What does létt in Icelandic mean?
What is the meaning of the word létt in Icelandic? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use létt in Icelandic.
The word létt in Icelandic means light, lite. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word létt
lightadjectiveadverb (of low weight) Vinsæl í landhernađi ūví hún er létt, traust og einföld. Ground troops like it because it's light, reliable and easy to use. |
liteadjective |
See more examples
Hann gat ekki snúið til baka og þurrkað út vandamál æsku sinnar sjálfur, en hann gat byrjað þar sem hann var og með aðstoð, létt sektarkenndinni sem hafði fylgt honum öll þessi ár. He could not go back and undo the problem of his youth on his own, but he could start where he was and, with help, erase the guilt which had followed him all those years. |
Létt snerting, bros, faðmlag eða stöku hrós virðast ef til vill ekki vega þungt en geta samt haft varanleg áhrif á hjarta konunnar. A touch of the hand, a smile, a hug, and a compliment may be small things, but they make lasting impressions on the heart of a woman. |
Því að mitt ok er ljúft og byrði mín létt“ (Matt 11:28–30). “For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light” (Matthew 11:28–30). |
Mikiđ ertu létt í loppu, hjartađ mitt. You are so light on your paws, mi corazon. |
Ég sé ekki hvort ūau eru létt - eđa ūungvopnuđ. Can't tell if they're light or heavy. |
Engu skiptir hvort það er létt. Easy's got nothing to do with it. |
Hann skipaði ‚sjötíu menn af öldungum Ísraels‘ og lagði anda sinn yfir þá þannig að þeir gætu létt Móse stjórnarstörfin. (4. He appointed “seventy men of the older men of Israel” and put his spirit upon them so that they could suitably share the administrative work with Moses. |
Því að mitt ok er ljúft og byrði mín létt.“ — MATTEUS 11:28-30. For my yoke is kindly and my load is light.” —MATTHEW 11:28-30. |
Stríðsmenn Jah Guðs taka lífið ekki létt, Soldiers of Jah do not seek a life of ease; |
Gættu þess að andrúmsloftið sé létt og þægilegt. Keep the atmosphere light and spontaneous. |
Í stað þess að ávarpa hann með nafni er heppilegra að klappa létt á öxl hans eða handlegg, veifa honum ef maður er innan sjónsviðs hans eða benda einhverjum öðrum að ná athygli hans ef hann er langt í burtu. Rather than use the person’s name, it is more appropriate to tap that one gently on the shoulder or arm, wave in his or her peripheral vision or, if distant, motion to another to get the person’s attention. |
(Matteus 11:29, 30) Þó að ábyrgðin, sem fylgir skírninni, geti í vissum skilningi verið eins og ok fullvissar Jesús okkur um að þetta ok sé ljúft og létt, og muni veita okkur hvíld og endurnæringu. (Matthew 11:29, 30) While baptism does bring a yoke of responsibility, Jesus assures us that it is a kindly and bearable one that will refresh us immensely. |
Ég veit að þetta tekur sinn tíma en ég finn nú þegar til meiri nálægðar við Jehóva og mér finnst eins og fargi hafi verið af mér létt.“ I know that it will take time, but I am starting to feel that I really can draw closer to Jehovah, and I feel that a weight has been lifted off me.” |
Þegar mér varð þetta ljóst fannst mér sem þungri byrði væri af mér létt! With this new understanding, I felt a heavy burden lifted! |
Undir stjórn Krists verður létt af fjölskyldum hinum þjakandi fjárhagsbyrðum — uppsprengdri húsaleigu, himinháum húsnæðisskuldum og síhækkandi sköttum og atvinnuleysi. But under Christ’s rulership, families will be relieved of crushing financial burdens —inflated rents, towering mortgage payments, escalating taxes, unemployment. |
Syngdu’ um hægri hönd sem veitir honum sigur létt. Praise his mighty arm; He is the God of victory. |
Vissulega er hans ok ljúft og byrði hans létt. Indeed, His yoke is easy and His burden is light. |
Ūegar Ríkharđur er dauđur veitist ūér létt ađ snúa ūjķđinni gegn Jķhanni. With Richard dead, it will be easy for you to turn the country against John. |
Létt- handjarnin eru nidsterk The Handy Bundler is virtually indestructible! |
Jafnvel þótt þú leggir ekki peninga beint til heimilishaldsins geturðu létt undir með foreldrum þínum ef þú borgar fyrir fötin þín eða aðra persónulega hluti. Even if you don’t directly contribute to household expenses, paying for your own clothes or other personal items may relieve your parents of some economic pressure. |
22 Þeir sem hlýddu á Jesú og gerðust lærisveinar hans kunnu vel að meta sannleikann í orðum hans: „Mitt ok er ljúft og byrði mín létt.“ 22 Those who listened to Jesus and became his disciples appreciated the truth of his declaration: “My yoke is kindly and my load is light.” |
Því að mitt ok er ljúft og byrði mín létt.“ — Matt. For my yoke is kindly and my load is light.” —Matt. |
paô er svo létt. It's so light. |
Þetta getur létt okkur lund. This may help to lessen our depression. |
Borðaðu ekki: Kjöt í nokkurri mynd, ekki heldur seyði, alls enga ávexti, mjólkurafurðir . . . eggjarauðu, edik eða nokkra aðra sýru, pipar . . . í neins konar mynd, sterk krydd, súkkulaði, þurrglóðaðar hnetur, áfenga drykki, einkum létt vín, gosdrykki . . . íblöndunarefni af hvers kyns tagi, geymsluefni, kemísk efni, sérstaklega mónónatríumglútamat.“ — New Hope for the Arthritic, 1976. Do not eat: Meat in any form, including broth; fruit of any kind; dairy products . . . ; egg yolks; vinegar, or any other acid; pepper . . . of any variety; hot spices; chocolate; dry roasted nuts; alcoholic beverages, particularly wine; soft drinks . . . ; all additives, preservatives, chemicals, most especially monosodium glutamate.” —New Hope for the Arthritic, 1976. |
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Do you know about Icelandic
Icelandic is a Germanic language and the official language of Iceland. It is an Indo-European language, belonging to the North Germanic branch of the Germanic language group. The majority of Icelandic speakers live in Iceland, about 320,000. More than 8,000 native Icelandic speakers live in Denmark. The language is also spoken by about 5,000 people in the United States and by more than 1,400 people in Canada. Although 97% of Iceland's population considers Icelandic as their mother tongue, the number of speakers is declining in communities outside Iceland, especially Canada.