What does kex in Icelandic mean?
What is the meaning of the word kex in Icelandic? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use kex in Icelandic.
The word kex in Icelandic means cookie, biscuit, biscuits, biscuit. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word kex
cookienoun (flat cake) Bara kex sem ég var ađ geyma. Just a cookie I was saving till later. |
biscuitnoun Af ūví ađ tveir svartir náungar voru ađ elta hann međ kex. Because two black guys were chasing him with a biscuit. |
biscuitsnoun Af ūví ađ tveir svartir náungar voru ađ elta hann međ kex. Because two black guys were chasing him with a biscuit. |
biscuitnoun (small sweet baked product) Af ūví ađ tveir svartir náungar voru ađ elta hann međ kex. Because two black guys were chasing him with a biscuit. |
See more examples
Ūađ er mér ađ ūakka ađ ūú ert ekki enn í búri á basarnum gargandi " Polly langar í kex! " If it weren't for me, you'd still be in a cage at the bazaar, squawking, " Polly want a cracker. " |
The barman leant feitur rautt his vopn á borðið og talaði hrossa með blóðleysi cabman, en svart- skegg maður í gráum sleit upp kex og ostur, drakk Burton og conversed í American við lögreglumann á vakt. The barman leant his fat red arms on the counter and talked of horses with an anaemic cabman, while a black- bearded man in grey snapped up biscuit and cheese, drank Burton, and conversed in American with a policeman off duty. |
Breiða lag af þeyttum rjóma yfir hunang Graham kex Spread a layer of whipped cream over the honey graham crackers |
Kex getur verið annað hvort sætt eða salt. Coffee sauce may be sweet or savory. |
Ég fór John með barnið, og sumir kexi í ofninum, og ég get ekki verið með stund, annars John mun brenna allt kex, og gefa barninu alla sykur í skálinni. I left John with the baby, and some biscuits in the oven; and I can't stay a moment, else John will burn up all the biscuits, and give the baby all the sugar in the bowl. |
Af ūví ađ tveir svartir náungar voru ađ elta hann međ kex. Because two black guys were chasing him with a biscuit. |
Ķlífur, kex, kæfu og hvađ? Olives, crackers, pâté, what else? |
Ég gæti ekki gert ráð fyrir að sjá að kerfið, í sjálfu sér kex- Jack væri renna inn í skurður eins og það hafði gert, en öllum sama ég á leiðinni til að viðurkenna að ég gerði ekki yndi hugmyndin um Corky fundar á ný til tíma, hinn mikli heilari, hafði tekist að komast í smá róandi vinnu. I couldn't be expected to foresee that the scheme, in itself a cracker- jack, would skid into the ditch as it had done; but all the same I'm bound to admit that I didn't relish the idea of meeting Corky again until time, the great healer, had been able to get in a bit of soothing work. |
Viltu kex? Would you like a biscuit? |
Fyrir lengri ferðir var þetta kex bakað fjórum sinnum, frekar en tvisvar. For long voyages, hardtack was baked four times, rather than the more common two. |
Þú náðir þér í kex. Hey, you got yourself a fish biscuit. |
Ég er eins og það er ekkert sem ég myndi vilja minna en að vera vinur þinn, það er það sem ég hélt, nú það er ekki gaurinn sem ég vissi, það er ekki gaurinn sem tók mig um strákur tók mig en guð hvað skrúðganga af hryllinginn sem var samt þessi strákur núna er ég að vera svolítið ósanngjarn hér en hann minnir mig þessi strákur með grin hans í bakgrunni eins og ha ha tíu sinnum á dag, og ég er eins og allt í lagi allt í lagi en hún er að fara burt á kex, nákvæmlega, já en það er heillandi hlutur maður I'm like there's nothing I would desire less than being your friend, that's what I thought, now that's not the guy I knew, that's not the guy who took me the other guy took me but god what a parade of horrors that was anyway that guy now I'm being a little unfair here but he reminds me of this guy with his grin in the background like ha ha ten times a day, and I'm like okay okay but she's going off on biscuits, exactly, yeah but it's a fascinating thing man |
Meðan konurnar ræða saman og neyta matarins er barnið á hlaupum út um allt, missir kex á gólfið og mylur það undir fótum sér. While the two women talk and eat, the child runs around in the restaurant, dropping cookies on the floor and crushing them underfoot. |
Èg borðaði kex í rúminu o. s.Frv. Þetta vanalega Eating crackers in bed, you know, the usual stuff |
Ūađ voru sykurhnetur, bláber, og kex. It had pralines, blueberries and a whole bunch of graham crackers. |
Ég þarf epIi, rúsínur, kaniI, rifsber, sítrónur, kex, sykur, appeIsínur, múskat, hveiti, saIt, pipar, neguI, egg og sætindi fyrir börnin I need apples, raisins, cinnamon, currants, Iemons...... crackers, sugar, oranges, nutmeg, flour, salt, pepper...... cloves, eggs, and some candy for the children |
Ég vil ekki kex. I don't want a cookie. |
Þetta er fjölliðan sem þeir setja í Oreo- kex Here, take one of these pills.Slip it under your tongue, it' s a high- concentrate polymer they put in Oreo cookies |
Kex eđa eitthvađ? Oreos or something? |
Fáđu ūér kex og komdu ađ hjálpa mér. Have a biscuit and come and help me. |
Ūađ ūũđir ađ stinga kexinu niđur í teiđ... og láta ūađ liggja ūar í bleyti... og reyna ađ sjá nákvæmlega hvenær kexiđ fer ađ leySaSt upp... ūegar ūú getur sveiflađ ūví upp í munninn á ūér... og notiđ SæluStundarinnar ūegar kex og te renna Saman. Well, it means lowering the biscuit into the tea... and letting it soak in there... and trying to calculate the exact moment before the biscuit dissolves... when you can whip it up into your mouth... and enjoy the blissful union of biscuit and tea combined. |
Kökuskerar [kex] Cookie [biscuit] cutters |
Minnir mig á kex og sķsu. Reminds me of biscuits and gravy. |
Nú, eftir margra hasty hremmir í eldinn, og enn hastier úttektir á fingur hans ( þar sem hann virtist vera steikjandi þá illa ), um síðir að hann tók við í teikningu út kex, þá blása af hita og ösku smá, gerði hann kurteis bjóða af því að litla Negro. Presently, after many hasty snatches into the fire, and still hastier withdrawals of his fingers ( whereby he seemed to be scorching them badly ), he at last succeeded in drawing out the biscuit; then blowing off the heat and ashes a little, he made a polite offer of it to the little negro. |
Áttu hnetur eða kex? Do you have a peanut or a cracker? |
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Do you know about Icelandic
Icelandic is a Germanic language and the official language of Iceland. It is an Indo-European language, belonging to the North Germanic branch of the Germanic language group. The majority of Icelandic speakers live in Iceland, about 320,000. More than 8,000 native Icelandic speakers live in Denmark. The language is also spoken by about 5,000 people in the United States and by more than 1,400 people in Canada. Although 97% of Iceland's population considers Icelandic as their mother tongue, the number of speakers is declining in communities outside Iceland, especially Canada.