What does kyn- in Icelandic mean?

What is the meaning of the word kyn- in Icelandic? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use kyn- in Icelandic.

The word kyn- in Icelandic means sexual, venereal. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word kyn-





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Hugtakið vísar til þess hvernig einstaklingur upplifir sig og hvernig viðkomandi kýs að tjá kyn sitt.
Commitment refers to the extent to which the individual has made up their mind and are pursuing a specific goal.
„Þér nöðru kyn,“ segir Jesús, „hvernig getið þér, sem eruð vondir, talað gott?
“Offspring of vipers,” Jesus exclaims, “how can you speak good things, when you are wicked?
Við aðrar kringumstæður hefði ég höggvið hann niður og fóðrað hans eigið kyn á honum.
Were it other circumstances I would have had him fed in pieces to his own kind.
Þrjú málfræðileg kyn.
Three Christological Treatises.
Hafið varann á við túlkun á óbeinum þýðingum. Kyn kunna að hafa breyst.
Be careful interpreting indirect translations. Genders may have changed.
Í upphafi var Adam jarðneskur sonur Guðs og Guð leyfði honum að auka kyn sitt.
In the beginning Adam was God’s earthly son, and God permitted him to produce offspring.
Jesús sagði við sjálfbirgingslega en vanheilaga farísea: „Þér nöðru kyn, hvernig getið þér, sem eruð vondir, talað gott?
Jesus said to the self-righteous, yet unholy, Pharisees: “Offspring of vipers, how can you speak good things, when you are wicked?
„Þér nöðru kyn,“ segir hann.
“You offspring of vipers,” he says.
Helstu áhættuþættirnir eru aldur, kyn og erfðir.
The primary risk factors are age, gender, and genetics.
Á Facebook síðu okkar, kyn lýðfræðilegar er um 87 prósent karla, 13 prósent kvenna.
On our Facebook page, the gender demographic is about 87 percent male, 13 percent female.
Um ūađ hvernig froskar geta fyrirvaralaust skipt um kyn.
About how frogs can spontaneously switch sexes.
Nafnorð hafa ekkert málfræðilegt kyn með hugsanlegri undantekningu við spænsk tökuorð.
The concept makes no sense without a clear numerical value for the permitted greenhouse footprint.
Ķūægindum sem einungis ykkar kyn ūekkir.
Discomfort unique to your gender.
Ūetta er ekki okkar kyn.
This is not one of us.
Þú hefur drepið þitt eigið kyn.
You have killed your own kind.
En aðrar tegundir slöngustjarna breyta um kyn þegar ákveðnum aldri er náð.
But a number of Golden Age writers changed their style as the New Wave hit.
Því að barnlausan kallaði ég hann, en ég blessaði hann og jók kyn hans.“
For he was one when I called him, and I proceeded to bless him and to make him many.”
Ađ sigra fyrstu varúlfana, hættulegt og smitandi kyn, skapađ af holdi og blķđi Marcusar sjálfs,
To defeat the very first Werewolves a dangerous and infectious breed created by Marcus'own flesh and blood:
Þú ættir að þekkja ætt þína betur en svo; auk þess kyn sjálfrar þín.
“You ought to understand your own kin better than that; especially one of your own gender.”
Bæði kyn hafa blágráa gogga og gráa leggi og fætur.
Both sexes have blue-grey bills and grey legs and feet.
Hið göfuga kyn hennar hafði verið afmáð.
“Her noble kin had been wiped out.
Ekki tókst að ákvarða kyn raddskráarinnar %
The gender of the voice file %# could not be detected
Reyni að ákvarða kyn-Hadifix íforrit
Trying to Determine the Gender-Hadifix Plug In
Ķvenjulegt kyn.
Unusual breed.

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Do you know about Icelandic

Icelandic is a Germanic language and the official language of Iceland. It is an Indo-European language, belonging to the North Germanic branch of the Germanic language group. The majority of Icelandic speakers live in Iceland, about 320,000. More than 8,000 native Icelandic speakers live in Denmark. The language is also spoken by about 5,000 people in the United States and by more than 1,400 people in Canada. Although 97% of Iceland's population considers Icelandic as their mother tongue, the number of speakers is declining in communities outside Iceland, especially Canada.