What does læknir in Icelandic mean?

What is the meaning of the word læknir in Icelandic? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use læknir in Icelandic.

The word læknir in Icelandic means doctor, physician, medic. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word læknir


nounmasculine (physician)

Maðurinn sem býr í næsta húsi er læknir.
The man who lives next door to me is a doctor.


noun (A person who has completed a study of medicine, and as such tries to diagnose and cure diseases in patients.)

Ekki einhver sem setur á sárabindi eđa sjúkrahúsembættismađur, heldur sannur læknir.
Not someone who applies bandages or a hospital bureaucrat but a true physician.



Á andartaki var líf hans og framtíð sem læknir í mikilli óvissu.
In an instant, his life and future medical career had been dramatically impacted.

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Takmark mitt er að verða læknir.
My goal is to become a doctor.
Læknir!Er læknir hérna?
A doctor! ls there a doctor here?
Tökum dæmi: Hjúkrunarfræðingur telur að læknir hafi ávísað sjúklingi röngu lyfi eða gefið fyrirmæli sem eru sjúklingnum ekki fyrir bestu.
For example, suppose the nurse feels that a doctor has prescribed the wrong medication for a patient or has given orders that are not in the patient’s best interests.
Hann er læknir, hann sinnir þessu.
He's a doctor, he can deal with it.
Kristinn læknir gæti tæplega fyrirskipað blóðgjöf eða framkvæmt fóstureyðingu, þótt sjúklingurinn hefði ekkert á móti því, af því að hann veit hver afstaða Biblíunnar er til slíks.
Even if a patient did not mind, how could a Christian doctor in authority order a blood transfusion or perform an abortion, knowing what the Bible says on such matters?
Hún er frábær læknir.
She is a wonderful doctor.
Henry kannar hvort Royal sé í rauninni með krabbamein og kemst að því að spítalanum var lokað fyrir mörgum árum, að læknir hans sé svikari og að lyfin sem hann hefur tekið eru bara Tic Tacs.
Meanwhile, Henry investigates Royal's cancer claim and discovers his hospital had closed years before, his doctor does not exist, and that his cancer medication is only candy.
Farðu að dyrunum, læknir
Move to the door, Doc
Hann fann sig fram aftur í hring mannkynsins og var von á frá bæði læknir og locksmith, án þess að greina á milli þeirra með einhverja alvöru nákvæmni, glæsileg og óvart niðurstöður.
He felt himself included once again in the circle of humanity and was expecting from both the doctor and the locksmith, without differentiating between them with any real precision, splendid and surprising results.
Setjum sem svo að læknir segi að hann verði að fá blóðgjöf því að annars deyi hann.
Suppose doctors say that he must have a blood transfusion or he will die.
Læknir, ūú lést hann lausan.
Doctor, let him go.
Nei, ekki af ūví ađ læknir myrđir ūađ.
No, not because a doctor murders it.
Ég er læknir af Guđs náđ.
Good medicine men are born, not made.
Bencomb læknir segir að það geysi hitasótt þar
Dr. Bencomb says there' s a fever
Feldman læknir segir ađ ūetta sé eđlilegt.
Doctor Feldman says it's normal.
Við gætum náð vissum árangri í baráttunni við vissa sjúkdóma, en sem læknir kom ég alltaf aftur og aftur að því sem ekki var hægt: Að knésetja dauðann.
We might make some progress against certain diseases, but as a doctor I always came up against the unattainable: to make death bow the knee.
Hey, Doc.
Foreldrarnir gætu haldið æfingar þar sem hvert barn þarf að svara spurningum sem dómari eða læknir gæti átt til að spyrja.
Parents may hold practice sessions in which each youth faces questions that might be posed by a judge or a hospital official.
Sannur læknir snũr aldrei baki viđ ūjáđri manneskju.
A real doctor could never turn his back on a person who's suffering!
Bjargađirđu einhverjum, læknir?
Did you save any, Doctor?
Fimm árum áður hafði læknir að nafni John Snow slegið því fram að kólera stafaði af menguðu vatni en ekki menguðu lofti.
Five years earlier, a physician named John Snow had suggested that cholera was caused, not by contaminated air, but by contaminated water.
Viđskipti, læknir.
Commerce, doctor!
Ég er læknir.
I'm a doctor.
Hvað er þetta, læknir?
What's this, Doctor?

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Do you know about Icelandic

Icelandic is a Germanic language and the official language of Iceland. It is an Indo-European language, belonging to the North Germanic branch of the Germanic language group. The majority of Icelandic speakers live in Iceland, about 320,000. More than 8,000 native Icelandic speakers live in Denmark. The language is also spoken by about 5,000 people in the United States and by more than 1,400 people in Canada. Although 97% of Iceland's population considers Icelandic as their mother tongue, the number of speakers is declining in communities outside Iceland, especially Canada.