What does logn in Icelandic mean?

What is the meaning of the word logn in Icelandic? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use logn in Icelandic.

The word logn in Icelandic means calm. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word logn



Í öllum átökum kemur logn á milli stormhviđa.
In any war there are calms between storms.

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Fara logn Drexler niður.
Go calm Drexler down.
Ef þeir voru brá þá Gregor hafði ekki meiri ábyrgð og gæti verið logn.
If they were startled, then Gregor had no more responsibility and could be calm.
Tú alfagra land mítt Tú alfagra land mítt, mín dýrasta ogn! á vetri so randhvítt, á sumri við logn, tú tekur meg at tær so tætt í tín favn.
Mítt alfagra land Tú alfagra land mítt, mín dýrasta ogn! á vetri so randhvítt, á sumri við logn, tú tekur meg at tær so tætt í tín favn.
Hár displeasure þín. -- Allt þetta, - kvað Með blíður anda, logn útlit, hné auðmýkt bow'd,
Your high displeasure. -- All this, -- uttered With gentle breath, calm look, knees humbly bow'd,
Í öllum átökum kemur logn á milli stormhviđa.
In any war there are calms between storms.
Ég hélt að ég vissi að þú sem logn, sanngjarn manneskja, og nú þú virðist skyndilega að vilja byrja parading kring í undarlegt skap.
I thought I knew you as a calm, reasonable person, and now you appear suddenly to want to start parading around in weird moods.
" Þetta gengur ekki lengra, allt í lagi? " Spurði hún, eins og Gregor sneri sér um aftur, og hún setti stól logn aftur í horninu.
" This goes no further, all right? " she asked, as Gregor turned himself around again, and she placed the chair calmly back in the corner.
Án skyndilega logn, mun overset stormur- kastað líkama þinn. -- Hvernig núna, kona!
Without a sudden calm, will overset Thy tempest- tossed body. -- How now, wife!
LOGn(gildi; grunnur
LOGn(value; base
Fallið LOGn () skilar logranum af x með grunntölu n
The LOGn() function returns the base n logarithm of x
MERCUTIO O logn, dishonorable, viðurstyggilega uppástunga?
MERCUTlO O calm, dishonourable, vile submission!
Hann fór beint inn í herbergið hans, andlit hans alveg logn - kannski trifle meira öruggt en venjulega.
He went straight into his room, his face quite calm -- perhaps a trifle more resolute than usual.
það var logn í sál hans, logn vornæturinnar og mildi.
No, there was calm in his soul, the calm of the spring night and its tranquillity.
Hann var frightfully logn.
He was frightfully calm.
" Þegar við vorum lítil, " í spotta Turtle fór um síðir, meira logn, þó enn sobbing smá núna og þá, " við fórum í skólann í sjó.
'When we were little,'the Mock Turtle went on at last, more calmly, though still sobbing a little now and then,'we went to school in the sea.
" Ég segi þér hvað það er, húsráðandi, " sagði ég alveg logn, " þú vilt betri hætta að snúast sem garn til mín - I'm ekki grænn ".
" I tell you what it is, landlord, " said I quite calmly, " you'd better stop spinning that yarn to me -- I'm not green. "
Auðvitað, Gregor innbyggð strax sig undir sófanum, en hann þurfti að bíða þar til hádegis máltíð áður en systur hans aftur, og hún virtist mun minna logn en venjulega.
Of course, Gregor immediately concealed himself under the couch, but he had to wait until the noon meal before his sister returned, and she seemed much less calm than usual.
Það var glaðasólskin og algert logn; ég man það vegna þess að það var sama veður og þegar ég sá Hans Má detta á stíginn. Þetta er líka fremur sjaldgæft veður á þessu landi.
There was bright sunshine and perfect calm, which I remember because it was the exact same weather as when I saw Hans fall on the path and that kind of weather is fairly rare in this country.
Jafnvel nú á dögum þessi staður er ekki logn og það er ekki ráðstafað til göngu.
Even nowadays this place isn't calm and it does not dispose to walking.
Sama var greint frá Kayla þegar hún sá hann fyrst og sagði að hún tók að skjálfa vegna timidity en hann lægði hana varlega og sagði: "Poor stúlka, verður þú að vera logn."
The same was reported by Kayla when she first saw him and said that she began to tremble on account of timidity but he calmed her gently saying, "Poor girl, you must be calm."
Hafa búið með mörgum bardaga og blóðugum styrjöldum, Eteyn vildi logn og mælt líf fyrir sig og börn þeirra.
Having lived through many battles and bloody wars, Eteyn wanted a calm and measured life for themselves and their children.
Það hjálpar þér að vera logn og friður í sál þína sem Zen garði.
It helps you to be calm, and peace in your soul as Zen garden.

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Do you know about Icelandic

Icelandic is a Germanic language and the official language of Iceland. It is an Indo-European language, belonging to the North Germanic branch of the Germanic language group. The majority of Icelandic speakers live in Iceland, about 320,000. More than 8,000 native Icelandic speakers live in Denmark. The language is also spoken by about 5,000 people in the United States and by more than 1,400 people in Canada. Although 97% of Iceland's population considers Icelandic as their mother tongue, the number of speakers is declining in communities outside Iceland, especially Canada.