What does innihald in Icelandic mean?

What is the meaning of the word innihald in Icelandic? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use innihald in Icelandic.

The word innihald in Icelandic means content, contents, assay, Contents. To learn more, please see the details below.

Listen to pronunciation

Meaning of the word innihald



Innihald veskisins var horfið.
The contents of the wallet were missing.



Innihald veskisins var horfið.
The contents of the wallet were missing.


verb noun


(The listing of contents at the beginning of a document or file.)

Innihald veskisins var horfið.
The contents of the wallet were missing.

See more examples

En til þess þurfum við innihald.
But in order for us to do that, we need content.
Forskoðunarval Hér getur þú stillt hegðan Konqueror þegar hann sýnir skrár í möppu. Samskiptareglulisti: merktu við þær samskiptareglur sem ætti að sýna forsýn fyrir og afveldu þær sem þú vilt ekki hafa með. Til dæmis gætir þú viljað sjá forsýn af skjölum á SMB ef staðarnetið er nægilega hraðvirkt, en þú mundir kannski vilja aftengja hana fyrir FTP tengingar ef þú tengist oft hægum FTP þjónum með stórar myndir. Hámaks skráarstærð: Veldu hámarks skráarstærð sem þú vilt geta forskoðað. Til dæmis ef sett á #Mb (sjálfgefið) þá verður ekki sýnd forsýn fyrir innihald skjala sem eru stærri en # Mb, vegna þess hve hægvirkt það gæti verið
Preview Options Here you can modify the behavior of Konqueror when it shows the files in a folder. The list of protocols: check the protocols over which previews should be shown; uncheck those over which they should not. For instance, you might want to show previews over SMB if the local network is fast enough, but you might disable it for FTP if you often visit very slow FTP sites with large images. Maximum File Size: select the maximum file size for which previews should be generated. For instance, if set to # MB (the default), no preview will be generated for files bigger than # MB, for speed reasons
sækja innihald umbeðinnar skrár eða möppu% #: response code, % #: request type
retrieve the contents of the specified file or folder
Smelltu á upplýsta línu til að breyta skipuninni. Merkinu " % s " er skipt út fyrir innihald klippispjaldsins þegar skipun er keyrð
Click on a highlighted item 's column to change it. " %s " in a command will be replaced with the clipboard contents
Þú verður að hafa feril og innihald til að skapa merkingu.
But you need to have process and content to create the meaning.
Ūađ var frekar allt innihald ísskápsins á kringlķttri skorpu.
It was more like the entire contents of our refrigerator on a round crust.
Biblían er víðlesnasta og útbreiddasta bók heimsins og því ætti hver sem metur gildi almennrar menntunar að þekkja innihald Ritningarinnar.
The Bible is the world’s most studied and most widely circulated book, so everyone who values education ought to be acquainted with its contents.
& Líma innihald klippispjalds
& Paste Clipboard Contents
Næ í innihald möppu Augnablik... nbsp
Retrieving Folder Contents Please wait... nbsp
Smelltu á þennan hnapp til að breyta uppsetningum á valinni myndavél. Hvort þetta er hægt og innihald stillivalmyndar veltur á tegund myndavélar
Click this button to change the configuration of the selected camera. The availability of this feature and the contents of the Configuration dialog depend on the camera model
Tala innihald klippispjaldsins
Speak Clipboard Contents
Býr til afrit af núverandi ramma, sem sýnir alltaf sama innihald
Create a copy of the current frame, always showing the same contents
Innihald undirritunar: Unknown
Signature Contents
Hinn dýrlega gerði Jesús Kristur gaf Jóhannesi postula röð sýna sem eru innihald Opinberunarbókarinnar.
The glorified Jesus Christ gave the apostle John a series of visions that make up the book of Revelation.
Vel gekk að lesa inn innihald grunnsins!
Successfully downloaded directory server contents
Sósurnar eru af ýmsum toga, innan Bandaríkjanna finnast margar mismunandi hefðir varðandi innihald sósunnar og álíka er að finna í ýmsum löndum.
This type of articulated locomotive is unusual in having different numbers of driving axles in each set, and was only found in the United States of America.
Hins vegar virðist aðferðin við að elda þessar deigplötur ekki líkjast okkar aðferðum í nútímanum hvort sem þær eru ferskar eða þurrkaðar pastaplötur, sem aðeins er sama innihald og ef til vill sömu lögun.
However, the method of cooking these sheets of dough does not correspond to our modern definition of either a fresh or dry pasta product, which only had similar basic ingredients and perhaps the shape.
Því að ég kom í bæinn enn, eins og vingjarnlegur Indian, þegar innihald breið opinn sviðum voru allir hlaðið upp á milli veggja Walden veginum og hálfa klukkustund dugað til obliterate lögin af síðustu ferðast.
For I came to town still, like a friendly Indian, when the contents of the broad open fields were all piled up between the walls of the Walden road, and half an hour sufficed to obliterate the tracks of the last traveller.
Nöfn biblíubókanna eru feitletruð til að auðveldara sé að finna stutt yfirlit um innihald þeirra.
The names of Bible books are in boldfaced type as an aid to identifying their contents.
Skýrslur sýna að margir af þeim milljónum bensíngeyma, sem eru grafnir í jörð hjá bensínafgreiðslustöðvum í þéttbýli og meðfram þjóðvegum, leka, og hið eldfima innihald seytlar niður í jörðina og hafnar að lokum í grunnvatninu.
Many of the millions of underground gasoline storage tanks at the service stations dotting the highways and city streets leak, as reports show, and their highly explosive contents seep into the ground and percolate through the well-water systems.
Límir innihald klippiborðsins
Paste the clipboard contents
Kvikmyndagagnrýni og auglýsingar geta gefið þér einhverja hugmynd um innihald myndarinnar.
Movie reviews and advertisements can give you some idea of the content of a movie.
Hún lýsti munnlega og birti opinberlega innihald sýnanna.
She verbally described and published for public consumption the content of the alleged visions.
Sama alfræðibók segir: „Hreyfingar andrúmsloftsins eru svo flóknar og innihald vatnsgufu og rykagna svo gríðarlega breytilegt að ógerlegt virðist að setja saman ítarlega og almenna kenningu um myndun skýja og úrkomu.“
The same science encyclopedia says: “Because of the complexity of atmospheric motions and the enormous variability in vapor and particle content of the air, it seems impossible to construct a detailed, general theory of the manner in which clouds and precipitation develop.”
Límir innihald klippispjaldsins við núverandi staðsetningu bendilsins inn í textasvæðið
Pastes the clipboard contents at the current cursor position into the edit field

Let's learn Icelandic

So now that you know more about the meaning of innihald in Icelandic, you can learn how to use them through selected examples and how to read them. And remember to learn the related words that we suggest. Our website is constantly updating with new words and new examples so you can look up the meanings of other words you don't know in Icelandic.

Do you know about Icelandic

Icelandic is a Germanic language and the official language of Iceland. It is an Indo-European language, belonging to the North Germanic branch of the Germanic language group. The majority of Icelandic speakers live in Iceland, about 320,000. More than 8,000 native Icelandic speakers live in Denmark. The language is also spoken by about 5,000 people in the United States and by more than 1,400 people in Canada. Although 97% of Iceland's population considers Icelandic as their mother tongue, the number of speakers is declining in communities outside Iceland, especially Canada.