What does heimili in Icelandic mean?
What is the meaning of the word heimili in Icelandic? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use heimili in Icelandic.
The word heimili in Icelandic means home, household, home (building). To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word heimili
homenoun (house or structure in which someone lives) Hún er dálítið löskuð og í klakaböndum en samt heimili. A bit trampled and busted and covered in ice, but it's home. |
householdnoun Hér erum viđ, fađir og tveir synir, sem komast af á heimili án kvenna. So, here we are, a father and two sons, surviving in a household without women. |
home (building)(dwelling-place used as a permanent or semi-permanent residence for an individual,family,household or several families in a tribe. It is often a house, apartment, or other building, or alternatively a mobile home,houseboat,yurt, other portable shelter) |
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Dætur Skotans eru á heimili Poltroon-fjölskyldunnar. The Scotsman's daughters are at the Poltroon's house. |
Ég vil ekki ađ hún flækist frá einu heimili til annars án ūess ađ minnast ūess ađ einhverjum hafi ūķtt vænt um hana. I don't want her shunted from one foster home to another without even one memory of ever having been loved. |
Það hefur í för með sér óhamingju og eymd, stríð, fátækt, samræðissjúkdóma og sundruð heimili. The result is unhappiness and misery, wars, poverty, sexually transmitted diseases, and broken homes. |
Sjónvarpið, sem nú er til á nánast hverju heimili, hefur gengið í gegnum hljóðláta byltingu. TV —this ubiquitous box has been at the heart of a subtle revolution. |
Í byrjun vetrar náði sovéska leyniþjónustan (KGB) mér í Tartu á heimili Lindu Mettig sem var dugleg systir, nokkrum árum eldri en ég. As winter set in, the Soviet State Security Committee (KGB) caught up with me in Tartu at the home of Linda Mettig, a zealous young Witness a few years older than I. |
Byggðu upp heimili þitt Revelation —Its Grand Climax At Hand! |
Það er engu að síður þungbær reynsla fyrir hvaða fjölskyldu sem er að yfirgefa heimili sitt. Nevertheless, it is still a traumatic experience for any family to abandon their home. |
En eftir Harmagedón verður paradís á jörð miklu meira en aðeins fögur heimili og skrúðgarðar. After Armageddon, however, the paradise on earth will include much more than simply beautiful homes, gardens and parks. |
Ekki okkar heimili. Not our home. |
Velkomin á heimili okkar. Welcome to our home. |
Sá sem gerðist sekur um manndráp af slysni varð að yfirgefa heimili sitt og flýja í næstu griðaborg. Það kennir okkur að lífið sé heilagt og að við verðum að bera virðingu fyrir því. The fact that an unintentional manslayer had to leave his home and flee to a city of refuge for a period of time teaches us that life is sacred and that we must have respect for it. |
15:4-9) Við viljum ekki vera menn sem hafa á sér yfirskin guðhræðslunnar en iðka hana ekki á „eigin heimili.“ 15:4-9) We do not want to be persons who have a form of godly devotion but who fail to practice it “in their own household.” |
Ábyrgðarskyldum dagsins er lokið. Aronsprestdæmishafar hafa búið sig undir hvíldardaginn og eru nú samankomnir á heimili bróður og systur Maiwiriwiri. The responsibilities of the day are fulfilled, and holders of the Aaronic Priesthood have prepared for the Sabbath and are now gathered at the home of Brother and Sister Maiwiriwiri. |
Hún er okkar heimili. It's our home. |
Hún átti ekkert heimili, engan samastað.Um miðjan desember í Buffalo She had no home, no place to go in the middle of December in Buffalo |
• Hvað þurfa börn og unglingar, sem alast upp á kristnu heimili, að ákveða sjálf? • What choice is placed before all young ones raised by dedicated parents? |
Fólk vill sómasamleg og falleg heimili og eitthvert land með trjám, blómum og görðum. People want decent homes and some land with trees, flowers, and gardens. |
„Við urðum að yfirgefa heimili okkar og skilja allt eftir — föt, peninga, skjöl, mat — allt sem við áttum,“ útskýrir Viktor. “We had to abandon our home, leaving everything behind—clothes, money, documents, food—everything we possessed,” explained Victor. |
Ūarna hafđi ég fundiđ mér heimili. It seemed I had found a home. |
(Jóhannes 10:25-27) Margir vottar hafa á líkan hátt boðið foreldrum sínum að flytja inn á heimili sitt — og uppskorið margar gleðistundir og blessun. (John 19:25-27) Many Witnesses have similarly invited their parents to move in with them —and have experienced many joyful times and blessings as a result. |
Þau ólu upp þrjú börn sem eru nú frá brotnu heimili Three beautiful kids they raised, who are now from a broken home |
Okkur ūykir leitt ađ hafa skapađ ringulreiđ inni á heimili ūínu en systir okkar er veik. We're sorry we brought chaos into your home but our sister is sick. |
Systir, sem býr við andstöðu á trúarlega sundurskiptu heimili, getur stundum virst stutt í spuna. A sister who is suffering persecution in a divided household may not greet us cheerfully. |
Þegar hann undirbjó jörðina fyrir heimili handa manninum bjó hann svo um hnútana að hún gæti gefið ríkulega af sér, meira en nóg handa öllum. In preparing the earth as man’s home, he made it capable of producing an abundance, more than enough for all. |
4: Hvernig getur trúaður eiginmaður viðhaldið friði á trúarlega skiptu heimili? 4: How Can a Believing Husband Maintain Peace in a Divided Household? |
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Do you know about Icelandic
Icelandic is a Germanic language and the official language of Iceland. It is an Indo-European language, belonging to the North Germanic branch of the Germanic language group. The majority of Icelandic speakers live in Iceland, about 320,000. More than 8,000 native Icelandic speakers live in Denmark. The language is also spoken by about 5,000 people in the United States and by more than 1,400 people in Canada. Although 97% of Iceland's population considers Icelandic as their mother tongue, the number of speakers is declining in communities outside Iceland, especially Canada.