What does hjól in Icelandic mean?

What is the meaning of the word hjól in Icelandic? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use hjól in Icelandic.

The word hjól in Icelandic means wheel, bicycle, bike, Wheel, wheel. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word hjól


noun (a circular device facilitating movement or transportation)

Hvernig lýsti Esekíel því sem var fyrir ofan hin hraðfara hjól stríðsvagnsins?
How did Ezekiel describe what was above the chariot’s fast-moving four wheels?



Þótt ég væri reyndur hjólamaður, leið mér nú eins og ég hefði aldrei áður á hjól stigið.
Although an experienced cyclist, I now felt as though I had never ridden a bicycle.




verb noun

Síðan útbjuggu þær fleiri hjól sem fastatrúboðarnir gætu gefið nýskírðum kirkjuþegnum.
Then they made additional wheels for the full-time missionaries to give to new converts.


verb noun (one of the six simple machines, a circular item that rotates about an axial bearing)

Síðan útbjuggu þær fleiri hjól sem fastatrúboðarnir gætu gefið nýskírðum kirkjuþegnum.
Then they made additional wheels for the full-time missionaries to give to new converts.

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Bifhjól er vélknúið farartæki, yfirleitt á tveimur hjólum, þó sum hafi þrjú hjól.
Solar cars usually have three wheels, but some have four.
Það var hjól hjá hverjum kerúb sem þýddi að hjólin voru fjögur á fjórum stöðum, í ákveðinni afstöðu hvert til annars.
A wheel alongside each cherub would result in four wheels in four related places.
6. (a) Hvernig var eitt hjól innan í öðru?
6. (a) How was it that the chariot had wheels within wheels?
Hjól efnahagsins byrjuðu að snúast.
We got the economy moving.
Bremsur fyrir reiðhjól, hjól
Brakes for bicycles, cycles
Hjól fyrir reiðhjól, hjól
Wheels for bicycles, cycles
Aurbretti fyrir reiðhjól, hjól
Dress guards for bicycles, cycles
Hjólarifklemmur fyrir hjól
Spoke clips for wheels
Sum hjól eru með rörum út frá öxli afturhjólsins til að standa á þegar stokkið er á hjólinu.
A wide-girthed saddle is mounted on the ox’s back for the rider to sit on.
Þeir ákváðu að fá lánuð þrjú reiðhjól en tókst ekki að finna hjól sem hentuðu til fararinnar.
They decided to borrow three bicycles but could not find suitable ones.
Hann smíðaði einnig kerrur (8) og vagna og undir þau setti hann hjól sem voru annaðhvort heilir hlemmar eða með spölum.
He made wooden carts (8) and wagons and crafted the solid or spoked wheels upon which those vehicles rode.
Það vill enginn þetta gagnslausa hjól, félagi
Nobody want your punk- ass bike, cuz
Innri slöngur fyrir reiðhjól, hjól
Inner tubes for bicycles, cycles
Slöngulaus dekk fyrir reiðhjól eða hjól
Tubeless tires [tyres] for bicycles, cycles
Síðan útbjuggu þær fleiri hjól sem fastatrúboðarnir gætu gefið nýskírðum kirkjuþegnum.
Then they made additional wheels for the full-time missionaries to give to new converts.
Hjól ekki úr málmi, óvélknúin, fyrir sveigjanlegar slöngur
Winding spools, not of metal, non-mechanical, for flexible hoses
Stell fyrir reiðhjól, hjól
Frames for bicycles, cycles
Pumpur fyrir reiðhjól, hjól
Pumps for bicycles, cycles
Standar fyrir reiðhjól, hjól [hlutar reiðhjóla, hjóla]
Bicycle stands
Og þessi hjól voru gríðarlega há þannig að þau gátu farið langa vegalengd við aðeins einn snúning um möndul sinn.
And the wheels were enormously high, thus being able to cover a great distance with just one revolution on their axis.
Flott hjól.
Like the bike.
Stýri fyrir reiðhjól, hjól
Handle bars for bicycles, cycles
Hjólanafir fyrir hjól
Cycle hubs
Tannhjól fyrir hjól
Bicycle cranks
Eitt hjól innan í öðru
Wheels Within Wheels

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Do you know about Icelandic

Icelandic is a Germanic language and the official language of Iceland. It is an Indo-European language, belonging to the North Germanic branch of the Germanic language group. The majority of Icelandic speakers live in Iceland, about 320,000. More than 8,000 native Icelandic speakers live in Denmark. The language is also spoken by about 5,000 people in the United States and by more than 1,400 people in Canada. Although 97% of Iceland's population considers Icelandic as their mother tongue, the number of speakers is declining in communities outside Iceland, especially Canada.