What does leigja in Icelandic mean?

What is the meaning of the word leigja in Icelandic? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use leigja in Icelandic.

The word leigja in Icelandic means rent, hire, take. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word leigja



Ég hef ekki efni á því að leigja hús eins og þetta í Tókýó.
I can't afford to rent a house like this in Tokyo.



Í sumum bæjum leigja farþegar bíl og ganga um borð á ný í næstu höfn.
At some towns passengers hire a car and then rejoin their ship at its next port of call.



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Eigum viđ ađ leigja spķlu?
Hey, wanna rent a video?
Við erum í raun að leigja peningana frá bönkunum sem við þörfnust til að reka hagkerfið.
In effect we are renting the money we need to run our economy from the banks.
Leigja þér býIi?
Hire yourself to farm?
Við viljum leigja hann í tvær vikur
We want to rent it for two weeks
Já, ūetta er erfitt en ég ætla ađ safna saman peningum og leigja svo geitakofann á ķræktarspildunni.
Yeah, it's really tough, but you know what I'm gonna do is get some money together and I'm gonna rent the goat barn on the back 40, so...
18 Systir þurfti af fjárhagsástæðum að leigja út herbergi.
18 For financial reasons, a sister had to rent out a room.
Ūú virtist bara vera ađ leigja myndband.
Just looked like you were renting a videotape.
Ég sannfærđi hann um ađ koma međ peningana sína til Kusangs... til ađ útdeila einhverju af hinum ūekkta VeStræna auđi... til ađ byggja höll sem ég hefđi ekki efni á ađ leigja herbergi í.
I convinced him to bring his money to Kusang... to share some of that famous Western prosperity... to build a palace I couldn't even afford a room in.
Umsjónarmönnum húsnæðis, sem vottarnir leigðu til samkomuhalds, var hótað uppsögn ef þeir héldu áfram að leigja þeim.
Managers of meeting places in Moscow were threatened with dismissal if they continued to rent their halls to the Witnesses.
Nú þeir vildu að leigja íbúð minni og ódýrari en það er betra staðsett og almennt hagnýtari en sá, sem Gregor hafði fundið.
Now they wanted to rent an apartment smaller and cheaper but better situated and generally more practical than the present one, which Gregor had found.
Hafði Skarphéðinn efni á að leigja svona flotta íbúð?
Could Skarphéðinn afford a nice apartment like this?
Við verðum að muna eftir að því fylgir talsverður kostnaður að leigja mótsstað.
It must be remembered that considerable expense is involved in the rental of the convention facility.
Ég hef ekki efni á því að leigja hús eins og þetta í Tókýó.
I can't afford to rent a house like this in Tokyo.
Þú þarft líklega að leigja með öðrum eða búa hjá fjölskyldu og laga þig að dagskrá annarra.
Likely you would have to live with a roommate or a family and adjust to their routine.
Slíkar flugvélar eru yfirleitt reknar af flugfélögum sem eiga eða leigja flugvélarnar.
This class of airliners are typically flown by the regional airlines that are either contracted by or subsidiaries of the larger airlines.
Pabbi reyndi ađ leigja út köfunarbúnađ, en ūađ varđ aldrei vinsælt.
My dad tried renting scuba gear, but it never took off.
Hvad kostar ad leigja hana?
How much to borrow it?
Einnig er hægt að leigja pósthólf á pósthúsum þar sem bréfasendingar eru geymdar þar til viðtakandi sækir þær.
A number of ticket machines are also available in the booking hall, allowing tickets to be purchased even when the booking office is not in service.
Leigja " Goodfellas ", " Casino ", " Godfather... "
Rent GoodFellas, Casino, Godfather I, Il, ill
Viltu leigja mér hann?
But it's all I've got.
Ūar sem viđ vorum bara tvö og viđ höfđum öll ūessi tķmu herbergi, ákvađ mamma ađ leigja ūau út, ađallega fķlki sem átti leiđ hjá, eins og frá Mobile, Montgomery, slíkum stöđum.
Since it was just me and Mama and we had all these empty rooms, Mama decided to let those rooms out, mostly to people passing through, Like from, oh, Mobile, Montgomery, places like that.
Viđ rífumst í mesta lagi um ūađ hvađa spķlu ætti ađ leigja.
The only thing we'd fight about would be which video to rent.
Leigja ūér bũIi?
Hire yourself to farm?
Ūađ kostar 500 pund ađ leigja stađinn.
It's 500 quid to hire the venue.
Í stað þess að leigja stór leikhús tókst úrræðagóðum biblíunemendum oft að finna ókeypis húsakynni, svo sem skólastofur, dómshús, járnbrautarstöðvar og jafnvel stofur á stórum heimilum.
Instead of renting large theaters, resourceful Bible Students often found free facilities, such as schoolrooms, courthouses, railroad stations, and even the parlors of large homes.

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Do you know about Icelandic

Icelandic is a Germanic language and the official language of Iceland. It is an Indo-European language, belonging to the North Germanic branch of the Germanic language group. The majority of Icelandic speakers live in Iceland, about 320,000. More than 8,000 native Icelandic speakers live in Denmark. The language is also spoken by about 5,000 people in the United States and by more than 1,400 people in Canada. Although 97% of Iceland's population considers Icelandic as their mother tongue, the number of speakers is declining in communities outside Iceland, especially Canada.