What does kalla in Icelandic mean?
What is the meaning of the word kalla in Icelandic? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use kalla in Icelandic.
The word kalla in Icelandic means call, summon, name. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word kalla
callverb (to name or refer to) Allir eru að kalla eftir allsherjarbreytingum. Everybody is calling for sweeping reforms. |
summonverb Viđ munum nú kalla eftir Morđingjanum úr ánni. We will now summon the Ripper from the river. |
nameverb Hvers vegna viltu kalla allt Flķđa? Why do you want to name everything Hippo? |
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Þá eru eftir 3 af hundraði sem kalla má ferskt vatn. This leaves 3 percent classified as fresh. |
J-U-D-Y... og ég vildi ađ einhver myndi kalla mig ūví nafni. J-U-D-Y and I'd like somebody to call me by my name. |
Þetta skrifaði ung kristin kona sem við skulum kalla Móníku. So wrote one Christian young woman we will call Monique. |
Kæru bræður mínir í prestdæminu, við getum nefnt það heimiliskennslu, umönnun eða persónulega prestdæmisþjónustu, - eða hvað sem þið viljið kalla það – en þetta er kjarni málsins. My brethren of the holy priesthood, when we speak of home teaching or watchcare or personal priesthood ministry—call it what you will—this is what we are talking about. |
Systir, sem við skulum kalla Tönju, segist hafa „haft tengsl við sannleikann á uppvaxtarárunum“ en 16 ára hafi hún yfirgefið söfnuðinn til að „eltast við tálbeitur heimsins“. One sister, whom we will call Tanya, explains that she was “raised around the truth,” but when she was 16, she left the congregation to “pursue worldly enticements.” |
Ekki kalla mig James. Don't call me James. |
Í bók sinni, The Languages of Australia, segir prófessor Dixon: „Ekkert þeirra 5000 tungumála eða þar um bil, sem töluð eru í heiminum, er hægt að kalla ‚frumstætt.‘ In his book The Languages of Australia, Professor Dixon wrote: “There is no language, among the 5,000 or so tongues spoken across the world today, which could be described as ‘primitive.’ |
Hversu oft skal vaktari kalla upp Enter the total number of times to trigger the alarm |
Gaur sem ég kalla Beanie. Cat I like to call Beanie. |
Mó? ir Ramallo kalla? i mig? a? í Tabr- bólinu rétt á? ur en hún dó Mother Ramallo called me that...... at Sietch Tabr, before she died |
Sumir myndu kalla hann hetju. Some would call him heroic. |
Verðir eru leiðtogar sem fulltrúar Drottins kalla til þess að bera sérstaka ábyrgð á velferð annarra. Watchmen are leaders who are called by the Lord’s representatives to have specific responsibility for the welfare of others. |
Vinir mínir kalla mig Kaptein. My friends call me Captain. |
Hann áttaði sig auðvitað á því að Jesús var ekki að kalla hann Satan í bókstaflegum skilningi. He surely knew that Jesus was not calling him Satan the Devil in any literal sense. |
12 Þegar dóminum miðar fram kalla englar til tvennrar uppskeru. 12 As the judgment proceeds, angels call for two harvestings. |
Sumir kalla mig Mikey Gaga. Some of you know me as Mikey Gaga. |
12 Þeir sem sinna ekki viðvörunum hins trúa þjóns kalla óhjákvæmilega erfiðleika yfir sjálfa sig og ástvini sína. 12 Those who ignore warnings issued by the faithful slave inevitably cause harm to themselves and to their loved ones. |
Það er sagt að þegar hatched eftir hæna þeir vilja beint dreifa á sumum viðvörun og svo ert glataður, því að þeir aldrei heyra kalla móður sem safnar þeim aftur. It is said that when hatched by a hen they will directly disperse on some alarm, and so are lost, for they never hear the mother's call which gathers them again. |
Ég skal kalla á leigubíl fyrir þig. I'll call you a taxi. |
Þér skuluð ekki kalla neinn föður yðar á jörðu, því einn er faðir yðar, sá sem er á himnum. Moreover, do not call anyone your father on earth, for one is your Father, the heavenly One. |
6:7) Þeir sem gera sig seka um slíkt kalla yfir sig vanþóknun Jehóva og skaða bæði maka sinn og sjálfa sig. 6:7) Those who commit immorality displease Jehovah and hurt their spouse and themselves. |
Ja, ūú mátt kalla hann reglulegri. Oh, well, you can call it regular. |
Kalla Ray. Come in, Ray. |
□ Hvers konar aðstæður kalla á að við ‚umberum hver annan‘? □ What type of situations call for us to “continue putting up with one another”? |
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Do you know about Icelandic
Icelandic is a Germanic language and the official language of Iceland. It is an Indo-European language, belonging to the North Germanic branch of the Germanic language group. The majority of Icelandic speakers live in Iceland, about 320,000. More than 8,000 native Icelandic speakers live in Denmark. The language is also spoken by about 5,000 people in the United States and by more than 1,400 people in Canada. Although 97% of Iceland's population considers Icelandic as their mother tongue, the number of speakers is declining in communities outside Iceland, especially Canada.