What does krydd in Icelandic mean?
What is the meaning of the word krydd in Icelandic? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use krydd in Icelandic.
The word krydd in Icelandic means spice, condiment, spices, spice. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word krydd
spicenoun (any variety of spice) Sé þeim stjórnað á réttan hátt eru þau krydd í tilveruna. When properly controlled, they add spice to life. |
condimentnoun 11:18, 19) En eigur og afþreying voru eins og krydd í tilveruna hjá honum, ekki aðalmáltíðin. 11:18, 19) But possessions and entertainment were like seasoning or condiments in his life, not the meat of it. |
spicesnoun Sé þeim stjórnað á réttan hátt eru þau krydd í tilveruna. When properly controlled, they add spice to life. |
spiceverb noun (dried seed, fruit, root, bark, or vegetable substance primarily used for flavoring, coloring or preserving food) Fķstra, hér er lykilinn til ađ sækja meira krydd. Nurse, here is the key to fetch more spices. |
See more examples
Borðaðu ekki: Kjöt í nokkurri mynd, ekki heldur seyði, alls enga ávexti, mjólkurafurðir . . . eggjarauðu, edik eða nokkra aðra sýru, pipar . . . í neins konar mynd, sterk krydd, súkkulaði, þurrglóðaðar hnetur, áfenga drykki, einkum létt vín, gosdrykki . . . íblöndunarefni af hvers kyns tagi, geymsluefni, kemísk efni, sérstaklega mónónatríumglútamat.“ — New Hope for the Arthritic, 1976. Do not eat: Meat in any form, including broth; fruit of any kind; dairy products . . . ; egg yolks; vinegar, or any other acid; pepper . . . of any variety; hot spices; chocolate; dry roasted nuts; alcoholic beverages, particularly wine; soft drinks . . . ; all additives, preservatives, chemicals, most especially monosodium glutamate.” —New Hope for the Arthritic, 1976. |
Kanill [krydd] Cinnamon [spice] |
Engifer [krydd] Ginger [spice] |
KONAN CAPULET bið, taka takkana og sækja meira krydd, hjúkrunarfræðingur. LADY CAPULET Hold, take these keys and fetch more spices, nurse. |
Við getum goldið tíund af alls kyns krydd- og matjurtum, en samt ekki haldið boðorð Guðs [sjá Lúk 11:42]. We may tithe mint and rue, and all manner of herbs, and still not obey the commandments of God [see Luke 11:42]. |
Helstu vörurnar sem geymdar voru í húsunum voru kaffi, te og krydd. Moreover, the most famous crops planted in the fields are coffee and maize. |
Saffran [krydd] Saffron [seasoning] |
Auk þess geta maríneringar innihaldið olíu og krydd til að bæta bragðið. One can add mint leaves and raw salt to enhance the taste. |
Árlegur markaður var í Jerúsalem 15. september og verslunarmenn frá Písa, Genóa, Feneyjum og Marseilles komu þangað til að versla krydd, sápu, silki, ólífuolíu, sykur og glerbúnað í skiptum fyrir evrópskan varnað. Trading relations between Palestine and Europe were strong, and a trade fair took place in Jerusalem every year on September 15 where merchants from Pisa, Genoa, Venice and Marseilles converged to acquire spices, soaps, silks, olive oil, sugar and glassware in exchange for European products. |
? a? er ekkert eins árei? anlegt og gr?? gi Harkonnena í krydd Harkonnen greed for spice is the most reliable beacon in the universe |
Sé þeim stjórnað á réttan hátt eru þau krydd í tilveruna. When properly controlled, they add spice to life. |
Ég dũrka stúlkur sem ūola krydd. I love a girl that can handle her chillies. |
Negull [krydd] Cloves [spice] |
Á sumum tegundum eru þessi ber rauðbrún eða appelsínugul en á flestum eru þau blá; þau eru oft ilmrík og geta verið notuð sem krydd. In some species, these "berries" are red-brown or orange, but in most they are blue; they are often aromatic and can be used as a spice. |
Það er að hluta til mín sök, en mig vantar krydd í tilveruna I mean, it' s partly my fault but I need something else in my life |
Einnig eru blöð og fræ plöntunnar nýtt sem krydd. The company also designs and makes clocks for other brands. |
16 Áhrifaríkar líkingar eru eins og krydd sem getur gert kennsluna mjög lystuga. 16 Effective illustrations are a seasoning that can make our teaching more appetizing to others. |
Kryddjurtir, niðurlagðar [krydd] Garden herbs, preserved [seasonings] |
Tilbreyting er krydd lífsins. Variety is the spice of life. |
Í borgum og bæjum eru markaðir þar sem fást ferskir ávextir, grænmeti, fiskur og krydd eins og sítrónugras, kóríander, hvítlaukur, engifer, galangal, kardimomma, tamarind og broddkúmen. In the cities and towns, markets sell fresh fruit, vegetables, fish, and such spices as lemon grass, coriander, garlic, ginger, galangal, cardamom, tamarind, and cumin. |
Þá verður afþreyingin eins og krydd. So recreation becomes like seasoning. |
Lesið setninguna þar sem Faust forseti líkir skoðanamun í hjónabandi við örlítið krydd og ræðið hvernig skoðanamunur getur auðgað hjónabandið. Read the sentence where President Faust compares differences in marriage to pinches of salt, and discuss how differences can enhance marriage. |
Fķstra, hér er lykilinn til ađ sækja meira krydd. Nurse, here is the key to fetch more spices. |
Þitt fólk notar hann sem krydd í rétti innfæddra. I believe your people use it as seasoning when preparing your native dishes. |
Pipar [krydd] Peppers [seasonings] |
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Do you know about Icelandic
Icelandic is a Germanic language and the official language of Iceland. It is an Indo-European language, belonging to the North Germanic branch of the Germanic language group. The majority of Icelandic speakers live in Iceland, about 320,000. More than 8,000 native Icelandic speakers live in Denmark. The language is also spoken by about 5,000 people in the United States and by more than 1,400 people in Canada. Although 97% of Iceland's population considers Icelandic as their mother tongue, the number of speakers is declining in communities outside Iceland, especially Canada.