What does minni in Icelandic mean?

What is the meaning of the word minni in Icelandic? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use minni in Icelandic.

The word minni in Icelandic means memory, my, less, memory, long-term memory. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word minni


noun (ability to recall)

Smith hefur eytt mörgum árum í að rannsaka áhrif svefns og svefntaps á minni og lærdóm.
Smith has spent years studying the effects of sleep and sleep loss on memory and learning.



Hann var svo ósvífinn að hafna tillögunni minni.
He had the presumption to reject my proposal.



Sá tími sem konur eyða í heimilisstörfin er nú mun minni en áður fyrr.
The time women spend doing housework is now a lot less than it used to be.


noun (information stored in the mind, or the mental processes involved in receiving, storing, and retrieving this information)

Smith hefur eytt mörgum árum í að rannsaka áhrif svefns og svefntaps á minni og lærdóm.
Smith has spent years studying the effects of sleep and sleep loss on memory and learning.

long-term memory

noun (The memory process that deals with the storage, retrieval and modification of information a long time (typically weeks, months or years) after receiving that information. This type of memory is typically dependent on gene transcription regulated by s)

See more examples

Èg treysti konunni minni
I trust my wife
Fyrir ūađ sem ūú gerđir ūjķđ minni.
For what you did to my country.
Ég minni þig á að ef þú heldur að Lowenstein hringi í ríkisstjórann
If you go to Lowenstein thinking he' il call the governor
Þeirra afli er talsvert minni en Bandaríkjamanna.
Our American heritage is greater than any one of us.
Í raun studdu þau mig í ákvörðun minni.
In fact, they supported me in my decision.
HJÚKRUNARFRÆÐINGURINN Jæja, herra, húsmóður minni er sætasta konan. -- Herra, herra! þegar ́twas smá prating hlutur, - O, there'sa nobleman í bænum, einn París, sem vill leggja hníf um borð, en hún, gott sál, hafði sem sannfæringarstig sjá Karta, mjög Karta, eins og sjá hann.
NURSE Well, sir; my mistress is the sweetest lady. -- Lord, Lord! when'twas a little prating thing, -- O, there's a nobleman in town, one Paris, that would fain lay knife aboard; but she, good soul, had as lief see a toad, a very toad, as see him.
En nú ætla ég ađ sinna stúlkunni minni.
I'm going to get back to my date.
Veistu, ég held ađ dķttur minni gangi betur án mín.
You know, I think my daughter is just better off without me.
Við skírðum hana Caroline í höfuðið á móður minni
" And we named her for my mother, Caroline. "
Hann hefur snuðrað á rannsóknarstofunni minni
He' s been snooping around my lab
Ūiđ ættuđ ađ fá minni ūjálfun hjá FBl og meiri frá leiklistarkennurum.
It seems you fellows could stand less training from the FBI and more from the Actors'Studio.
Til að gera mitt besta og standa undir hinni nýju ábyrgð minni sem giftur maður, sagði ég: „Ég veit það ekki ‒ af því að ég er eiginmaður þinn og hef prestdæmið.“
So, doing my best to step up to my new responsibilities as a married man, I said, “I don’t know—because I’m your husband and I hold the priesthood.”
Ég ūjķna trú minni betur fjarri æstum fjöldanum.
My faith is better served away from the rabid crowd.
33 Ég hef svarið í heilagri reiði minni og ákvarðað astríð á yfirborði jarðar, og hinir ranglátu munu drepa hina ranglátu og allir menn munu slegnir ótta —
33 I have sworn in my wrath, and adecreed wars upon the face of the earth, and the wicked shall bslay the wicked, and fear shall come upon every man;
Þetta fólk er líka í minni Guðs og verður reist upp vegna þess að Biblían lofar: „Upp [munu] rísa bæði réttlátir og ranglátir.“ — Postulasagan 24:15.
These too are in God’s memory and thus will be resurrected, for the Bible promises: “There is going to be a resurrection of both the righteous and the unrighteous.”—Acts 24:15.
En međ litlu spũtunni minni og háūrķuđum heila mun ég framkalla eld.
But with my little stick and my highly evolved brain, I shall create fire.
Ekki endiIega minni.
Don't make everything smaller.
Og stjúpu minni.
And my stepmom.
Ūú ert međ valkvætt minni, er ūađ ekki?
You really have a selective memory, don't you?
Hjálparnefnd frá deildarskrifstofu Votta Jehóva á svæðinu gerði ráðstafanir til þess að hópar frá söfnuðum, sem höfðu orðið fyrir minni háttar áföllum, sinntu aðkallandi þörfum safnaða sem voru ver leiknir.
A relief committee, appointed by the local branch office of Jehovah’s Witnesses, arranged for groups of less affected congregations to care for the immediate needs of those that were harder hit.
Því lengur sem leið því minni líkur fannst mér á að Jehóva gæti fyrirgefið mér.
The more time that went by, the more I thought I was beyond Jehovah’s forgiveness.
Hvađ ertu ađ gera í veislunni minni?
What are you doing at my party?
Hún gerði sitt besta, eins og ég sagði mágkonu minni.
I was telling our dear sister, Mrs Gardiner, she did her best.
Hann sagði jafnvel með tárin í augunum: „Ég gæti aldrei haldið sjálfsvirðingu minni ef mér væri gefið blóð.“
He said, with tears in his eyes: “I just could not live with myself if I am given blood.”
Veistu, þegar ég var táningur fékkst ég aldrei til að koma út úr skelinni minni!
You know, when I was a teenager you couldn't get me out of my shell for nothin'.

Let's learn Icelandic

So now that you know more about the meaning of minni in Icelandic, you can learn how to use them through selected examples and how to read them. And remember to learn the related words that we suggest. Our website is constantly updating with new words and new examples so you can look up the meanings of other words you don't know in Icelandic.

Do you know about Icelandic

Icelandic is a Germanic language and the official language of Iceland. It is an Indo-European language, belonging to the North Germanic branch of the Germanic language group. The majority of Icelandic speakers live in Iceland, about 320,000. More than 8,000 native Icelandic speakers live in Denmark. The language is also spoken by about 5,000 people in the United States and by more than 1,400 people in Canada. Although 97% of Iceland's population considers Icelandic as their mother tongue, the number of speakers is declining in communities outside Iceland, especially Canada.