What does mengi in Icelandic mean?
What is the meaning of the word mengi in Icelandic? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use mengi in Icelandic.
The word mengi in Icelandic means set, mass, lot, set. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word mengi
setnoun (set theory: collection of objects) |
massnoun |
lotnoun |
setadjective verb noun (fundamental mathematical concept related to the notions of belonging or inclusion) |
See more examples
Minnsti samnefnarinn eða minnsta samfeldi (skammstafað msn) er í stærðfræði sú tala sem er minnsta sameiginlega margfeldi nefnara í einhverju mengi almennra brota. In mathematics, the lowest common denominator or least common denominator (abbreviated LCD) is the lowest common multiple of the denominators of a set of fractions. |
Russel mótsögnin felst í að skilgreina mengi allra þeirra mengja, sem ekki innihalda sjálft sig. Russell's paradox: Does the set of all those sets that do not contain themselves contain itself? |
Mengi óræðra talna er ekki lokað. Many radio stations were closed. |
Sammengi er í mengjafræði mengi allra staka tiltekinna mengja. All sit on a rectangular rendered plinth. |
Regluleg segð er oftast notað til að lýsa mengi strengja án þess að telja upp alla möguleika. The description that follows is somewhat simplified to give all the essentials without giving all the options. |
Þetta stangast á við skilgreininguna á lokuðu mengi, og því er mengi óræðra talna ekki lokað. Depending on choices taken in the story, multiple endings are unlocked. |
Mengi náttúrulegra talna er hlutraðað með hefðbundinni aðgerð ≤ og fullraðað með aðgerðinni <. A great quantity of ammunition is expended, the zip-fastener is kept busy and the customary sexual consummation is associated with the kill." |
Slíkt mengi innihéldi þá einnig sjálft sig, en fyrifinnst ekki skv. Zermelo Fraenkel mengjafræði. A reprinted version of this is still available though fails to credit G.G. Fraser as the artist. |
Hins vegar getum við sýnt að hægt sé að varpa S beint á mengi náttúrulegra talna. And allowing our talents to merge in a very natural way. |
Neikvæðar tölur hafa ekki ferningsrót í mengi rauntalna. AS number configured incorrectly on either router. |
Iður eða innmengi er mengi allra staka tiltekins mengis S sem ekki tilheyra jaðri mengisins, táknað með Int(S), int(S) eða So. Swift states: Many men come to church to save or gain a reputation; or because they will not be singular, but comply with an established custom; yet, all the while, they are loaded with the guilt of old rooted sins. |
Veldismengi gefins mengi ásamt hlutmengjavenslunum er hlutröðun. Approximate wave functions with a high degree of spin contamination are undesirable. |
Síðar fullkomnaði hann kenningu sína um óendanleg mengi og svokallaðar „ofurendanlegar“ tölur. As a result, he attains victories unimaginable to the more "hurried" multitude. |
Mengi Apartments Mengi Apartments er gistirými með eldunaraðstöðu í Reykjavík. Mengi Apartments is a self-catering accommodation located in Reykjavík. |
Tónleikaröðin COWs samanstendur af þrennum tónleikum sem fara fram á vormisseri 2018 í Mengi. Buy tickets / COWs concert series consists of three concerts that will take place in Mengi in Spring 2018. |
Mengi geta verið bæði opin og lokuð, eða hvorki opið né lokað. As a special case, the set containing every point is both open and closed. |
Á tónleikunum í Mengi mun hann bjóða áheyrendum með sér inn í kosmískar víddir nýrrar raftónlistar sem hann er með í vinnslu. At the concert in Mengi, he will take the audience on a cosmic journey into some of the electronic music that he’s currently working on. |
Tími til að hefja hátíð! Everybody ́s Spectacular býður þér á opinbera opnun hátíðarinnar hjá góðvinum okkar hjá Mengi, Óðinsgötu 2. Everybody ́s Spectacular invites you to the official opening of this years festival at our dear friends at Mengi, Óðinsgata 2 at 18:00 - 19:30. |
Megas flytur eigin lög og ljóð ásamt gítarleikaranum Kristni H. Árnasyni í Mengi mánudagskvöldið 16. október og þriðjudagskvöldið 17. október. Megas performs his songs and poems together with guitarist Kristinn H. Árnason at Mengi, Monday October 16th and Tuesday, October 17th. Concert starts at 9pm. |
Oftast eru stórir stafir notaðir til þess að tákna mengi. Usually capital letters are used as the names of sets. |
Hátíðin hefur aldrei verið eins stór og vel sótt líkt og í ár, en alls voru tveir viðburðir í Eldborg, þrír í Norðurljósum og svo var einn viðburður sem var í tónleikasalnum Mengi í miðbæ Reykjavíkur. The festival has never been as big and well attended as this year, with two events in Eldborg main hall, three in Norðurljós and one event that was in the concert hall Mengi in downtown Reykjavik. |
Opið mengi Úr Wikipediu, frjálsa alfræðiritinu Open set From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
Í Mengi verða á hátíðinni sýnd verk tveggja listamanna á Sequences, þeirra Anne Haaning og Helga Þórssonar. We will display the work of two of the Sequences artists, Anne Haaning and Helgi Þórsson. |
Patterns of the Family sýnir mengi mynda sem ná yfir fjörutíu ára tímabil frá 1910 til lok sjötta áratugarins þegar tækniframfarir í ljósmyndun leiddu til nýs markaðar tómstunda- og tækifærisljósmyndunar heima fyrir. Patterns of the Family shows a selection of pictures that span a forty-year period from 1910 to the late 1950s in which the photography industry made improvements in equipment and successfully developed a hobby and home snapshot market. |
Kerfin gefa einnig til kynna tilvist annarra vídda í sveigðu rúmi hins línulega tíma, þar sem aðrir möguleikar, á mörkum þess að verða að veruleika, rúmast innan alheimsins, þó þeir tilheyri ólíku mengi hluta. The networks also suggest the existence of several dimensions in the folds of linear time, while other possibilities that are still waiting for realisation are part of the universe, but belong to a different order of things. |
Let's learn Icelandic
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Do you know about Icelandic
Icelandic is a Germanic language and the official language of Iceland. It is an Indo-European language, belonging to the North Germanic branch of the Germanic language group. The majority of Icelandic speakers live in Iceland, about 320,000. More than 8,000 native Icelandic speakers live in Denmark. The language is also spoken by about 5,000 people in the United States and by more than 1,400 people in Canada. Although 97% of Iceland's population considers Icelandic as their mother tongue, the number of speakers is declining in communities outside Iceland, especially Canada.