What does heita in Icelandic mean?

What is the meaning of the word heita in Icelandic? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use heita in Icelandic.

The word heita in Icelandic means promise, be called, hight. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word heita


verb (to commit to something or action)

„Þeir heita þeim frelsi, þótt þeir séu sjálfir þrælar spillingarinnar.“ — 2. Pétursbréf 2:19.
They ‘promise freedom, while they themselves are slaves of corruption.’—2 Peter 2:19.

be called

verb (to have a specific name)

Við erum að Því komnir að heita Kathleen Turner Overdrive
Uh, we' re on the verge of being called, uh, Kathleen Turner Overdrive


verb (be called)

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heita má ūræll.
To all intents, a slave.
Er ekki ķūægilegt ađ heita Pazzi og búa í Flķrens... ūķtt 500 ár séu liđin?
I think that would make living in Florence with the name Pazzi uncomfortable, even 500 years later.
Hann sagði henni að hún myndi eignast son sem heita myndi Jesús.
He told her she was to have a son whose name would be Jesus.
Viltu vita hvađ ūeir heita?
Oh, you want to know their names?
Geimverur heita ekki " Paul. "
Aliens aren't called " Paul. "
pér ber aô heita honum hollustu pinni.
You owe him your allegiance.
Hvort lag er rúmlega tvær mínútur að lengd og heita þau einfaldlega "Prologue" (e. formáli) og "Epilogue" (e. eftirmáli).
Each track is roughly two minutes long, and are named simply Prologue and Epilogue.
Ekki var hægt að tengja uppgefið heiti við tiltekna vél. Gaktu úr skugga um að netuppsetning þín sé án árekstra milli heita á Windows og UNIX véla
The given name could not be resolved to a unique server. Make sure your network is setup without any name conflicts between names used by Windows and by UNIX name resolution
Hvađ heita ūeir?
Father, what are they called?
Viđ vorum í heita pottinum.
We were out in the hot tub, so I didn't have it on me.
Og ég skal hundur heita ef ég læt helvítin skemma ūađ.
And I'll be damned if I'm gonna see it destroyed by those bastards.
Hvađ heita ūau?
What are their names?
Megum við halda áfram í trú með gleði í hjarta og heita þrá til að halda sáttmála.
May we go forth with faith, cheerful hearts, and a great desire to be covenant keepers.
SUMIR FUGLAR NOTA annars konar heita bletti til að unga út eggjum sínum.
SOME BIRDS USE ready-made hot spots as incubators.
Jesaja 7:14 segir okkur: „Fyrir því mun [Jehóva] gefa yður tákn sjálfur: Sjá, yngismær verður þunguð og fæðir son og lætur hann heita Immanúel.“
Isaiah 7:14 tells us: “Therefore Jehovah himself will give you men a sign: Look! The maiden herself will actually become pregnant, and she is giving birth to a son, and she will certainly call his name Immanuel.”
ūađ er ađ heita má stimplađ á enniđ á ūér.
It's practically stamped on your forehead.
Ég er hrifinn af þrumara en efast um að barn vildi heita það.
I mean, I enjoy a hearty puttanesca myself, but I'm not sure that a child would appreciate the moniker.
Allir þegnar kirkjunnar verða lærisveinar með því að taka á móti skírnarsáttmálanum og heita því að vera vitni Jesús Krists alltaf og alls staðar, hvar sem þeir kunna að vera staddir.2 Tilgangur vitnisburðargjafar okkar er að bjóða fólki að koma til hans.
Every member of the Church, upon accepting the baptismal covenant, becomes a disciple who has promised to stand as a witness of Jesus Christ at all times in any place he or she may be in.2 The purpose of our witness is to invite people to come unto Him.
Lätum ūetta gott heita.
Let's call it a day.
Hér međ legg ég hald á landiđ og auđæfi ūess... í nafni Jakobs konungs fyrsta... og læt byggđina heita eftir honum.
I hereby claim this land and all its riches... in the name of His Majesty King James the First... and do so name this settlement Jamestown.
12 Hvaða stuðning fékk gyðingastúlkan María þegar hún heyrði þessi tíðindi: „Þú munt þunguð verða og son ala, og þú skalt láta hann heita Jesú“?
12 Consider the support that the virgin Jewess Mary received when hearing the news: “You will conceive in your womb and give birth to a son, and you are to call his name Jesus.”
Bræður hans heita Óðinn og Vé.
Their names are Trưng Trắc and Trưng Nhị.
Viltu heita mjķlk?
You want some hot milk?
Hæ, Joe, ég er međ eina heita fyrir ūig.
Hi, Joe, I got a hot one for you.
Þar sem áin fellur niður í gljúfrið eru fossar sem heita Kolufossar.
When the man is drowning in the water, it represents painters like Fang Lijun.

Let's learn Icelandic

So now that you know more about the meaning of heita in Icelandic, you can learn how to use them through selected examples and how to read them. And remember to learn the related words that we suggest. Our website is constantly updating with new words and new examples so you can look up the meanings of other words you don't know in Icelandic.

Do you know about Icelandic

Icelandic is a Germanic language and the official language of Iceland. It is an Indo-European language, belonging to the North Germanic branch of the Germanic language group. The majority of Icelandic speakers live in Iceland, about 320,000. More than 8,000 native Icelandic speakers live in Denmark. The language is also spoken by about 5,000 people in the United States and by more than 1,400 people in Canada. Although 97% of Iceland's population considers Icelandic as their mother tongue, the number of speakers is declining in communities outside Iceland, especially Canada.