What does hlutverk in Icelandic mean?

What is the meaning of the word hlutverk in Icelandic? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use hlutverk in Icelandic.

The word hlutverk in Icelandic means role, function, task. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word hlutverk



Hann lék mikilvægt hlutverk í nefndinni.
He played an important role on the committee.



Með þessum titli er bent á það hlutverk sem hann hefur gegnt síðan aðrar vitibornar verur urðu til.
This title identifies the function that he has performed since other intelligent creatures came into existence.



Grunnlýsing á ECDC viðbúnaðarteymi: kennsla, kröfur til einstaklinga teymisins og hlutverk þeirra.
a basic description of ECDC crisis team: training, profile and tasks of team members.

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„Mikill múgur“ hinna ‚annarra sauða‘ metur þetta hlutverk hans sérstaklega mikils.
The “great crowd” of the “other sheep” especially appreciate this term.
Hvert var hlutverk hans í lífinu?
What was his purpose in life?
Sama ár var honum boðið hlutverk í Gilmore Girls sem Dean Forester, sem hann lék til ársins 2005.
In 2000, he was cast as Dean Forester on the television series Gilmore Girls, a role he played until 2005.
Hvert er hlutverk trúar í undirgefni við Guð?
What role does faith play in our exercising godly subjection?
Eftir að hann reis upp talaði hann til dæmis við tvo lærisveina, sem voru ráðvilltir vegna dauða hans, og útskýrði hvert hlutverk sitt væri í tilgangi Guðs.
For example, after his resurrection he explained his role in God’s purpose to two disciples who were in a quandary over his death.
Við eigum að vísu í andlegum hernaði og það er hlutverk okkar að brjóta niður „hugsmíðar“ og „vígi.“
True, we are engaged in a spiritual warfare to overturn “strongly entrenched things” and “reasonings.”
Hlutverk Frank fangelsisstjóra var ekki stórt en samt var ég oft og tíðum á sviðinu."
The head count of prisoners remained unchanged, but I was actually away on a distant flight."
Fjallað er um hið mikilvæga hlutverk sem Jesús Kristur, sonur Guðs, gegnir í því að vilji Guðs nái fram að ganga.
The book reveals the vital role that God’s Son, Jesus Christ, has in accomplishing this purpose.
Hlutverk heilags anda í fyrirætlun Jehóva
Holy Spirit’s Role in the Outworking of Jehovah’s Purpose
Árið 1999 var honum boðið hlutverk í sjónvarpsþættinum Shasta McNasty sem Scott.
He also had a main role on the television series Shasta McNasty.
Það er ekki okkar hlutverk að dæma náungann.
It is not our place to sit in judgment of our fellowman.
Hin seinni hét Bad Teacher og var hlutverk hennar þar ólíkt nokkru sem hún hafði leikið áður.
It was a big challenge for the actress, who had to play a different role from those she had done before.
Zachary Levi og Adam Baldwin voru fyrstir til þess að vera ráðnir í febrúar 2007 í hlutverk Chuck Bartowski og NSA fulltrúann Major John Casey.
Zachary Levi and Adam Baldwin were the first two to be cast in February 2007 in the roles of Chuck Bartowski and veteran NSA agent Major John Casey, respectively.
Hvert er hlutverk stjórnandans í Varðturnsnáminu?
What is the role of the Watchtower Study conductor?
Árið 2002 voru flestir stofnendur hættir og hlutverk hópsins fyrst og fremst að miðla upplýsingum.
From 2002 on, most teams have their names with the sponsor first.
Til að fá svar við því voru Páll og Barnabas sendir til Jerúsalem „á fund postulanna og öldunganna“ sem fóru greinilega með hlutverk stjórnandi ráðs safnaðar Guðs. — Postulasagan 15:1-3.
To resolve the matter, Paul and Barnabas were sent “to the apostles and older men in Jerusalem,” who clearly served as a governing body. —Acts 15:1-3.
Þú ‚sóttist eftir‘ því að verða öldungur og gerðir þér grein fyrir að starf umsjónarmanns væri „fagurt hlutverk.“
You ‘reached out,’ or sought to qualify, to be an elder, appreciating that being an overseer is “a fine work.”
Hvaða hlutverk fól Kristur postulunum og öldungunum í Jerúsalem?
How did Christ use the apostles and older men in Jerusalem?
Hlutverk þolinmæðinnar
The Role of Patience
Þótt hann hefði fyrst og fremst það hlutverk að kenna Ísraelsmönnum rétti hann einnig hjálparhönd Samverjum og fólki af öðrum þjóðum.
Though his mission was primarily to teach the Israelites, he also reached out to help Samaritans and Gentiles, or non-Jews.
Félagið starfrækir þrjár mismunandi flugvélategundir fyrir mismunandi hlutverk: Beechcraft Super King Air, Piper Chieftain og Cessna 206.
The company operates three different types of airplanes for various roles; Beechcraft Super King Air, Piper Chieftain and Cessna 206.
Luca, sem er frá Vestur-Evrópu, segir: „Þar sem ég ólst upp var litið á barnauppeldi sem hlutverk eiginkvenna.“
“Where I grew up,” says Luca, who was raised in a Western European land, “people felt that looking after children was a wife’s job.”
Ūađ tekur tíma ađ finna nũja hlutverk manns í nũrri fjölskyldu, ekki satt?
It takes time to find your role in a new family, huh?
Hann vann Óskarsverðlaun einu sinni, fyrir hlutverk sitt í rómantísku gamanmyndinni Það gerðist um nótt (It Happened One Night) frá 1934.
He made his stage debut in A Midsummer Night's Dream and made his motion picture debut in It Happened One Night (1934).
Árið 2004 var viðbótarlánakerfið aflagt og 90% lán buðust öllum og með því varð hlutverk Íbúðalánasjóðs ekki lengur félagslegt heldur að notkun ríkisábyrgðar til þess að veita sem flestum lán til íbúðakaupa á sem lægstum vöxtum.
In November 2009, the National government decided not to offer a more substantial sharing of costs, and it is now estimated that in most cases, around 64% would have to be borne by the owners, 26% by Councils, and only 10% by government funds, while also forcing homeowners to sign away their rights to sue for more.

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Do you know about Icelandic

Icelandic is a Germanic language and the official language of Iceland. It is an Indo-European language, belonging to the North Germanic branch of the Germanic language group. The majority of Icelandic speakers live in Iceland, about 320,000. More than 8,000 native Icelandic speakers live in Denmark. The language is also spoken by about 5,000 people in the United States and by more than 1,400 people in Canada. Although 97% of Iceland's population considers Icelandic as their mother tongue, the number of speakers is declining in communities outside Iceland, especially Canada.