What does naut in Icelandic mean?
What is the meaning of the word naut in Icelandic? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use naut in Icelandic.
The word naut in Icelandic means bull, cattle, cow. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word naut
bullnoun (uncastrated adult male bovine) Og ūá ķk ég vörubíl sem lítur út eins og naut á hestastyttu. And then I ran a truck that looks like a bull into a statue of a horse. |
cattlenoun Bjóddu henni sveppi og töfralækna og nóg vodka til að drepa naut. Offer her ayahuasca and shamans and enough vodka to kill cattle. |
cownoun |
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Ég naut þeirrar blessunar að alast upp í fámennri grein. I had the blessing of growing up in a small branch. |
2 Salómon naut ríkulegrar blessunar meðan hann var trúfastur. 2 As long as he was faithful, Solomon enjoyed many blessings. |
Ég naut ūess, hvađ gerđist? I was enjoying it, what happened? |
18 Hvernig naut Job góðs af því að þekkja Guð vel? 18 How accurate knowledge of God benefited Job. |
Hann var rekinn frá konungsborði og úr höllinni, hafðist við með dýrum merkurinnar og át gras eins og naut. Driven away from the royal table and the imperial residence, he lived in the fields and ate grass like a bull. |
Afstaða Habakkuks var mjög til fyrirmyndar því að hann segir: „Þótt fíkjutréð blómgist ekki og víntrén beri engan ávöxt, þótt gróði olíutrésins bregðist og akurlöndin gefi enga fæðu, þótt sauðfé hverfi úr réttinni og engin naut verði eftir í nautahúsunum, þá skal ég þó gleðjast í [Jehóva], fagna yfir Guði hjálpræðis míns.“ Habakkuk had an exemplary attitude, for he said: “Although the fig tree itself may not blossom, and there may be no yield on the vines; the work of the olive tree may actually turn out a failure, and the terraces themselves may actually produce no food; the flock may actually be severed from the pen, and there may be no herd in the enclosures; yet, as for me, I will exult in Jehovah himself; I will be joyful in the God of my salvation.” |
Ég naut út í ystu æsar tilsagnarinnar sem við fengum í Biblíunni þessa mánuði. Oh, how I enjoyed the Bible instruction we received during those months! |
Þar var síðan hlaðin upp sundlaug er naut nálægðar við jarðhita frá náttúrulegum hverum sem þar er að finna. When everyone walked inside they noticed the fine natural decorations used from the surrounding forest. |
Ég naut lífsins á nýjan hátt með Oris mér við hlið. With Oris, my life flourished anew |
Þegar snjór lá dýpstu ekki wanderer héldu nálægt húsinu mínu í viku eða tvær vikur í einu, en þar sem ég bjó sem snug sem engi mús, eða eins og naut og alifugla sem eru sagðir hafa lifað í fyrir löngu grafinn í rekur, jafnvel án matar, eða eins og fjölskylda sem snemma landnámsmaðurinn er í bænum Sutton, í þessu ástandi, sem sumarbústaður var alveg falla undir miklu snjór 1717 þegar hann var fjarverandi, og When the snow lay deepest no wanderer ventured near my house for a week or fortnight at a time, but there I lived as snug as a meadow mouse, or as cattle and poultry which are said to have survived for a long time buried in drifts, even without food; or like that early settler's family in the town of Sutton, in this State, whose cottage was completely covered by the great snow of 1717 when he was absent, and an |
Fyrir nokkrum vikum, er ég heimsótti eina afrísku deildina, naut ég þeirrar ánægju að fara með tveimur prestum, biskupi þeirra og stikuforseta, að heimsækja lítt virka pilta sveitar þeirra. A few weeks ago while visiting one of the wards in South Africa, I had the privilege to accompany two young priests, their bishop, and their stake president in a visit to less-active young men of their quorum. |
Hann gegndi aðeins tveimur mikilvægum embættum á ferli sínum, embættum forsætisráðherra og leiðtoga lávarðadeildar breska þingsins, en hann naut þó mikilla áhrifa á seinni ráðherratíð sinni. He served in only two high offices during his lifetime (Prime Minister and Leader of the House of Lords), but was nonetheless very influential during his one and a half years of service. |
Ég var venjulega kominn þangað um miðnætti og naut gestrisni eldri hjóna sem ég dvaldi hjá til morguns. I usually arrived about midnight and enjoyed the hospitality of an elderly couple who let me stay with them till morning. |
„Ég naut þess að vera vel liðin bæði af stelpum og strákum,“ viðurkennir hún. “I liked being liked, by both girls and boys,” she admits. |
13 Og kýr og birna verða á beit saman, kálfar og húnar liggja hvorir hjá öðrum og ljónið mun hey eta sem naut. 13 And the cow and the bear shall feed; their young ones shall lie down together; and the lion shall eat straw like the ox. |
Atriðið þróast þá í stutta útskýrslu um velgengina sem hvert barn naut á ungum aldri. Every year there is a different theme delineating how a youth has benefitted from living overseas. |
Hafið viðtal við boðbera sem naut góðs af slíku frá biblíukennara sínum. Interview a publisher who benefited from his Bible teacher’s having done this. |
Það gerði mér gott vegna þess að því meira sem ég var úti í starfinu, þeim mun betur sá ég hverju það kemur til leiðar og þá naut ég þess betur.“ This was good for me because the more I went out in the ministry, the more I saw the good it accomplishes and the more I enjoyed it.” |
Hún fór að boða fagnaðarerindið um ríki Guðs í fullu starfi og naut þess að hjálpa fólki að breyta lífi sínu til hins betra. – Matteus 24:14. She became a full-time preacher of the good news of the Kingdom and really enjoyed helping people find a better way of life. —Matthew 24:14. |
Ūetta var bara ekki eitthvađ sem ég naut ađ gera. It just wasn't something I enjoyed doing, that's all. |
Og hann naut þess. He loved it. |
Síðan spyr hann: „Nú á einhver yðar asna eða naut, sem fellur í brunn, mun hann ekki óðara draga það upp, þótt hvíldardagur sé?“ Then he asks: “Who of you, if his son or bull falls into a well, will not immediately pull him out on the sabbath day?” |
Þótt hjónaband og barneignir væru mikils metnar í Ísrael var dóttir hans fús til að vera einhleyp. Hún naut þess heiðurs að veita heilaga þjónustu í helgidómi Jehóva. — Dóm. Although marriage and childbearing were highly esteemed in Israel, Jephthah’s daughter willingly remained single and enjoyed the privilege of engaging in sacred service at Jehovah’s sanctuary. —Judg. |
Annar maður, sem naut miskunnar Guðs, sagði: „Ef einhver syndgar, þá höfum vér árnaðarmann [það er að segja hjálpara] hjá föðurnum, Jesú Krist, hinn réttláta. Another recipient of God’s mercy explained: “If anyone does commit a sin, we have a helper with the Father, Jesus Christ, a righteous one. |
Faðir minn smíðaði handa mér rólu og ég naut þess að hlaupa um í garðinum. My father made a swing for me, and I loved running around the garden. |
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Do you know about Icelandic
Icelandic is a Germanic language and the official language of Iceland. It is an Indo-European language, belonging to the North Germanic branch of the Germanic language group. The majority of Icelandic speakers live in Iceland, about 320,000. More than 8,000 native Icelandic speakers live in Denmark. The language is also spoken by about 5,000 people in the United States and by more than 1,400 people in Canada. Although 97% of Iceland's population considers Icelandic as their mother tongue, the number of speakers is declining in communities outside Iceland, especially Canada.