factor out the s plus 5, you're just left with the 5r.
Drottinn bauð spámanninum í þjónustu hans að senda trúboða til að „prédika fagnaðarerindið hverri skepnu“ (K&S 68:8).
Throughout the Prophet’s ministry, the Lord directed him to send missionaries to “preach the gospel to every creature” (D&C 68:8).
* Sá sem ekkert gjörir, fyrr en honum er boðið það, sá hinn sami er fordæmdur, K&S 58:29.
* He that doeth not anything until he is commanded, the same is damned, D&C 58:29.
Ég ber vitni um að við höfum lifandi spámann á jörðunni í dag – Thomas S.
I testify that we have a living prophet upon the earth, President Thomas S.
o Verið gott fordæmi um réttláta dóttur Guðs.
o Be an example of a righteous daughter of God.
Guð átti frumburði Ísraelsmanna eftir að hafa bjargað þeim frá lífláti á páskum árið 1513 f.o.t.
Having rescued the Israelite firstborn from execution at Passover 1513 B.C.E., God owned them.
Kinko' s gaf mér fimm daga frí
Kinko' s gave me five days off
Hermenn Filista ráðast á óvini sína (egypsk útskurðarmynd frá 12. öld f.o.t.).
Philistine warriors charging their enemies (Egyptian carving from the 12th century B.C.E.)
Ég hlakka sv o til ađ hitta ūig.
God, I cannot wait to see you.
* Englar sem eru upprisnar verur og hafa líkama af holdi og beinum, K&S 129:1.
* Angels who are resurrected beings have bodies of flesh and bones, D&C 129:1.
* Sá, sem óttast mig, mun huga að táknunum fyrir komu mannssonarins, K&S 45:39.
* He that feareth me shall be looking for the signs of the coming of the Son of Man, D&C 45:39.
* Innsiglun barna til foreldra sinna er hluti hins mikla verks fyllingar tímanna, K&S 138:48.
* The sealing of the children to the parents is part of the great work of the fulness of times, D&C 138:48.

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Do you know about Icelandic

Icelandic is a Germanic language and the official language of Iceland. It is an Indo-European language, belonging to the North Germanic branch of the Germanic language group. The majority of Icelandic speakers live in Iceland, about 320,000. More than 8,000 native Icelandic speakers live in Denmark. The language is also spoken by about 5,000 people in the United States and by more than 1,400 people in Canada. Although 97% of Iceland's population considers Icelandic as their mother tongue, the number of speakers is declining in communities outside Iceland, especially Canada.