What does leikur in Icelandic mean?

What is the meaning of the word leikur in Icelandic? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use leikur in Icelandic.

The word leikur in Icelandic means game, play, child's play, play. To learn more, please see the details below.

Listen to pronunciation

Meaning of the word leikur


noun (playful activity, amusement, pastime)

Clay, ūessi leikur er ađ fara út í vitleysu.
Clay, this game is quickly spiraling out of control.



Þú getur spurt barnið sem leikur sér þarna.
You can ask the child that is playing over there.

child's play

noun (something particularly simple or easy)


verb noun (activity)

Þú getur spurt barnið sem leikur sér þarna.
You can ask the child that is playing over there.

See more examples

Þetta er bara leikur við hann.
This is just a game to him.
Ef einhver annar leikur rétt gæti verið kominn nýr konungur Pecos
And if another man makes the right moves... there might just be a new King of the Pecos
Ūá er alltaf annar leikur á eftir honum.
Aw, heck, there's always another game after that.
4 Það leikur enginn vafi á því hvers konar hugarfar Biblían hvetur okkur til að hafa gagnvart yfirvofandi eyðingu þessa heimskerfis.
4 The Bible leaves no doubt about what our attitude should be toward the impending destruction of this system of things.
Leikur Timothys Green mun skipta máli í dag.
Timothy Green is your difference-maker today.
Hvađa leikur er ūetta?
Which game are we in?
Ūetta er ekki leikur.
This is not a game.
Enginn vafi leikur á því að við höfum séð ‚þjóð rísa gegn þjóð og ríki gegn ríki‘ og að riddari Opinberunarbókarinnar á rauða hestinum hefur stráð dauða og tortímingu um allan hnöttinn.
No doubt about it, we have seen ‘nation against nation and kingdom against kingdom,’ and the rider of the fiery-colored horse of Revelation has spread slaughter across the earth.
Alice Gaspers leikur vel og # eru úr leik...... í þriðju lotu
A slick play by Alice Gaspers and there" s # gone...... in the #rd
Það leikur enginn vafi á að Satan fylgdist af athygli með þessari opinberun.
We can be sure that Satan was watching with great interest as this detail was unveiled.
Ryan Devlin leikur Smith Frank, ungan lögfræðing og kærasta Laurie.
Ryan Devlin plays Smith Frank, a young law student who becomes Laurie's boyfriend.
(2. Samúelsbók 6:21; Jobsbók 41:5; Dómarabókin 16:25; 2. Mósebók 32: 6; 1. Mósebók 26:8) Leikur getur þjónað mjög jákvæðum tilgangi og hann er mikilvægur fyrir börn og unglinga.
(2 Samuel 6:21; Job 41:5; Judges 16:25; Exodus 32:6; Genesis 26:8) Play can serve a beneficial purpose, and it is important to children and youths.
* En með því að um það bil 70 af hundraði AIDS-sjúklinga eru kynvillingar leikur sterkur grunur á að sjúkdómurinn berist oftast við kynmök.
* But since roughly 70 percent of the AIDS victims were homosexuals, it is strongly suspected that the disease is in most cases sexually transmitted.
Annað þriggja ára barn leikur á fiðlu.
Another three-year-old plays the violin.
Sérsniðinn leikur
Custom Game
Er ūetta ekki ķjafn leikur?
You're overmatched, aren't ya?
Heldurđu ađ ūetta sé leikur?
You think this is a game?
Falleg stúlka sem leikur á sellķiđ.
Lovely girl with the cello.
Ūettađ átti bara ađ vera leikur.
It was just supposed to be a fucking game.
Stefnumarkandi leikur í leikjafræði er athöfnin þegar einn leikmaður gerir eitthvað utan skilgreindum athöfnum leiksins til þess að öðlast yfirburði og auka hagnað sinn.
A strategic move in game theory is an action taken by a player outside the defined actions of the game in order to gain a strategic advantage and increase one's payoff.
Ert þú leikur?
You game?
Ūú leikur undursamlega.
You play beautifully.
Þess vegna leikur enginn vafi á áreiðanleika biblíutextans sem við höfum núna.
Therefore, the Bible text we use today is unquestionably reliable.
Ūetta er enginn leikur, Billy Costa.
This ain't no game, Billy Costa.
17 Enginn vafi leikur á að Jesús Kristur gaf okkur hið fullkomna fordæmi um að bregðast óeigingjarnir við kærleika Guðs í okkar garð.
17 Unquestionably, Jesus Christ set us the perfect example of responding unselfishly to God’s demonstrations of love toward us.

Let's learn Icelandic

So now that you know more about the meaning of leikur in Icelandic, you can learn how to use them through selected examples and how to read them. And remember to learn the related words that we suggest. Our website is constantly updating with new words and new examples so you can look up the meanings of other words you don't know in Icelandic.

Do you know about Icelandic

Icelandic is a Germanic language and the official language of Iceland. It is an Indo-European language, belonging to the North Germanic branch of the Germanic language group. The majority of Icelandic speakers live in Iceland, about 320,000. More than 8,000 native Icelandic speakers live in Denmark. The language is also spoken by about 5,000 people in the United States and by more than 1,400 people in Canada. Although 97% of Iceland's population considers Icelandic as their mother tongue, the number of speakers is declining in communities outside Iceland, especially Canada.