What does kapall in Icelandic mean?
What is the meaning of the word kapall in Icelandic? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use kapall in Icelandic.
The word kapall in Icelandic means mare, patience, solitaire. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word kapall
marenoun |
patiencenoun |
solitairenoun |
See more examples
Lesari og kapall fríir. Reading package and cable clear. |
Það er vír eða kapall, grafinn í sandinum. There's a wire, a cable, buried in the sand. |
* Ef þú gætir rakið símalínuna áfram myndirðu finna jarðkapal eða loftlínu sem liggur í tengibox úti í götu, og þaðan liggur kapall að næstu símstöð. * If you were to continue to trace farther, you would find that this line is linked to a cable, on an electric pole or under the ground, that goes to a telephone exchange in a local telephone office. |
Onegee Snúningskrokkarnir eru gerðar úr samsettu efni sem tryggir styrk og þrek. Hengiskúfur og ól eru notaðar til að halda áfram að halda hlutum á sínum stað, ef nauðsyn krefur. Hver teygjanlegt kapall inniheldur tvöfalda renna plastkrókar, sem gerir þér kleift að halda örugglega nokkuð álag. Onegee Bungee cord hooks are made from composite material which guarantees strength and endurance. Bungee cords and straps are utilised to continue to keep things in place, if necessary.Each elastic cable includes dual sliding plastic hooks, permitting you to securely hold pretty much any load. |
Helstu hlutar: Platform, fjöðrunarkerfi, lyftistöng, öryggislás, rafmagnstýringarkerfi, stálvírslöngu, kapall, öryggislás. Main Components: Platform, Suspension Mechanism, Hoist, Lock Safety, Electrical Control System, Steel Wire Rope, Cable, Safety Lock. |
Helstu hlutar: Platform, fjöðrunarkerfi, lyftistöng, öryggislás, rafmagnstýringarkerfi, stálvírslöngu, kapall, öryggislás. Main Components: Platform, Suspension Mechanism, Hoist, Safety Lock, Electrical Control System, Steel Wire Rope, Cable, Safety Lock. |
Edda Gísladóttir - Eigandi og framkvæmdastjóri, Kapall Markaðsráðgjöf Edda Gísladóttir - Owner and SEO, Kapall Marketing |
BR-TC20 20M 4P Eftirnafn Kapall Framleiðendur og birgjar - Hágæða - Brvision Tækni BR-TC20 20M 4P Extension Cable Manufacturers and Suppliers - High-quality - Brvision Technology |
Skjáupplausn: 800 x 600 lágmark (1280 x 1024 mælt með) Nettenging: Breiðband/Háhraða (DSL eða kapall). Screen Resolution: 800 x 600 minimum (1280 x 1024 recommended) Internet Connection: Broadband/High Speed (DSL or Cable). |
- Kapall kemur frá Skandinavíu eða Eystrasaltslöndunum. - Solitaire is of Scandinavian or Baltic origin. |
SAE J1939 kapall má finna í fjölda dísilknúinna forrita, þar á meðal díselbifreiðum, rútur, farartækjum á vegum, torfærutækjum, sjódrifningu, raforkuframleiðslu og iðnaðardælingu. SAE J1939 cable can be found in a number of diesel powered applications including diesel trucks, buses, on-road vehicles, off-road vehicles, marine propulsion, power generation, and industrial pumping. |
Lýsing Kapall fyrir aftanskerfi, 4pin karlskipting til RCA fyrir myndband og hljóð og DC tengi Cable for rearview system,4pin male shift to RCA for video and audio and DC connector |
Mynd 8 tegund kapall Figure 8 type cable |
BR-TC5P-F20 Hjólabúnaður Kaðall Kapall Hluti Fyrir Heavy Duty Lýsing BR-TC5P-F20 Trailer Kits Cable Part For Heavy Duty Description |
Spenna: 220V, 380V, 400V, 415V, 440V, 3-fasa.50HZ / 60HZ Lýsing: Aðalhlutir: Platform, fjöðrunarkerfi, lyftur, öryggislás, rafmagnstæki Kerfi, Stálvírslöngu, Kapall, Öryggislás. Voltage: 220V,380V,400V,415V,440V,3-phase.50HZ/60HZ Description: Main Components: Platform, Suspension Mechanism, Hoist, Safety Lock, Electrical Control System, Steel Wire Rope, Cable, Safety Lock. |
USB-tjóðrun krefst USB gestgjafi snúru (einnig þekkt sem USB OTG kapall)! USB tethering requires a USB host cable (also known as a USB OTG cable)! |
Kapall: spennuflokkur, lengd, þversniðsvæði Cable: voltage class, length, cross-sectional area |
♦ Þessi kapall mun ekki styðja Y, Cr, CB ♦ This cable will not support Y, Cr, Cb |
Þessi AV kapall fyrir hljóð og mynd hentar til að tengja tæki eins og stafræna myndavél við sjónvarp. This AV cable with RCA connectors is suitable for connecting devices such as your game console to your TV. |
Kapall: 3x2.5 2 +2 x1.5 2 GB staðall snúru auk stálkerfis, með meiri togstyrk, lengri líftíma. Cable: 3x2.5 2 +2 x1.5 2 GB standard cable plus steelcore, with greater tensile strength, longer service life. |
BR-6PTC20 Eftirnafn Kapall Notað Fyrir Dual Lens Myndavél Framleiðendur og Birgjar - Hágæða - Brvision Tækni BR-6PTC20 Extension Cable Used For Dual Lens Camera Manufacturers and Suppliers - High-quality - Brvision Technology |
Tafla; vinnuspenningin er hærri en 500V ætti að velja 1000 ~ 2500V megohmmeter, rafallinn með vinnuspennu ekki meira en 380V ætti að velja 1000M megohmmeter; einangrunartæki, kapall, postulínshylki, einangrunarrofi og önnur háspenna í raforkukerfi Fyrir öfgafullan háþrýstibúnað er mælt með því að velja 2500 ~ 5000V megohmmeter. Table; the working voltage is higher than 500V should choose 1000~2500V megohmmeter, the power generator with working voltage not more than 380V should choose 1000M megohmmeter; the insulator, cable, porcelain casing, isolation switch and other high voltage in power system For ultra-high pressure equipment, it is advisable to choose a 2500~5000V megohmmeter. |
MJ-6016 Útiþrýstibúnaður, 3ft kapall fyrir gíslaljós... MJ-6016 Outdoor Extension Cord, 3ft Cable for magics... |
BR-6PTC20 Eftirnafn Kapall Notað Fyrir Dual Lens Myn... BR-6PTC20 Extension Cable Used For Dual Lens Camera Category |
MJ-6016 Útiþrýstibúnaður, 3ft kapall fyrir gí... MJ-6016 Outdoor Extension Cord, 3ft Cable for... |
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Do you know about Icelandic
Icelandic is a Germanic language and the official language of Iceland. It is an Indo-European language, belonging to the North Germanic branch of the Germanic language group. The majority of Icelandic speakers live in Iceland, about 320,000. More than 8,000 native Icelandic speakers live in Denmark. The language is also spoken by about 5,000 people in the United States and by more than 1,400 people in Canada. Although 97% of Iceland's population considers Icelandic as their mother tongue, the number of speakers is declining in communities outside Iceland, especially Canada.