What does má in Icelandic mean?

What is the meaning of the word má in Icelandic? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use má in Icelandic.

The word in Icelandic means can, may, wear. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word má



Vatni sundra í súrefni og vetni.
Water can be decomposed into oxygen and hydrogen.



ég biðja þig um saltið?
May I trouble you for the salt?



Demanturinn ekki vera svo stķr ađ hún ūori ekki ađ bera hann.
I don't want to give her a diamond so big, she'd be afraid to wear it.

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ég spyrja ūig ađ dálitlu?
So, hey uh, can I ask you something?
Konunglegum botni ekki bjķđa sæti í skítugum stķl.
We cannot have a royal bottom sitting on a dirty chaise, can we?
Hvort þeir voru beinlínis konungsættar er ekki vitað, en telja víst að þeir hafi að minnsta kosti verið af tignar- og áhrifamönnum komnir.
Whether they were from the royal line or not, it is reasonable to think that they were at least from families of some importance and influence.
ég fá konuna mína aftur?
Now, can I have my wife back, please?
Peoples, ég elga ūetta?
Peoples, can I keep this?
Þetta mikla bókasafn hefur nú gengið í endurnýjun lífdaga ef svo að orði komast.
Now, that grand library has, in effect, been brought back to life.
Mađur ríđa 15 ára í Frakklandi.
You can fuck a 1 5-year-old in France.
Ekki gleyma ūér, vinnufélagi.
Can't forget you, lab partner.
Þá eru eftir 3 af hundraði sem kalla ferskt vatn.
This leaves 3 percent classified as fresh.
Það einkum rekja til afstöðu vottanna gagnvart blóðgjöfum, hlutleysi, reykingum og siðferðismálum sem þeir byggja á biblíulegum forsendum.
This is mainly because of the Witnesses’ Bible-based position on such matters as blood transfusions, neutrality, smoking, and morals.
Sönnun þess sjá í hvaða heiðarlegri skýringabók sem er.“
The proofs of this can be seen in any honest book of interpretation.”
En ūađ ekki koma niđur á málstađ okkar.
But not at the expense of our cause.
(Prédikarinn 9: 11) Peningar ‚veita forsælu‘ eða vernd og með fyrirhyggju oft afstýra því að fjölskyldan komist í nauðir.
(Ecclesiastes 9:11) Money is “for a protection,” and careful planning can often avert hardship.
Hmong-fķlkiđ eiga ūađ ađ ūađ kjaftar ekki.
One thing about the Hmong, they keep their mouths shut.
Hreyfingu einnig skilgreina út frá fjórum meginþáttum: ákefð (hve erfitt), tíma (hve lengi), tíðni (hve oft), tegund (hvers konar hreyfing).
There are four sets of endings for this tense: Past historic in -a-: -ai, -as, -a, -âmes, -âtes, -èrent. (pronounced /e, a, a, ɑm, ɑt, ɛʀ/.)
ég sýna þér hvernig?“
May I demonstrate how?”
ég tala ađeins viđ ūig?
Could I talk to you for a second?
ég svo biðja?“
And may I pray?”
ég spyrja, ert þú eigandi þessarar... stofnunar.
May I ask if you're the proprietor of this institution?
Nánari upplýsingar um þunglyndi finna í 13. kafla í 1. bindi bókarinnar.
For more information on depression, see Volume 1, chapter 13.
Til samanburðar nefna að fyrsta prentun af söluhæstu skáldsögu þess árs í Bandaríkjunum var 12 milljónir eintaka.
To put that into perspective, consider that the best-selling work of fiction that year had an initial printing of 12 million copies in the United States.
Ađ heita ūræll.
To all intents, a slave.
(Í söfnuðum þar sem öldungar eru fáir hæfur safnaðarþjónn sjá um þjálfunarliðinn.)
(In congregations with a limited number of elders, qualified ministerial servants may be used.)
Hvað læra um Jehóva af frásögn Jónasar?
What does Jonah’s story teach us about Jehovah?
Foreldri, sem nemur með óskírðu barni, telja nám, tíma og endurheimsókn í samræmi við Spurningakassann í Ríkisþjónustu okkar frá apríl 1987.
A parent who studies with an unbaptized child may count the study, time, and return visits, as outlined in the April 1987 Our Kingdom Ministry Question Box.

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Do you know about Icelandic

Icelandic is a Germanic language and the official language of Iceland. It is an Indo-European language, belonging to the North Germanic branch of the Germanic language group. The majority of Icelandic speakers live in Iceland, about 320,000. More than 8,000 native Icelandic speakers live in Denmark. The language is also spoken by about 5,000 people in the United States and by more than 1,400 people in Canada. Although 97% of Iceland's population considers Icelandic as their mother tongue, the number of speakers is declining in communities outside Iceland, especially Canada.